Elite Commondation Pack - Add it to other contents?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Prindacerk, Feb 7, 2023.

  1. Prindacerk Committed Player

    Is there enough people interested in getting this commondation pack on other Elite or even the Monthly subscription/login (maybe in a smaller size)?

    I really appreciated what they offered through SFFe which allowed me to get renown on stuff I can't get from because of lack of interest or activity. I'm wondering if this could be added to other content like Elite raids of other episodes, special instances like Save the Universe and Anniversary event etc.

    This would benefit getting renown from contents that's useful once you have maxed out what it already gives. Elite raids don't give higher loot or anything as far as I can tell. Only additional bonus is the renown.

    As for giving it on other episode Elite Raids, it would have to be lower tier ones. So someone can't farm lower tier elite and get higher tier renown. That's a given.

    Just a suggestion. Curious to see what others say.
  2. Proxystar #Perception

    No, I'd rather they just did renown bonuses during episode spotlights and ran some more frequently including for older content that doesn't seem to get spotlights.

    I feel like this raid is designed like this in part to celebrate the anniversary and putting similar reward elsewhere diminishes the anniversary event.
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  3. Prindacerk Committed Player

    Oh. I didn't see it that way. Does make sense though. I do like the renown bonus during episode spotlight. Would be great to doing it on older content. And PVP as well. We keep getting spotlight on latest ones which are already in spotlight because they are recent.
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