Enduring damage hand mod

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Imsms08, Feb 11, 2014.

  1. Imsms08 New Player

    Please change this to make the highest damage % last 20 seconds. That way the cast time users still get their 60% mod and powers with out a cast time can use this. Case and point lightning, rage and hard light don't really have hand mods that help them at really, this change would be a win win for dps. I'm sure there are other powers dps wise that don't find the hand mods useful outside of powers with finishers or cast times.
  2. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    Then what would be the point in a rotation? Might as well just spam all your powers with little thought as to the order.
  3. DarkSyde79 Loyal Player

    Enduring Damage is fine for the most part. The most I would luv to see is its effects being extended by 10 second to 30 seconds total.

    That said, although several powersets see no beneficial use from it, I think this could be remedied thru the introduction of a 60% Damage Modifying superpower to the Iconic tree.

    This would give access to powersets without a 60% DM and not devalue the mod altogether as most powerset’s rotations can easily keep 50% DMs as is.