Earth Rework Idea Updated

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by DontCare97, Jun 24, 2021.

  1. DontCare97 Well-Known Player

    BTW will come up with improvements for Ice later than Sorcery I'll post reworks for most powers except a few to make them feel updated because it's 2021 Reinforced Reworked: Decided to rename the ability to Geo Strike

    Geo Strike:
    [Weapon Buff]
    Imbue your fists with the power of stone, increasing the damage of your weapon attacks for a short time while also healing 2% of Your Restoration
    and Precision healing effect similar to rage remorse ability combined with earth's weapon buff. Remove Stone Ability from earth to be a part of [Gemstone Shield] also have been slightly Renamed

    Terrastone Shield:
    [Usable While Controlled]
    Summon a ring of gemstones to protect yourself from a percentage of incoming damage
    [Earth Combo]
    Tap Melee (x3): Gemstone Shield Creates additional gems to increase the percentage of absorbed damage:
    (x4) Melee tap shoots a hardened stone at enemies damaging them and knocking them down new effect if the player
    is activating the shield while fighting multiple enemies and on the 4th melee tap right after all gemstones are up they'll shoot out
    multiple stones to knock them down Since Stone Ability would be combined into [Gemstone Shield] to Replace it

    Perpetua's Grace:
    Summon Healing Stones from the Sixth Dimension Multi-verse Goddess Perpetua herself. Receiving heals up to ten times
    from all incoming attacks
    [Power Interaction]
    Crushed enemies become petrified for a short period of time exact time 3sec for the crybabies to counter it breakout
    right away and there you go and for ads, it helps with grouped up ads in hallways
    Level: 21
    Cooldown: 12s
    Power Cost: 300

    Remove Triage from light to earth [Soothing Sands] tbh no troll power shouldn't have a healing ability at all
    anyways only tanks and healers remember tanks bring aggro a tank job is to draw attention and survive so remember a tank can't survive without heals it's the same thing as expecting a controller to troll without any power regening abilities on the power at all while labeling it as a control power but for the criers no offense I decided to replace this ability with a new supercharge for light called Ion's Overcharge it's a new supercharge for light that replaces light Triage ability for Light itself

    Ion's Overcharge:
    [Group Heal]
    [Group Power Heal]
    Call upon the force of ion allowing the player to overcharge for a short period of time while also healing all received damage overtime and restores power over time up to 7 group members for those who don't understand it doesn't do damage overtime just heal all the damage you received overtime while also giving you power regen over time
    [Power Interaction]
    Causes all enemies to panic for a short period of time
    [Control Role] Reduce enemies stun resistance temporarily for 3.5sec
    18s Supercharge Cost: 2500

    Soothing Sands Reworked: Also decided to rename the ability Gaea's Blessing

    Gaea's Blessing:
    [Usable While Controlled]
    [Group Breakout]
    Receive Gaea's Blessing Heal Overtime while also receiving a 10sec breakout immunity effect heals can be increased by 5% of your Dom & Resto.
    Heal over time will only heal user themselve
    Level 26
    Cooldown 18s
    Power Cost 300
    FYI this idea makes perfect sense if you smart everyone no disrespect just being realistic because everyone knows daybreak games will balance all this out to not be too op

    Gaea's Guardians:
    Brick Tank, Diamond Healer, Stone Controller, Crystal Dps
    While in combat with your Golems, power regeneration is reduced Press to Summon Multiple Golems Hold button for three seconds to banish, It's the replacement ability for Crystal and Brick.

    Golem Change:
    Diamond and Stone specialty can be similar to the sidekick with alterations such as Diamond will heal similar to sidekick except she'll heal
    every 3.5sec and active hard light shield or another shield called earth's force for 10s and Stone will instead give power regen similar Diamonds healing
    effect but instead with power regen and hard light shield or another shield called earth's force summoning a stone skin over the user similar to atoms shield

    Golem Appearance Change:
    updated designs to look more like golems and height is increased to be slightly taller than the player themselve
    while also keeping the flying movement to still keep up with their summoner.

    Brick, Tank Will hold aggro depending on the player's defense not dominance around 10%
    Diamond, Healer heals are 10% of the player's Health & Restoration 5% is split between both which adds up to 10% in total
    Stone, Controller Power regen crit chance is based on the player's power alone 10%
    Crystal, Dps Damage is based on 10% on the players might
    BTW if 10% is too high or low the devs could make changes to balance the percentage

    Pals Trust, Artifact I created in another post will increase their stats by an additional 25% at 200 In total with art 35% in stats increased

    Tank Role:
    While the effects of this ability are active, Damage caused by Everything Meaning Ads or Bosses and is significantly reduced and you gain Petrified, increasing your Dominance by 35% Heals and Power regen is slightly increased by 5% while not blocking.

    Damage Role:
    While the effects of this ability are active, Damage caused by Everything Meaning Ads or Bosses and is significantly reduced and you gain Petrified, increasing your Damage by 35% Heals are slightly reduced by 10% and Power regen slight increased by 5% while not blocking.

    Similar Users To This Are:

    Perpetua (DC Comics) One of her powers are Terrakinesis Shes from the Sixth Dimension Introduced around DC Metal Series

    Gaea (DC Comics) She's the reason Wonder Woman can even heal same for Geo-Force & Terra Especially Swamp Thing Also is Mother Nature herself

    Wonder Woman (DC Comics) Most of her powers Terrakinesis based but with other abilities such as her healing factor and increased strength with the lasso of truth bestowed to her also originally was the Golden Gaea Girdle Championship itself that gave all its users increased strength

    Swamp Thing (DC Comics) The Green himself

    Red Volcano (DC Comics) Dr. T.O Morrow Creation Red Tornado Brother

    Geo-Force (DC Comics) Terra's brother

    Terra (DC Comics) Geo's Sister

    This order is from the strongest DC Earth user to weakest Gaea only considered because 99% of the DC Earth users powers only exist because of her without her they wouldn't Same for Nature users and the 1 I didn't mention by now is Perpetua herself because she surpasses Gaea in every way so it's no use to bring them up in same situation tbh

    Wonder Woman:
    on multiple occasions used some terrakinesis such as self-healing and her increased strength from the Golden Girdle Of Gaea which is a championship which was later changed to the lasso of truth itself also terra and geo only survived the Markovian Experiment because of Gaea's Blessing meaning her allowing them to live while also gaining Earth-Based powers the same thing for Swamp Thing himself she is their true mother

    Terrakinesis powers surpassed Gaea's itself she also existed way before her and have higher Terrakinesis feats are higher than them all put together also is the mother of Mobius aka the Anti-Monitor, Mar Novu the Over-Monitor, Alpheus The World Forger himself from The Sixth Dimension

    Every person I named can use terrakinesis to a certain extent and every single 1 of those terrain bender's can self heal and remember how I brought up Perpetua herself she doesn't need to be anywhere near earth so doesn't Gaea or Red Volcano to use their terrakinesis or to self heal like wonder woman limited healing factor it's not horrible just not overpowered reason as to why I would say Red Volcano as well because remember he is an android not living and breathing things as the majority of the others I named his father is T.O Morrow Gaea just an overall goddess so of course, it wouldn't affect her as much and Perpetua just overpowered to the max
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  2. DontCare97 Well-Known Player

    We need this mepps i'll keep going on into this rework happends also for my tactical mod rework system
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  3. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

  4. Shalayah Committed Player

    No point in even responding anymore lmao. He isn’t gonna stop making his request despite the fact that nobody else agrees with him.
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  5. DCUO 21Savage Active Player

    i support this because some powers needs updates to match the current state of how the game is and earth really does feel kinda out of date