Elite Gear and why bother ?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Green Lantern Fadi, May 25, 2024.

  1. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    Hey guys .
    So last dlc I had full on elite gear and this dlc dropped and literally the lowest item is better than elite gear.
    So my question is , do you guys bother farming for elite ? Since pretty much the next dlc will top the gear anyway.

    I feel like “elite” gear should at least lasts two dlc lol
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  2. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Since only 4 items have a noticeable impact from the affinity mods and 2 OP items already grant you half of that, you only really have to grind for 2 more to get the majority of the bonus that comes from elite gear.

    However, since Episodes last 4-6 months you have plenty of time to get it.
    Also, you get a discount on the normal gear if you purchased the elite gear 1st, so thats an effective cost reduction of 240 marks. So if you care about feats, thats the way to go. If not, dont bother. At least for the whole set.
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  3. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I came to the same realization with the previous DLC. I had full elite gear too from Shock to the System, and when Justice League Dark Cursed came out, my first piece of dropped Green gear was by far superior to my elite gear. I have since taken the stance of why bother? I don't play elite now for the elite gear, just to have a challenge every now & then.
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  4. iTiredOfTheLies Active Player

    I do it for the feat only! I hate the grind for both sets. 3 sets actually! But… I do the lower tier set on alts, and buy over the feat. And do the renown on each of my 3 mains. It’s so needlessly boring though! Like… we start off going into the new stuff with our old stuff, and we can complete it fine. All current elites were done at 426-430cr. Doesn’t actually need any levelling at all.

    If there were no feats attached - I’d never go aftervelite gear. And I really do think they should do away with it and bring back the old OP drops. Yiu really had a sense of luck and weird achievement when you got those.
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  5. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Grinding out elite gear isn't worth the headache.
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  6. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    If they plan to stick it out with stats revamp and address the issue with the clamp they need to stop making a elite gear. Gear in General especially op gear is a base stat which is part of stats revamp clamp you will eat 70% stat clamp even at end game. To address this issue they need to either make Elite gear percent based instead of stat based or take the leap to Elite plus gear and make that percent based which won't be affected by stats revamp clamp. Player won't see much progression with regular gear because it is a base stat instead they will feel progression with percent based gear. They then need to address the skill point tree and how that is also based on base stats which is affected by stats revamp clamp a new window needs to be addressed where we can add points to increase percentages instead of base stats which are affected by this revamp by a large amount. This is why player retention is so minimal and nobody hangs on very long after an episode
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  7. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    im in the same boat as u :)
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  8. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    i agree 100%
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  9. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    it was fun in the past but now and with the lag , oh hell no loll

    normal stuff takes ages to finish due to lag >.>
  10. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I wouldn't say I 'grind' for it, I don't use replays, don't ALWAYS run Elite, and will save all my renown till I can hit 6500 in one shot(5200+ renown booster), so won't wear any Elite till I wear ALL Elite. That having been said, there is a feat applied for the set, so yeah...I get it every time I can. The solo/duos make it easier as most are pretty quick and seldom end in a poop show (had to solo Bizarro last night as the other guy bailed...wasn't too bad with a shield for carrying the barrels).

    Almost more frustrating is when the OP piece is a piece of the style set, and you'll be paying for 1 piece (2 pieces this time due to the back still being good) just to delete/prestige the piece seconds after buying it. I like when the OP piece is the neck or mask, where I could just skip buying the vendor piece (elite or regular) and use the OP one.

    But yes, I hate trashing my Elite gear on day 1. Generally I'll just open greens till I have the blues at full unlock level (434 this time I think) and not apply any of them, still using my Elite gear as long as I can. The +1 CR isn't that big a deal to me, and it makes me feel like I get a bit more bang for my buck. Once I hit full blue level, I'll trash it though. All good things....
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  11. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    I agree with everything you said 100%
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  12. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    It's all about clout (whether self gratification or impressing others) and/or feats, and they know it. They know players will grind for it just to feel they "completed" the episode. It's not really needed. Simply more episode fluff contributing to episode duration/player retention.

    The chase (and FOMO) keeps people around.
  13. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    Renown comes pretty easily and the elite gear is only a little more expensive than the regular gear. Usually by the time the 2nd bonus marks week rolls around I have a bunch of marks with nothing to spend them on other than new items added to the vendor and I usually have enough to buy them several times over (I do and sell them). So considering all that, why wouldn't you get the elite gear?
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  14. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    So, you found another way to one shot? Me thinks you might be a rascal lol ;p
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  15. MystoganJella Well-Known Player

    Other Then The Feat I Would Say People Probably Also Like To Go For Full Elite Gear To Increase There Stats To It’s Fullest Potential As Well
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  16. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    That was my motivation. Of course, I'm no longer motivated to do that anymore for a couple of reasons, one being mentioned by me above, the other, the most glaring one..., well..., we all know.
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  17. Great Architect Loyal Player

    If you don't buy anything other than Elite Gear, it's fine - filling out the whole Regular set and then buying full Elite would be way beyond what I could be bothered to do, so I just buy Elite when I have the Renown, and get the Style Feats for the Regular and whatever missing parts I might have for the Purple Gear with SM when the Episode falls into EEG - you still get the discount even when you're only paying SM for them, and the discount for the Elite set is applied to the Regular and Purple sets.
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  18. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I gets them where I can in today's game.:D
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  19. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    There are still style sets I don't have the feat for because I won't buy reg gear till I buy elite for the discount. And even then, I'll buy the reg set on NOT my main to spread the marks load (less so, once things hit EEG and that marks cost is like 50 marks for 1/2 price after the feat).
  20. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    I noticed the other day that the the Gentleman Ghost back does not say Elite; and on changing out gear, I noticed it does not count as Elite. I think this was reported at the start of the last episode, but I had forgotten about it.

    Either the devs did not fix it, or they do not intend OP items to count as Elite going forward.