Elite content and survival mode paradigm shift?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by AJPro, Mar 12, 2021.

  1. Shalayah Committed Player

    I mean real life principles still hold it’s part in the video game realm. The best players typically get the best rewards. The guys willing to put time into things they want tend to get it. If you complain because it’s too hard or you can’t get it. That’s not on the game to make sure you get it when they already set the stipulations. It’s on the person holding the controller to get better at the game so they can get access to the things they want.
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  2. Shalayah Committed Player

    Lets be real. You’re right that the harder jobs aren’t paid more than somd people who just sit at a desk all day, but how about I put it in another way. 2 people who work the same job umm hmmm... IT. The guys with the most experience, more impressive resume, and are looked at as top of their craft usually get paid much more than the guy who probably just graduated from school, never had any projects outside of work and is just looking to get the median pay.

    You understand where this is going right? All of us on DC are in the same field. The elitists are the experienced guys who have the best gear because they put more effort into the game than the average player. Heck you don’t even have to be an elitist to get the best gear but you do have to be good enough to where the opportunities arise.
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  3. Savior Prime Dedicated Player

    I didn't voice my opinion to be put down. I didn't call anyone stupid, or weak, or low SP. So no call for that insult. I wasn't talking about people who do SM, I was commenting on SM itself. Want to get that out of the way.

    I stated, while it IS the hardest content in the game, there are no real rewards aside from cosmetics...which doesn't make you stronger, more skilled, or higher CR. No progression. I basically stated that I feel it's a waste of time to do the HARDEST content for basically no rewards is not for me and I don't see the point outside of bragging rights... PvP used to be a way to pit yourself over someone or another team....but the Devs have completely abandoned PvP.

    If I'm going to spend hours doing the hardest content...I want more than a cookie when I beat it. Thats what I'm saying.
  4. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    Not to derail the topic, but to dig a little deeper into why it would matter to you about SM.

    If you don't enjoy certain types of content, doesn't really matter if for this game or not, and it really doesn't progress you whether you run it or not, would you still want to play it for hours on in?

    What changes had the biggest impact on PvP again and other than nothing being done for PvP, is there anything that actually be done to make PvP more enjoyable?
  5. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    I just wish they got as much time as they needed. I’m trying my best to get my friend to round 15 in time, but the pressure is getting to me.
  6. High Troller Loyal Player

    this disturbed player just gave me the answer about why i'm not so special after all. couldn't this guy say the same thing about brick earth tanking?

  7. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Look, we all know that guy’s deal. I’m trying to do science here. :p
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  8. High Troller Loyal Player

    i did not get the chance to try earth tanking tonight. i didn't have group makeup in the league tonight. the average sm group would not want me as a tank in sm and i guess i can't blame them.
  9. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Why not?
  10. zNot Loyal Player

    I can for sure agree with you when it comes to the rewards for the Hardest content in the game currently we have SM ( free content for all players) if this is giving us cosmetic bragging stuffs its something to flex with and free.

    What i hope is that for Elite Raids (costs money to play membership/having the episode) so i hope we can get unique things that makes our character stronger i said it in the past that Elite raid content should reward us better i wouldnt mind a RNG best in slot gear dropps or something else (paradox had this) but this in mind Elite content should also be designed not be speedrushed and needs to be harder on the Tanks/healers.

    If we look at SM,Tanks are able to take hits from bosses that are level 500+ I hope the devs know how strong support rolls are in dcuo they really gotta up the difficulty on support rolls and make some bossfights for 2 full time Tanks (no off Tank) and Elite content is there to stay relevant for 4+ months so the difficulty should also be according to this fact.

    SM is really popular currently many groups going on showing that people want a challenge and that it is a healthy way to increase longevity and population of content also origin crisis winning the episode bracket list and the other Top 4 episodes in the bracket list all have higher difficulty then most Elite raids should also show that people simply want a challenge.

    Now Elite Raid content shouldnt be there for renown only because we will get a Elite duo and a Elite alert people so that people that want renown can spamm them and then be geared for Elite raids for endgame/best in slot rewards this is how it should be imo
    First gear up = play the dlc = then play the hardest content

    I also would like to see the progression/gearing system change to be more meaningfull.
  11. High Troller Loyal Player


    my primary toons i play (not listed below) are in a small villain league. one could say i could blame myself for putting myself in a small league, but what can i say... we all like certain kinds of mutual things ( ).
  12. 9001BPM Steadfast Player


    ... I mean, why couldn’t you just join a group in LFG?
  13. High Troller Loyal Player

    there's a story behind the beard. i don't wanna spoil that publicly for those that haven't watched season 2 star trek discovery.

    many groups ask questions like "sp?" "arts?" or they look that toon up on the census first
  14. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Oh really? So what I’m hearing is, it’s not just a matter of pulling your bootstraps up and meeting the challenge if we only have a window of a month and then never again if you want something in particular? Is that what you’re telling me?
  15. Ryazan Dedicated Player

  16. High Troller Loyal Player

    i guess i could just queue up and victimize a few randos on my earth tank.