Elitist or just knowing your role--a gripe

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by anotherpacifist, Sep 23, 2013.

  1. anotherpacifist Well-Known Player

    For those who love a SOB story, here's one for you:

    Pug Trigon. Healer and troller from the same league. Tank with no league. Me dpsing (with troller spec, but I can do enough damage).
    From the start, no p0t. And I mean no p0t for a looooonnng time, just hear the recharge zing. Healer letting health drop below 1/2 before healing. Tank using tons of power.
    We slug along, me drinking half a stack of soda.
    Get to the final boss, wiped 2 times.
    Found out the troll is brand new CR 87. Gave some hints regarding p0t. Asked healer to heal before health dips too much. No use...wipe again.
    I ask to be excused.

    Encounter the same tank in Trigon again, this time I'm trolling. I put out 120k of power for the dps and the tank each at the end (yes, seriously).
    I get to be accused of being elitist by the tank.

    Has Trigon become the new Courthouse--where any troller who doesn't know the role comes in, where any tank who doesn't block but spam powers, where pug wipes occur because people don't know their roles?
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  2. spack2k Steadfast Player

    welcome to DCUO the mmorpg where u dont need to earn ur combatrating :)
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  3. MercPony Devoted Player

    Yeah its kinda sad you get accused of being an elitist when you are just trying to show/tell someone how to play the role they are playing. Teaching others is common place in an MMO, don't be afraid to teach and don't be afraid to let people teach you!
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  4. Lightful New Player

    No, you're not an elitist.

    Skill wise, they didn't even perform at the bare minimum.

    An elitist wants much more than bare minimum. They want 100 Cr, 84757483 SP, fully experienced player since beta, with mic, only HL dps, only nature heals, only ice tank, only 2000+ vit troll....for Kahndaq....

    That's the mindset of an elitist. Complete overkill.

    If you're only asking for the bare minimum, I salute you wherever you are.
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  5. 12AngelOfLife21 Loyal Player

    No offense, but the fact that you want healers to waste power says something. You get one cut and expect healers to top you up? Really? When I pop one heal, I can get a lot of 3,000 point+ crits to all roles. Considering tanks are really the only ones running around with over 6000 health, I can get you to full health when you are down to about a third of your health, lol. Just saying. You see, some healers don't want to waste power and heal every time someone gets a little cut. We do that, we won't have the power to heal you when you really need it.
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  6. Lightful New Player

    Letting the health bar drop to 1/2 is unacceptable. At the very least, it should be kept at around 80% and up. That way if they start taking heavy damage, I have enough wiggle room to bounce them back up.
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  7. 12AngelOfLife21 Loyal Player

    So you want healers to waste power so they have no power when an important heal is actually necessary too than, lol? Seriously? My heals hit, at a minimum, about 1400 to 1500, and that's a minimum. Crits for everyone go for as high as 3000 to 4000. I've even seen crits to non tanks come close to 5000 a few times. I've crit tanks for between 6000 and 7000 on several occasions. Now, considering most roles who are T5 and up have around 5000 health, give or take, healing someone when their health is at 80% is EXTREME overkill. I'd be OVER healing if I did that. Sorry, but unlike some of you players, I choose to NOT waste power so I will actually have some power there when it is actually necessary to heal. It's called being a benefit to the team and not a detriment.
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  8. Lightful New Player

    My HoTs maintain that 80% and up. My power bar is full almost all the time.

    Regardless of how inefficient you make it sound, leaving the bar at 50% is a perfect example of how to wipe.
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  9. Nodens Dedicated Player

    I'd say the only thing elitist about your story was the part where you felt it necessary to tell us that the Troller was a brand new CR 87. Knowing your role (or not knowing) is not synonymous with CR. I won't even group with anyone who relies on CR.
    For the rest of your story, I'd recommend putting those people on ignore.
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  10. 12AngelOfLife21 Loyal Player

    Nope. It's a perfect example of being efficient and healing when healing is actually necessary. I mean, healing for every little cut IS inefficient and it's how healers end up wasting way more power than necessary. It's asking for trolls to keep you fed more, which in turn feeds the rest of the group less. THAT is the perfect example of how to wipe, lol.
  11. Lightful New Player

    Like I said, HoTs efficiently maintain the health bar. If players are sitting at half bar, they're going to end up dropping.

    I hope you're not on USPS3; we have enough unskilled players.
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  12. ElectricPhoton New Player

    Actually, no.
    Why? One shots.
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  13. 12AngelOfLife21 Loyal Player

    Sorry, but since I heal ONLY when healing is absolutely necessary, which is how skilled healers heal, than I'm not quite unskilled am I, lol? It's the unskilled healers who waste power healing every little cut, NOT the skilled ones. The skilled healers heal at the right moment when doing so is actually beneficial to the group. Players sitting at half bar aren't going to drop at all if they are skilled themselves.

    I guess I can reiterate what you said since YOU are the one showing lack of skill by healing every little cut someone gets. That's lazy and tells me you have no care for the group as a whole.
  14. 12AngelOfLife21 Loyal Player

    One shots are called one shots for a reason. Regardless of where your health is, you are going to get one shotted, lol. Healing someone, no matter how much, won't save them from a one shot. That is the whole idea behind them, you know, and it's why healing someone for every little cut is a stupid tactic that shows lack of skill and experience. When I heal for 1400 to 1500 at a minimum, I can wait until their health drops to 70% at least before popping a heal. Saves power for when healing is absolutely necessary, and it's less struggling for the trolls. You see, like other truly skilled healers, I don't heal unless it's absolutely necessary to do so.
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  15. Conduit New Player

    In content that can be punishing in the most unexpected of times, as a DPS, I expect my HP to be higher than 3/4 because otherwise I'll die from splash damage or from the occasional counter. Tie5 content hurts.
    I don't think he means to spam, he simply means that the health bars shouldn't reach the half way point at any time in an instance. That's just to be safe.
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  16. Whiteroom New Player

    Given that in T5 you can go from 50% health to 0% in the blink of an eye, its probably not best to play that game.

    The opposite of course being the healer that is spamming heals before anyone gets hit.
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  17. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    I don't want anyone to spam power, but I'd rather it was a healer spamming power to ensure the group don't wipe than a DPS spamming power to get through the instance quicker. With that being said, if the healer is wasting power when everyone is at full health, then it becomes an issue. Do ranged attacks if you don't need to heal anyone.
  18. Lightful New Player

    If we group up, remind me to kick you and ignore you.

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  19. H.. Committed Player

    Funny, I just saw these statements in the chat window today -
    - "CR100 and Expert Mod armor ONLY"!

    - And," CR 99 plus and, no scrubs - please".
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  20. 12AngelOfLife21 Loyal Player

    Ignorance? How so? I don't waste power. You want me to waste power. Seems the only ignorance is on your part.