Emote Cutscenes. Can we not?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Control Creed, Nov 29, 2020.

  1. Control Creed Well-Known Player

    Can we lose the emote cutscenes? They are getting long and tiresome, given you are running the content daily it's a bit much.

    I wouldn't mind it like we did it for the Titans DLC where you teleport somewhere for that kinda thing and don't have to repeat it.

    I would prefer the skippable comicbooks at the end of missions like the leveling 1- 30 missions.

    Please, it adds so much time and boredom to daily content.
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  2. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    I would prefer the comic cut scenes as well but unfortunately those aren't available any more. They were outsourced from another art company and I think Mepps said cost somewhere around $3000. I wish the art dept at Dimensional Ink could do their own comic cutscenes.
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  3. BumblingB I got better.

    The comic book cutscenes were very restrictive to produce, not just costly. If I remember right, they weren't outsourced, that was the Studio Blur animated videos that we see when we load the game for the first time. (Which, those videos cost a fortune to develop, but man were they worth it.) I could be wrong, they also could have been done by another studio.

    The comic book cutscenes had to be developed way in advanced. Way before the DLC's actual development happened. Which made it very restrictive to make last minute changes to the DLC. They also required a significant amount of space in the game. Which is also part of the reason why the switch had to be adjusted to not include them.
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  4. Control Creed Well-Known Player

    Fair enough.. maybe just voice overs when going to the next area or do the emotes at the end and let us skip it?
  5. Control Creed Well-Known Player

    Maybe put them at the end after the scorecard? That way you can bounce?

    At least shorten them... the new alert, it's starting to get to me.
  6. Deathsaurus Well-Known Player

    I like cutscenes.
    The game will be boring mindless story-less grind without them, and if there will be option to skip it, there will be almost no chance to actually see it.
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  7. BumblingB I got better.

    Cutscenes are designed to do two things, promote the story and set the scene for battle. Just sometimes the stories are a little longer than necessary. I do think a skip feature is needed for all group content, because they have the tools for it. Just set it at the start of the instance and get that fade to black thing they do for the solos and duos.
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  8. tukuan Devoted Player

    I had wondered why they weren't added to the alerts/raids myself. I suppose there might be a concern that people will get kicked if they don't skip after week 1.

    Personally I don't mind cutscenes but then again I'm on PC so if they are too tedious I can just flip a browser window forward and check my mail or I often have an article or something I'm reading in the background.
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  9. BumblingB I got better.

    Haha, people will kick for everything. So eh. Not a big deal, just make it happen. They have the tech for it.

    As for what you do, yeah, I do too. lol Alt+tab ftw.
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