Earth's Crystal is Overpowered

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Scarlet Rise, Mar 9, 2016.

  1. marcas New Player

    Crystal is op,
    Grand summoning is super op
    All the pet powers are op right now.
    And im ok with that.
    I was earth since battle for earth dlc, and now i had to switch powers cause its just too easy...
    i miss the old dcuo when it took skill and teamplay to complete content, i couldnt stand the view of crystal oneshotting groups of adds.
    But well, its just my opinion. Im sure a lot of people love it, cause back then it was rare to see another earth dps, and right now its the 3rd power i see more often.
  2. bagofboom Committed Player

    Not exactly what I had in mind but I get your point.
    I was thinking along the lines of a pet exactly like Crystal or Fury (just more "power-centric") that assist in battle just as they do. The drones are always so weak, it's extra "free" damage for sure but it feels inconsequential.
    I'm also not saying that I think the game should go in that direction either, I just thought it'd be neat to have the option. And if something like that could help bring balance to powers damage then I'd definitely be in favor of it.

    Long Live DCUO!!
  3. Gimpy Loyal Player

    ANY power at a T7 CR should be able to solo Bludhaven and imo any 4man up to T5.

    Pets do 51% of ALL damage and the player does 49%. I don't feel bad when getting beat by a PET POWER for that reason.
    If your using a PET then don't boast about your OP'ness because YOU AREN'T OP the PET IS.

    BALANCE: if any power does X in 3 seconds then ALL powers should do the same X in the same 3 seconds.

    Sorry about the caps but I have a 'troll following me in the forums saying I am only asking for nerfs so if you see a post in reply to me please don't quote it as I have them on ignore and have no interest in his/her replies to anything I post.
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  4. ChromeWarriorXTC Loyal Player

    Darn it GIMPY are you asking for Nerfs again, lol. Joking man please don't take me serious. I don't take me serious most days.
  5. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    Ugh another pets are op thread. Pets believe it or not are not "OP" they just kill trash adds faster then others so they soak up a lot of the dps and it makes them look stronger then they really are. Come time for the boss fights the pets really aren't that good compared to most other powers.
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  6. LightOfQuantum Committed Player

    Atomic, Gadgets, Ice and Mental will outdps pet powers by a lot in boss fights.

    Pets use their strongest moves at the start when you attack adds. And that's why Earth/Sorc users do more damage to them. Adds are already dead before other power users finish their am.
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  7. Veritech Loyal Player

    Titanic Trenton is OP nerf him right meow
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  8. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    The time it takes for Crystal to execute a 2nd use of Epicenter or Striking Stone is around 6-8 seconds. Players AM take roughly 5 seconds to execute from beginning to end. Given this within 10 seconds the damage between a Pet user and a non pet power should almost equal out, because the Pet power players should be producing the difference between Pet and other powers.

    Now here is the thing, most pet power players cannot produce that 50% in damage, most are between 25-45%. The exceptional players can hit that 50% but most do not. This is why non-Pet powers players can make pet powers players look bad. The exception is in lower content where pet powers dominate.

    Example. Take two 160 DPS. One is Earth using Duel Pistol and powering Crystal nothing else, and the other is a skilled Light DPS. Go run NGN and watch Crystal melt away everything making the Earth DPS look OP. Than go into PBR and watch the same lowly Earth DPS get destroyed by the Light player.

    Crystal and Fury hit hard but here is the thing, the other half of the damage has to come from the player and many players using the Pet powers do not know how to maximize their damage with weapons, abilities, clipping, etc...
  9. Cyro Committed Player

    Everything is op nerf it all, EVERYTHING......What you nerfed everything?!?!?!?! everything needs buffs this is totally unfair, why do the devs hate my power that i have chosen. Its all just a money making scheme i tell you, put on your tin foil hats so the devs can't read your mind to figure out what to nerf next as soon as you switch
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  10. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    No more op then ices gust being op
  11. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    Many of you seem to not discriminate between the many environments Crystal is being used in. Campaign Alerts to T7 instances, all of it seems the same to "you".
  12. Gimpy Loyal Player

    Pets are OP period.

    How else do you think they do 51% of the damage for the player who uses pet powers?

    Do you really think a Pet player is that good when you see them ranked above you in the scoreboard?

    I don't for the simple fact that I almost always do a million more than the 49% that can be attributed to the pet player AND I am Quantum which has a damage cap..
  13. motionsick Well-Known Player

    Replace "pets/pet power" with "timebomb".
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  14. Gimpy Loyal Player

    Timebomb does not account for 51% of the damage and I have to use it in a rotation.

    I have to hit a button for it to be used, your pet doesn't and is doing it's "thing" EVEN if you just stand there doing nothing.
    Timebomb relies on the damage I cause using the rotation without being interrupted, any interruptions to you do not have any effect on your pet.

    Timebomb has a cap on it's damage, your pet does not.

    YOU are trying to replace an apple with a LEMON and the 2 are not interchangeable.
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  15. Gimpy Loyal Player

    Why is it that when I hit reply w/ quote it isn't quoting?
  16. SkullGang Devoted Player

    That doesn't work. I can't hit time bomb and stand there while it one shots.
  17. Commander Coral Well-Known Player

    Nor could you stand in a boss fight just pressing Fortify Golem and still be an effective DPS. I guarantee you that if I were to go into a PBr raid against you and I only hit my Fortify Golem power, I would be bottom DPS. Maybe even below the trolls. The pets are strong because they have to be. In PBr at CR 156 I'm seeing Crystal hit MAYBE 30k crits after she floats through the supply drop. My Scissor Kick combo is hitting 21-25k crits with Supply Drop and Trinket (note that Crystal and Fury aren't affected by trinkets).

    So basically Crystal does 51% of the Damage, from my views the Weapon combo does anywhere from 25-35% of your damage and the rest of your powers like Rumblecrush and Debris Field should be doing the last 10-15%.

    If Crystal and Fury weren't hitting this hard, we would be underpowered again. The Crystal just looks OP because it attacks faster twice with a full power bar than people can get through a whole rotation. After that initial burst, Crystals burn is actually kinda slow and not always where you want it.
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  18. RCMPenguin New Player

    I don't care about all the math people throw around, or the rationalizations, or whatever.

    What I know, is at ~80 CR where my characters are, duos alongside an Earth/Sorcery DPS are simply not fun, and there is no way in this reality those players do half their damage themselves using their own powers or weapons. I've seen some who launch a couple of little weapon strikes to make sure the pet is engaged, and otherwise never lift a hand. All the adds are one-shot killed, and the bosses go down ridiculously fast. All I can do is just follow them around, get a few shots on the boss and then it's over. Maybe some players like not actually playing the game, but I simply do not. When I see the Fury come up or hear the Crystal's dumb little laugh, I leave. Why stay when I know I won't enjoy myself? With any other DPS, even ice or quantum which people keep holding up as OP also, we still are actually a team and account for half the kills each. I've got an iconic Precision DPS brawler who keeps pace with Arctic Gust and Time Bomb no problem. It's simply not the same with those two pets.
  19. ChromeWarriorXTC Loyal Player

    Here is some cream for the butt hurt you feel not being top DPS. And sorry you feel that way about earth because the same can be said for Mental and Ice. Maybe you should switch to rage because I know that power pi$$es crystal off to no end when all the OP rage players push the NPC out of range for her attack. Really? This thread seems to be becoming more and more of a scoreboard issue for players with low self esteem. And for the record I have watched the combat log repeatedly for her stats and she does about 51 to 60% damage and I can come up with the other part with weapon mastery and powers. And all that aside if you are upset even though she is killing things in a team then you might want to stick to solos because there you will always be TOP of the dang blasted scorecard
  20. Gimpy Loyal Player

    You use a pet so of course you will defend it.