Elite content and survival mode paradigm shift?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by AJPro, Mar 12, 2021.

  1. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    You ordered the Code Red, didn't you, Colonel Jessup?
  2. Shalayah Committed Player

    I do have a get good attitude, but there’s nothing wrong with it as I’m not being toxic about it. I’m telling you to get good if you want access to the best gear in the game. Which is what the devs are encouraging you to do. You just want to bypass the challenge but that’s YOUR choice. Nobody is saying you have to run elite content if you don’t want to, but if you want access to certain things that are locked behind elite content. Then that’s always gonna be the answer when you complain about how certain things aren’t accessible to you.

    “Get good”

    As said before. You aren’t entitled to anything. If you want it. You’re gonna have to figure out a way to get it instead of crying about how the content you don’t want to play has things you want.
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  3. Shalayah Committed Player

  4. Shalayah Committed Player

  5. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    I wanted to PM you but I can’t so... This PTFreeze fella is on EU like you and me... want to help me prove a point? PM me if you can, so I don’t get done for derailment. :)
  6. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    Do you know what surprises me in this situation? Hypocrisy. When people who themselves in past topics are indignant about the TC, artifacts, alts, now they tell others that some kind of content is not for everyone, while not realizing that the same argument can be presented to them about their indignation in other topics.
    SP, styles from the TC? you know, they are for those who know how to make money in real life, or for those who know how to use the game economy. Can't you? well, then these things are not for you. Are artifacts at level 200 fast? the same thing, these are also things not for everyone ... Great Alts? yes, yes, this is also for people who know how to properly allocate resources, or those who in real life know how to make money ... yes? How do you say? "get good"?
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  7. bradleymsimmons Well-Known Player

    Forgive me if it's already been discussed. Can someone please help me understand... the other day, I could queue up for Survival Mode and now I cannot. I am high 280s CR. Now the requirement to get in is a minimum of 310? Did it change or was the lower CR the other day a mistake?
  8. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    It was a mistake, was always meant to be 310
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  9. Rejchadar Inquisitor

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  10. Savior Prime Dedicated Player

    There is no reason to do survival mode other than cosmetics. It's the hardest content in the game, but doesn't give CR Gear, or Feats for stats, or useful Artifacts, or anything that can be used to assist or buff you up for regular game content. Just fighting for cosmetics (which sounds like a womens sale at JC Pennys) doesn't get my time as I still need feats and gear on my main and alts.
  11. Shalayah Committed Player

    I can 100% bet you that every player that completes SM has higher SP than you and max gear/artifacts SM is liked moreso because it’s the hardest content in the game. They want to test their strength/skill at the game. Nothing wrong with that
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  12. Zneeak Devoted Player

    No, he told you the reality of life. The participation-trophy mindset a good portion of this community seems to be so fond of doesn't really work, you put in the effort and you get paid accordingly.
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  13. High Troller Loyal Player

    i will be finding this out on my earth tank quite possibly tonight.
  14. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Good. I want to hear how you do, I’m genuinely curious. Because I get it, no participation trophies etc. But artifacts and SP are something that take a lot of time and/or money to accumulate. In the context of very difficult rewards that are only available for a limited time and then never again... I may have to rethink my position on things like the Pay2win debate if you seriously struggle without them.
  15. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Is the reality of life really relevant in a video game where people can shoot fire from their hands?
  16. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    See this is what im talking about. Was your comment necessary? Why did you feel the need to type up this lie about real life? Why did you feel the need to try to flex or whatever you tried to do?.. sorta gave off a “get good” vibe

    In real life it’s certainly not the case to where if you put in hard effort your rewarded for it, i used to cut hair back in college and charged $20 a cut. I got payed regardless of if they liked the effort i put in.
    On the other side, i know people who work much harder jobs then i do.. physical rough rugged jobs, and i get payed more then them n all i do is talk all day... so im confused as to what point you were trying to make. Because real life certainly isnt set up to where you receive payment based on how much someone likes your effort , or atleast that not how it works in the United States.

    Last night after all the talk in this thread i felt inspired to run elite legion. So i qued up sat n chilled for like 5 mins... because we were pug first thing they did was check the tanks artifacts, didnt matter that he was cr 328, he didnt have manicles so they made a big deal about it.. people left before we saw any combat. Mission full of tank powers but nope nobody can switch to tank, it’s probably not bc they dont have the gear but instead because they dont have the artifacts. I ended up leaving after like 3 mins and called it a night on my main n ran the event version on ults so i can get ez source marks.. woo its fun grinding out this artifacts!!
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  17. Zneeak Devoted Player

    You're a real person playing the game made by real people though, yeah? Next.
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  18. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Yeah but that doesn’t mean the game’s rules have to follow reality though, does it?
  19. High Troller Loyal Player

    i got to r11 on my rage tank w/o dom modules and 3 out of 4 augments are rank 24... but 436 sp. my arts are rank 120. my earth toon is 8/8 regular vendor gear and rest purple drops at 172 sp. i'm not your average tank though.
  20. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Are you telling me you’re smarter than the average bear, uh tank?