Earth battle tank/dps help

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Murk626, May 20, 2022.

  1. Murk626 New Player

    Really loving earth especially as a battle tank and was wondering what allies/artifact combos should I be looking for? Any help and or tips are much appreciated!
  2. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    If you want an easier set up than you can go with a pet build of grim, source, and quislet. Brick will get amplified by source along with your other pets. You can do this while being a prec battle tank or might battle tank. This of course is for none elite since you don’t have any defensive (tank) artifacts by going this route.

    Alternatively you can go with clarion, transformation, and symbols. Clarion gives a periodic shield along with self sustain from the healing. You also have trans which increases both healing and damage crits. And symbols for the mini heals and extra defense. This of course would be for prec.

    And if you are might you can go with EoG instead of clarion and use your sc generator in place of your weapon buff for clarion.

    As for allies. There aren’t any “use this for battle tanking” allies. It’s all pretty much standard. Use Batman who laughs for the random passives which can also affect your damage and healing. Other than that use whatever you feel you’re missing. Calc for the random healing passive or cyborg if you jackhammer spam. FP Batman for the little extra defense (not really needed) or anything really. And for offense you can do the standard Harley/HoL bot/cyborg for damage. You can also use queen Diana if you feel your lowered survivability will lead to needed her take the pressure off you for a second. Nubia also heals if needed.
  3. L T Devoted Player

    Eye of Gemini works really well with Earth.