elite & 98 gear dont mix

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by greasedupdefguy, Mar 16, 2015.

  1. greasedupdefguy New Player

    ive ran elite throne more times then i can count and about 80% of the time i get 98 gear. i don't know about anyone else but i don't understand how a raid that can't even be beat with lower then a 114 cr drops this gear. the only incentive i have for running this raid is to get better gear.

    the idea i had was make elite drop 100 gear at the same rate as the 98 gear and take the 98 gear completely out. and then keep the 101 gear at the same drop rate. this is suppose to be the hardest raid in the game so stop giving us this gear that is useless
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  2. Crackin New Player

    Makes you wonder how many replays was used glitching to 115-116 .
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  3. Malachyte Devoted Player

    Getting 98 gear from Elite makes me want to punch puppies and drown kittens !!!!
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  4. Cirocband New Player

    Well full 100 gear plus a 101 weapon puts you at 115, now it's the 116s that probably used all the replays.
  5. StopPerving Dedicated Player

    You don't even need the 101 weapon. I'm 115 on tank, with full 100.
  6. Cirocband New Player

    U must have the OP mask then. If not the. That's good to know. :)
  7. StopPerving Dedicated Player

    nope.. 100 mask lol.
  8. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    nope because 50/50 99/100 your 114, so full 100 you'd hit 115
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  9. Cirocband New Player

    That's weird, for me I was 114 full 100 gear and then got a weapon and I became 115.
    But hey as long as we got to the 115 mark. Lol
  10. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    naw Im content with 114 :p

    I stopped playing on my 114 troll, and Im gearing my main up now to 114, its 113 atm, figured get my 99 while I get the crap drops from Lab and HoH lol
  11. greasedupdefguy New Player

    this forum isn't not to discuss what gear it takes its to try and get the devs to make the game more enjoyable for everyone. if you don't like getting 98 gear from the elite raid then please speak up on this thread
  12. Bakhand of Death Level 30

    Disrespect to the elite players. It seems like the devs did this as a joke. I mean seriously why would we need 98 gear in a elite version of a raid that's already hard. I did glitch it and learned how much of a waste a time it was. @devs why make us spend so much time into trying to defeat ares just to recieve a piece of gear you can get from a solo?
  13. HersheyKiss New Player

    Right. I have a league mate thats 115 with no 101 pieces. Larry liberty even posted screenshots awhile back showing if your full 100 u get to 115 and he didnt have an op face either.
  14. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    I'm starting to wonder if 100 or 101 even exists :( I havnt seen any purple drop since last month I swear
  15. HersheyKiss New Player

    U glitched it? Anything u said after that i ignored. U have no right to complain about anything what so ever when u exploited the raid.
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  16. HersheyKiss New Player

    Btw your not an elite player if u exploited it, just saying. Nice try tho :)
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  17. JReel New Player

    Common sense would tell people after the 3rd time resetting and seeing 98 drops to eventually stop wasting money. I guess sometimes common sense is not actually common.
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  18. RoxyStormbringer Dedicated Player

    We asked for unattuned gear in content and they told us drop rates would change as a result, but we agreed to these changes. People complained about extra Marks instead of gear, so now we get crap gear instead. Personally, my wife and I love the unattuned gear but we miss the extra Marks.
  19. JReel New Player

    I'd take guaranteed gear over marks any day. Just make sure the gear is not equivalent to gear obtained from solos *cough* AF2 solo *cough*
  20. Omnipotent Ziltoid New Player

    This is why I stopped buying replays, it's pointless. I'll happily give my dollars if the reward grants it, but my last 12 drops in a row were 98 gear. Just killed the raid for me, so I'll put my money into another game until the devs figure out a better business model. Sometimes I think the devs are smartest dumb people I've ever seen