Earth dps.

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Soke_Remy_Gambit, Jul 13, 2018.

  1. Soke_Remy_Gambit Well-Known Player

    Okay so a friend keeps asking me about earth dps. I've never played earth before so I'm posting here to maybe get some advice to give him. He's using weapon expert with DW in bow mastery. Not sure of his loadout. Any suggestion on what to tell him would be great. And I know he's 200ish CR and 180ish SP thanks
  2. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    You use DoTs and/or burst and/or your pet. Ta Daa was that hard?

    Tell your friend to take 6 minutes of his playtime at the sparring target or in a cheap instance
  3. Soke_Remy_Gambit Well-Known Player

    Wow pretty rude huh? I'd rather you didn't even answer.
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  4. Balistical Ice Loyal Player

    It depends on how its perceived. It does seem a bit rude, but welcome to the forums :).

    For Weapons Expert loadout, it's pretty much as simple as that.

    Weapon Buff
    Robot Sidekick or Crystal (?)
    Crystal Buff
    Shield or Supercharge

    Im not an expert at Earth, but thats about the basic of any Weapons Expert loadout
    • Like x 1
  5. Original Cryo boy Committed Player

    Its really not though. You need a dot and weapon buff and a pet yes. But then you need two burst damage abilities as well. Reason to have 2 is bc the weapon ability is to fast to always clip it with the same burst which usually has a 3 second cooldown. I've tested with and without clipping with a burst and the dmg is much higher if clipped. For powers that don't have a second burst I'd recommend sonic cry for melee.

    So a rotation would look like smokebomb-dot/weapon buff-smokebomb-1st burst-smokebomb-second burst.

    However if I were to advise your friend I'd say to go might for melee range on earth as its top tier in thay catagory. The only time I'd go weapon expert on earth is single target ranged.
  6. Liightmare1 Well-Known Player

    your rotation is exactly whats been pointed out. you follow the exact thing balistical posted except you replaced a sc for a another burst power which to me does make sense but its your loadout. most powers have a quick cooldown so theres no reason you cant use the same burst power repeated
  7. Balistical Ice Loyal Player

    Thats pretty much what I said lol. I didnt say I was an expert. But just the basic setup for "any" WE loaodut.
  8. Original Cryo boy Committed Player

    If you test it the 3s cooldown of most burst powers is longer than a smokebomb combo. You'll be waiting for the power to come off cool down. How is what I said the same as running basically just a dot and weapon buff with a shield and supercharge? And you can have a supercharge with the loadout I mentioned.
  9. Liightmare1 Well-Known Player

    You won’t have to deal with the cool down if you alternate the rotation. And it’s the same bc you have the same basic setup.
  10. Original Cryo boy Committed Player

    Theres nothing to alternate if you dont have a second burst power I'm confused what you mean. If you throw a 12 second dot and clip with a 12 second weapon buff, have a pet and a sc, then what else is there to alternate? And its not the same basic set up. If someone tells me that I just need a dot, a weapon buff, a shield, a super and a pet I'm not going to think I'm supposed to clip the combo with anything, which is an assertion that many make when calling weapons expert simple.
  11. Liightmare1 Well-Known Player

    depends on what your burst power is. there are 100 power cost powers in every powerset that only have a 1 sec cooldown.
  12. Original Cryo boy Committed Player

    Right for half the damage and most are single target
  13. Liightmare1 Well-Known Player

    i can think of 3-4 on electric that will do good dmg single and multi
  14. Balistical Ice Loyal Player

    I think you're taking this out of context. You mention having two alternate powers for a WE loaodut. But what about your other 4 slots?

    A must is:

    A DoT
    Weapon Buff
    Shield (or burst)

    Hence why I said "Basic"

    Its a basic loadout, not one like yours, buts its the basic for any WE loadout to start with. I dont understand what is so confusing about it
  15. Original Cryo boy Committed Player

    I did take it out of context. Theres a lot of people on this forum that say its mindless and that basic set up is all you need and that its so over powered youll still crush any pftt LO. Thats not what you meant so my bad.
    • Like x 1
  16. Original Cryo boy Committed Player

    3-4 100 cost spammable aoes huh? Name them.

    If thats right its an outlier powerset and most likely we have a different idea of good dmg.
  17. Liightmare1 Well-Known Player

    Spark barrage .5 sec cool down shockwave .5 sec ebomb 3 sec arc lightning 3 sec both voltaic bolt n blast 3 secovercharge .2 sec

    Send me an inv if you ever want to raid and we can compare dmg
  18. Original Cryo boy Committed Player

    You know spark barrage is garbage. Idk about shock wave. the rest are 3s and you'd be waiting on the cd like I said. I dont see how a dps comp is relevant to this discussion when we use different powersets and I don't think either of us is precision. I would be surprised if I lost to an electric dps but thats really besides the point.
  19. Liightmare1 Well-Known Player

    You asked for low cd powers n I gave it to you. Being a prec build is more about the weapon combo then power used in between. As far as electric I am might n like I said hit me up n we’ll raid you might be surprised
  20. Original Cryo boy Committed Player

    Its definitely more about the weapon combo. My point was just that you maximize it with the correct power used inbetween. We can run together man. I stray away from dps comps bc I just dont have the stats to boast about topping the charts against top tier players. I'm only cr 236 and running around at 25k might. But we can definitely run together man. I haven't seen a good might based electric player so that would be cool. Names primary burn in game. Fire dps. I just added you.