Empowered Channeling + Hard Light Powers = Wasted Socket

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Sodam Yat, Feb 23, 2014.

  1. Sodam Yat Dedicated Player

    Anyone else notice this?

    It says in empowered channelings description that it SHOULD work for HL powers like Light Blast, Minigun and Chainsaw intimidation but it just doesnt at all. Even with the mod in it takes just 1 lunge and your automatically interrupted. Like I wouldn't mind so much if it was multiple lunges and it glitched a bit but right now its 1 single lunge, the mod just doesn't work at all.

    Worst thing for me is that it works PERFECTLY for powers like Heat vision, Freeze Breath and especially that op 35% for gadgets, photon blast.

    Please take a look at this devs this desperately needs to be looked at.
    if anyone else has noticed this with HL or any other powers plz post here so we can get it fixed.