Elite content and survival mode paradigm shift?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by AJPro, Mar 12, 2021.

  1. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    That style was the entire reason I started running elite. I was a casual player before that. Fast forward to now, I’m waaayyy deep in that rabbit hole. But there isn’t anything I haven’t been able to get. Whatever I wanted, I improved my play and/or grinded to be able to get.

    I STILL rock the enhanced bionic style in three of my armories. Best tech style in the game :D
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  2. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    It’s like the futuristic drone accessory from that booster bundle.
  3. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    There actually was someone in particular. It’s in the announcement thread if you’re interested. I felt bad for them. That was my only agenda here. I’m also not the person who made this thread. I don’t see how agreeing with other forumites is concern trolling.

    That person just told me “I’m out” via PM and therefore I am too. Especially since your accusation might land me in trouble I can’t afford to get into.
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  4. Ghost27Xog Well-Known Player

    As a maxed out 331 DPS toon being predominantly a P.U.G or LFG player.. SM has been frustrating for me to get into the deepest rounds due to not being in a strong league roster or not having support role artifacts Im invested in. I guess that's on me for not having money to buy extra artifacts to play where needed. But round 20+ "SM" seems to just be exclusively for either An Elite league only Club or Just Support Role only... The Later rounds LFG's only want 2 tanks, healer & Buff trol in "most" cases... Skill wise a lot of understand the mechanics but will never see those deeps 25+ Rounds,... and its not because we don't understand the battles or have the skills. We're just not with right situations..Smh what a shame. The mechanics aren't that bad tbh just slow and tedious. SSFE was Waaay better ..As for the later boss fights ...not a fan of the Kite and Run strategy for the later battles .. If that was intended.. its poor design in my opinion. I'm hoping at some point they make a Solo "SM" also so players like us who don't have the best situations can still get the highest achievements and not rely on others if we can't help it.
  5. Original Cryo boy Committed Player

    I think the superhero nature of Dcuo attracts a lot of players who have never played another mmo. That's stands out when you see comments in this forum from players saying stuff like they paid full price for a given dlc and should have access to all the gear within that dlc (whining they couldn't get elite gear). So there's going to be these types of posts from people who just dont quite get what this content is for. Hopefully the content is not influenced by those voices.
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  6. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    Oh no i got it when the next dlc came out n we were over leveled. But what i was saying i shouldnt have to run elite. Really those ques are completely different then regular runs. People act differently, the mission is so hard that when you pug alot of times you only beat a boss, the mission takes forever because if the burn isn’t fast after 1 whipe they vote to kick the lowest dps ( sometimes i do more damage then dps bc i troll in dps gear with transformation) ... its just not my vibe at all. And i feel like the devs should respect that regular & elite are two different crowds & maybe make it to where you have to beat regular mode 25x or something to get the enhanced style
  7. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    This has been my issue, and it’s why I’ve just stopped bothering with it. Not all people who play elite are awful, but elite attracts every awful person in the game. I don’t log in to spend time with that.
  8. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    And the devs should pay attention to that. If DCUO was just a garden variety MMO thrown in the mix, it would have long ago shut down.

    What keeps DCUO going is the licensed IP that draws in customers other MMOs don’t attract. Hard core gamers are always going to be chasing whatever new hot thing is out there - they would play a game with stick figures chopping wood if it was super hard and only they could do it. DC Comics fans are here to stay unless Daybreak runs them off.
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  9. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    They’ve already run off the guy I was talking about. I’m going to be very careful about what I suggest style/trinket wise from now on, in case it ends up somewhere unattainable for me and the developers are still all like, “here you go!”.
  10. Original Cryo boy Committed Player

    I could be wrong but I feel confident in saying the hard-core players who are excelling at the high difficulty content are also the main financial supporters of this game more so than the folks just attracted to the fact that they can play a game where they get there their missions from batman. The main thing that keeps people coming back to this game in my opinion is a fairly unique and engaging combat experience I've struggled to find elsewhere. At the end of the day this is an mmo and should be treated as such. We don't need to cater all content to a crowd that wants everything watered down when there are already event modes of most current content.
  11. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    I always shake my head at this one. Excel at your education. Excel in your career. Play a game.

    It’s called perspective.

    And there are so many free work-arounds to advancement in this game that it’s not even funny. Most of the people you’re talking about spend all day every day trying to figure out ways to game the company. They don’t pay nearly as much as you think.

    I drop cash on it so that I can have a comfortable game experience while in the DC Comics world with friends I’ve made. It is not worth my time to jump through the “skills pay the bills” hoops. I have a job that pays me more than this game ever will.
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  12. Original Cryo boy Committed Player

    Your logic for my reasoning is flawed. You seem to think that I think because certain players are good they also spend a lot. That's not it at all. It's that the players who are excelling in this high end content are players who have been around for years and years. Most of them have 500 plus skill points. I know many of these people. I've played with them on and off for years and I know they drops tons on replays and artifacts and flavor of the month power respect tokens. And I am willing to bet quite a lot that they (they being most of the players capable of excelling in the content in question) are long time players with a big financial investment in the game. Even the ones you mention game the system spend a ton. Probably the most in my experience.
  13. Shalayah Committed Player

    All I see is “I don’t wanna put in the time or effort to get the best stuff so devs can you please hand it to us?”

    The point of elite gear/elite styles and such is so those players that do put in the time and are the best at the game are rewarded as such. You can still be viable with regular gear snd you do not need the elite gear/styles if you do not wish to put in the time/effort to get it.

    It’s alright if you don’t have a certain style but if you want it so bad. Do what those guys do and go get it. If you can’t get it or aren’t good enough to get it. It’s fine. You can live without it. SM is for bragging rights anyways. The Zeus back is awesome, but the value of that back goes down if it’s easily obtainable by everybody. You want it because it’s cool. Most people want it because it’s cool. You know why it’s cool? Because it’s rare.
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  14. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    To be honest with you, no, i just dont want to spend a hour in a mission with people that have an attitude like yours.

    Seems like he’s saying the same thing as I am, so i camt be the only one that feels like elite ques are toxic.. im a troll really i could go into an elite mission and be 10 below relevant cr and do fine basically all trolls do now is debuff nobody needs power fr anymore. I just dont because it takes so long to get a group that will get along and not crybaby when something gets wrong.

    Like honestly, on the first page there are 3 “ get good “ comments. Heck someone even quoted mepps and said people should just get good... I absolutely do not like dealing with that attitude.
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  15. Shalayah Committed Player

    You’re looking for a way around a challenge. Why are you so scared of challenge? If you can’t beat it that’s fine but you aren’t entitled to anything in this game. Elite gear is for those who are up to the challenge and beat said challenge. Simple as that. If you aren’t up to the challenge. You don’t deserve the gear.
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  16. Shalayah Committed Player

    An attitude like mines? You don’t know how I am at all. All I said was that as a player on this game. You aren’t entitled to anything. If you want it... go get it. That’s it. If that attitude is something you don’t like. Then why are you playing? The exclusive hard to get styles that you want so badly are hard to get for a reason. If you want it so bad. Do what everybody else does and go get it. You’re a superhero right? Superheroes don’t beg and whine because they’re afraid of challenges. They conquerer those challenges and guess what. They feel great about said reward because they put in the time and work to get it which is essentially the whole point of MMOs and life.

    You get the best by being the best. Change your mindset or accept the reality. Those are your only options.
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  17. PHNTM Well-Known Player

    Don't a lot of the fans of the licenced DC IP who play the game tend to role-play or stand around in areas like WT or little bohemia and have no membership? Seems to be the common trend on Xbox for sure. So those players are not providing any financial benefit for the company.
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  18. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Not everyone. I have some iconics but I also run content all the time and even did 14 rounds of sm. I'm a huge fan of dc comics, our side might be more casual but some of us still run high level content. You will rarely find me in Bohemia/watch tower :p
  19. Original Cryo boy Committed Player

    That's the thing I'm not toxic at all I actually need a more experienced player helping me with call outs so I'm not the best player by any means. I'm just rational enough to understand that means I may not get some of this stuff I want. I do have a good league and am not bad so I have high hopes. But you won't see me asking for an alternative way to get that source eagle pet I want.
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  20. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    Did u just tell me to get good, while trying to battle my comment about how elite modes bring in players with “get good” attitudes?