Elite Alerts

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Entrust, Aug 7, 2018.

  1. Entrust Committed Player

    While I brought up this point in another thread I thought it would be best if this specific topic was addressed in its own thread.

    Can future alerts also have an Elite version?

    Why should raids get all the love? ;)

    * Some players continue to request more content that is challenging.

    * Elite raids can be a challenge to form given their 8-player size. (For a lot of reasons from loot locks, to time-zones, etc.)

    * Not all players like raids, but like the challenge Elite provides.

    * Could provide an alternative/supliment to Elite gear while still requiring that they complete Elite content (while I don't know it, I'm certain there is an equation used by DCUO to calculate the amount of renown that can be earned in a week without resets).

    * Renown can be small & only given on last boss. This is due to daily loot-lock resets & low replay cost.

    * It can provide an additional location to drop rare content catalysts (amazonian)

    Thoughts..., opinions..., please share & thanks all!
    • Like x 17
  2. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    I've been wanting elite alerts for a while now, so thank you for starting this thread. :)

    The renown tokens given should either be worth half of what a raid token is worth for an equivalent boss... or it should only give you one full token at the end. If we use the "200/200/400" formula, alerts would give you something like "75/75/150" or maybe a 300 token at the end after you defeat last boss. In the end, it will actually be a bit more expensive to only use the alert to get to full renown.

    One of the other side benefits is that it's far easier to set up an alert team... especially intra-league. Does this promote isolationism/elitism? Maybe... maybe not. TBH, "elite" content is not for everyone... but an elite alert will actually make it a bit more accessible to more people.
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  3. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    I miss Elite alerts. I almost feel like they are even more difficult because you only have 1 of each role and really have to do your job. I hope they come back.
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  4. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    Been saying it since they left i love the elite Alerts bring them Back!!!! Please bring them back!!!
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  5. Malachyte Devoted Player

    I'll add to that where they should have Elite level Duo and Solo missions as well.....
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  6. Entrust Committed Player

    Keep in mind alerts reset daily while raids reset weekly. So the rewards would be closer to 1/7 the amount a raid gives.

    Like I posted, I'm sure DCUO has a equation they use to calculate rewards like renown.

    So it wouldn't surprise me if 1 Elite alert granted a total of 100 renown. Which would be 700 weekly, or slightly less then a raid gives.

    It's important that the Elite alerts don't diminish the value of Elite raids. (Elite raiders would be grabbing torches & pitchforks, lol)
  7. Entrust Committed Player

    YES to this ^ too!
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  8. Balton hero Committed Player

    I love this so much, I'm giving not only it but every reply in favor of it a thumbs up. Ty, op.
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  9. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    Yea we need more elite alerts. Even an elite duo.

    In an elite alert, it's harder for people to be carried because you're not stacking 5 dps.

    If you try to even 3 dps and an heal an elite alert, the healer will run out of power
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  10. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    And there's no roleless buffs

    Not sure how an elite solo would work, would it disable your cola and utility belt? That's about the only way I can see it being "elite" besides buffed NPCs
  11. Malachyte Devoted Player

    No, just make it a lot tougher, increase the need for mechanics and block breaking the adds/boss where you actually need to use strategy to succeed as opposed to just out slugging the content...
  12. Balton hero Committed Player

    Like the Doomsday solo, but make XaDu move faster, hit harder and have better stuns, and only allow one console to be hit at a time,
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  13. Entrust Committed Player

    Yes, buff the solo. Add a mechanic or two. Drop in a 2nd boss.

    Something that players can go into & see if they're up for elite raids. If a player can't get through elite solo/duo/alert then they're not ready for the raid.

    I'd appreciate something I can use as a benchmark so I don't potentially bring 7 other players down.
  14. dresserball Dedicated Player

    Lol just lunge him repeatedly and he can't do anything. Easiest fight in the game.
  15. Balton hero Committed Player

    This has nothing to do with what I said.
  16. dresserball Dedicated Player

    Sure does. Just making him move faster, hit harder, and making only one sun thing at a time would not change the mechanic that you can just lunge him into submission so that kind of elite wouldn't be elite.

    Sorry about that I'll explain more next time I comment.
  17. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    i loved the elite alerts during the monthlies.
  18. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    solos need to be lengthened and have more to do. more paths t take to finish the quest.
  19. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    Alerts have always been my favorite form of content in DCUO.

    So more Elite Alerts would be fantastic, and Elite Duos and Solos would be quite welcome.
    • Like x 3
  20. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    Check the older elite alerts. They reset their loot locks weekly... or at least used to... and that is on what I base my numbers. If they no longer do, then either they need to have the weekly loot lock or they need to only produce a token worth, say, 50 renown points for completing the whole thing.