Electroburst Blasts out a wave of electricity to cause damage to nearby enemies and knock down your target. Healing role : Electrified enemies will heal nearby allies. Damage role : Causes damage over time to enemies; increases all damage by 35% until the hit counter resets. Electroburst is currently the best heal in the game for player versus player content. A lot of players think electroburst needs nerfed and have been vocal about it. I don't think electroburst needs nerfed, nor do I think it's over-powered. 1: Players can do immense amounts of damage. For example, smokebomb. I've been smokebombed for 2,000- 6,000 damage(It goes higher than that), and I know you all have too. Players can easily sync their smokebomb combos to do 2,000-6,000 damage per smokebomb, which means 3-4 smokebombs are going off at the same time. About 12 - 18 months ago, a well known and respected league on USPC started syncing their smokebombs. I got 1 shotted during that match many times. This was the first time healers in 5s broke 1,000,000 healing out. Rage is currently the best DPS power for player versus player. You can see it rofl-pwning people here. During numerous 5v5 matches versus a certain league, the rage dps in their group would 1 shot players in our group. Electroburst was the only thing that kept us alive, any other power-set healing would of been a 1000-0 match. Also, a villain premade, and a hero premade both ran a Rage DPS for some Isis scrims. Both team's rage dps took turns beserking and wiping the entire group. I know some people are going to be angry that I singled out Rage DPS. Sorry. 2: Why not give the other healing powers power interactions that are equal to electroburst? Nerfing electroburst is only going to make electric healing bad in PvP. And we all know nerfing leads to buffing... Which leads to nerfing... Which leads to buffing.
Almost everything here is opinionated, and a few false information here as well ex: first 5s group to hit a million healing due to electroburst as of now.
The only thing possibly false about what I said there is the date. That's why there's such a big gap. I'm not bragging, I am putting smokebomb into perspective.
I say just increase the base power cost by 60 and call it a day (with the increased power cost of our gear Electroburst currently cost around 425 Power to use, with a 60 increase to the base power cost it would run around 525). But we all know how SOE works. They over do things all the freaking time. It's like they can't contain themselves and they just go bananas whenever they decide to "balance" a power.
This is so true. Over and over again, when something is considered OP and needs a nerf, instead of scaling it back to a more reasonable level, they just nuke the power back to the stone age and make it so worthless that no one ever uses it again. DW is recent example, 1h before that (ranged attacks). Dash attack, whirling dervish and transmute (before the recent sorc revamp) are other examples I can think of from awhile ago. There are lots of other examples. Is it too much to ask to nerf stuff to a balanced level instead of a pathetically weak unusable level?
Ok so you're asking for the other healing powers to get an op heal like electroburst, I agree. Im gonna go with Brice, add a minor power cost increase. Lets just hope they dont over do it.