Electric healing artifacts

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Original Cryo boy, Feb 27, 2021.

  1. Original Cryo boy Committed Player

    For the most part everyone uses strat and trans with some variance at the third. I was wondering if that was because that's best in slot for electric given the burst nature of the heals or if thats just because those work well with Electric and everyone already has those leveled for dps?

    If you were gearing an Electric healer that would only dps in solo content would those still be your arts? I've got page of destiny orb of Arion and purple healing ray all right around 100 (this is an alt) so wanna get some thoughts from more experienced electric healers before I start investing in his arts now that my main is for the most part done with his.
  2. Original Cryo boy Committed Player

    I definitely meant to post this in the other section ha
  3. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    It depends on what playstyle your healer uses.

    You technically don't need Page because you can run Galvanize and the Orb does not pair well with Electric's Priority Heal.

    Purple Healing Ray and Eye of Gemini or Scrap of the Soul Cloak are popular.
  4. Original Cryo boy Committed Player

    Just curious why do you say it doesn't pair well?
  5. Berza Committed Player

    In my opinion, BiS are Page and Transformation. Page explains itself and Trans is there because as a burst healer powerset, we want our burst heals to be the highest possible. If your Recover crits you don't need to cast another heal. Also a crit from both the proc from bio-cap and page will be enough to top the heal of even a fire tank.
    For the 3th one I switch between PHR and Orb, usually depending on troller. If I have a battery troller putting out huge amounts of power I will go with Orb, but if the troll is buffer or lacks on cr/sp/artifacts and has a low power output I will go with PHR, as using Arc Lighting and Galvanize in fights with NPCs charges it in no time, giving virtually infinite power.
    I never use Strategist for healing. Strategist applies an unreliable HoT that I feel like goes to waste in health bars that I try to keep topped using burst powers. I may be worth to note that I never use Electrogenesis as healer, that is the only true HoT for Electric.
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  6. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    The power cost of using it versus do you need the stronger heal.

    And I meant to say Bio-cap, not Galvanize, in my previous statement
  7. Original Cryo boy Committed Player

    Thank you for your replies you've given me a lot to go with here. Berza I appreciate the detailed answer.
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  8. Crn Well-Known Player

    First off dont listed to that other guy, Orb is a great artifact to have especially in raids for those oh crap moments, power cost is not that much especially if you keep using your weapon attack wile healing to get power back. i use the exact same artifacts as you. and i have healed content without issues. dont spent more money than you have to on this game leveling up other artifacts when the ones that you have will be more than enough. although i agree that bio cap and pages of destiny are basically the same, it doesnt hurt to have a safety net, but thats just me. good luck. you got this!
  9. Crn Well-Known Player

  10. August Moon Well-Known Player

    when im running raids like coue and pce wiith a partner i pick the the page of destiny , purple healing ray and eye of gemini

    page because it turns your group heal from a 4 man to a 6 man at 200 which allows you to have burst heal that isnt on an 18 second cooldown. as well as allowing me to hold my biocap for a scripted move that will chunk the whole group or pop it preemptive to keep my revivify stacks building (bio cap takes precedence over page stacks) purple healing i take for the power back , it allows me ot spam without my troll punching me in the neck , as well as if the tanks health is fluctuating you can give him a 20% reduction shield to help catch his bar or if the group has taken a scripted attack that is designed to chunk them , the group heal heal over time ability of the ray will top off the remaining missing health , and i choose eye of gemini mostly for the supercharge spam but it also doubles as a heal over time for whomever jumps in it (which is everyone but the tank )

    if im soloing coue or pce i swap the eye of gemini for the trans card mainly to crit more and proc my purple healing ray more often
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  11. Original Cryo boy Committed Player

    I had been told not to have page bc we already have bio cap by a few people previously and I just didn't feel like that made sense to me given to 2 extra people getting my group heal, the more powerful group heal and revivify stacks comboing with biocap to make us just amazing emergency healers. Wanted to see what other thought about that one specifically. I've grown to love Orb of Arion I didn't really wanna move away from it and I figured purple healing ray would help since it's a bursty being power and this give me power back plus the other benefits.

    You guys seem to be on the same page and have given me thoughts on the transformation card. I like the idea of big crits on my Bursts I just dunno which one I could do without to include it. Something to think about as I may dps here and there. So may wanna level it anyways.
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  12. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Take this with a grain of salt as they say since I'm sorcery and celestial for healers but I'd be telling friends to go page/ purple/ trans with electric. Trans is like a baby orb. Say you're just trying to heal the tank. We know orb is gonna hit for 100k+. Trans may hit big. Or maybe it won't. But 3 taps of priority, one will for sure crit and hit in the 60ks. So while you may he thinking "duh but I want to guarantee that big hit", you have to remember that elec is all about those ticks that can crit. So it will help all other heals. And you want it on your dps side anyway.

    I've always heard page and bio work incredibly well together. From a lot of friends that do use it and they are great healers. Also a huge fan of orb, it's basically the complete opposite playstyle of trans. We treat orb similar to a 2500 cost super. Use only when needed. Trans, spam that priority
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  13. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Electric is one of those powersets that combined with what artifacts we have now, Electric has multiple choices that are all viable whereas other powersets might have less options to choose from. Page is a really great artifact, if it works for you and you like it, keep it. I just didn't want you to think that as an Electric healer you 100% needed it. Same story with Orb, also a great artifact and if the power cost doesn't bother you totally keep it. Just don't ever level the Orb to 200 because the perk is 100% situational and not worth the cost.
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  14. L T Devoted Player

    Here's the thing: The Orb is a fantastic artifact-- it can take a power set like Nature and give it a really strong burst like Electric has.
    And the Page of Destiny is Awesome! It gives your healer power set a safety net um... just like Electric has.

    Now both of these artifacts can be really good with Electric... but they're Electric-envy artifacts, and they don't give Electric any killer ability that it doesn't already have.
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  15. Original Cryo boy Committed Player

    Ok so with that being said what would you artifact choices be?
  16. L T Devoted Player

    I use Trans/Strat/Purple for raids. I'm thinking about leveling Page, but the real benefit for electric is when you basically take it all the way. For open world or as a second heal I use Trans/Soul/Eye.

    Your OP mentions Purple/Page/Orb. How is that working for you?
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  17. Original Cryo boy Committed Player

    Well I'm very new to it and haven't healed anything of real note so take that into consideration. In HQe last night I felt like those arts gave me an answer for everything. My healing style right or wrong is to clip my weapon attacks with my group heal over and over when the group is doing fine as long as my power is up near full so I can get revivify stacks up. I watch for scripted moments for biocap and between those feel like if I zone out or something my oh crap moments aren't that bad. I figure getting my group heal out to 2 more people soon will be great. I love having Arion for taking someone from 50% to full. Right now I like phr but I'm also only getting basic effects from it right now at the 100 breakthrough. I feel like once I level it up and I get to healing harder content and possibly get spammier ill appreciate the power back..

    So what do you do in a spot where you hit biocap, it saves someone who then immediately gets smacked again and now your emergency heal is on cd and your priority heal is weaker without Arion? With my artifact LO revivify can save me or I can hit one priority heal and save that dude and now some lil spectral guy is out helping me and I believe the biocap and priority heal charge my phr. Decent synergy. So with your arts in that situation you'd probably arc lightning/priority and crit/hot that guy back with Trans strat?

    I like Electricity a lot and could see it becoming kind of like a second main especially since I'm basically done with my mains arts. I might end up leveling strat and trans for him anyways.
  18. L T Devoted Player

    Sadly, Strat is something you can "count on" only for the stats is gives, which are not all that great. It seems to do a decent amount of background healing over an instance, but not necessarily when I need it-- hence I'm looking to level page.

    In the scenario above I'm counting on the effects of PHR-- either for the shield on said hapless player or the extra HoT-- and the cooldown reset and power back it gives. Remember without the Orb I can lean on my priority heal in a pinch, since it has a low cool down and doesn't cost tons of power. It's a different way of playing.

    That particular instance is a pain for Electric, since (except for the tank) most of the damage is coming from environment effects that can't be targeted with arc lightning, and players have to be too spread out for Galvanize to really be effective.
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  19. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    The most common combination I see with the Electric healers I know is Purple/Page/Trans. I think they tend to replace Trans with EOG when doing EOG spam, but I could be wrong (and would not be surprised if I were). Page of Destiny mimics Bio-capacitor in some ways. The Purple Healing Ray can help with your power regeneration. I have not tried mixing it with the Orb of Arion (yet) so I don't know if the Spectral Ally will count towards your PHR's proc. Apparently Galvanize does.

    As has been suggested, tinker around with some combinations. Try a mix-and-match from this set: Page of Destiny, Transformation Card, Purple Healing Ray, Orb of Arion, Eye of Gemini, Scrap of the Soul Cloak, and Strategist Card. Strategist will do its best work when you have Transformation with it because of the increased chance of a critical... which is required to trigger the Strategist Card in the first place.

    Ultimately it comes down to your play style.
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  20. Original Cryo boy Committed Player

    I'm wondering if soul cloak/eog users will feel less wanted or useful after the supercharge changes.