Earning Prestige Request

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Black Dawn, Jun 5, 2015.

  1. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    Hey hey all,

    Would it be possible to earn prestige via the daily solo outside missions from Amazon Fury I & II as well as the one on New Genesis (as well as all outside solo missions)? We get prestige from running the solos that you queue for, and I think it would be nice to earn prestige from the outside ones...mostly because I run them everyday and have been trying to earn prestige. I believe that in T4 the only solo missions are outside at ACE Chemicals and Strikers, and thus characters in that tier have their solo prestige earning ability inhibited.

    I would prefer to earn 100 prestige like the queued solos, but if we earned 75 or 50 for the outside ones, I would accept that since it is better than nothing.

    Have there been arguments as for why we don't earn prestige from this content and I just missed it? I would be interested in hearing them.
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  2. Dezaras Loyal Player

    I think the dailies should award prestige too. I'd also like to see prestige booster boxes on the MP.
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  3. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    I don't see any reason it shouldn't grant Prestige.
    At the same time, I don't see how earning Prestige without it is a problem, either. It's set up so that even a small league that's active should still be hitting the cap. But, I guess if your activity is mostly open world, and you're not getting Prestige from it, it would be frustrating.
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  4. Dezaras Loyal Player

    I'm the only fully active member of my league nowadays. Well me, myself, and I. So a lot of solos, on my main and alts, along with a few duos. I'm about 16000 off a league hall. It's been a grind but it'll be worth it when I get it.

    So close...
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  5. MetalMario Loyal Player

    The dailies can be completed by other people for you. They should not earn prestige unless you can turn that option off completely some how.
  6. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    It may be set up for a small league, but, it's not set up for a league of one. Good to hear that it can still be done if you're active. If I recall, the more players involved, the higher the prestige reward. So, even if you're solo, pugging raids should still get you there faster. If you're applying that to what the open world Prestige should reward, I'd say that bounties should count for more than dailies.
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  7. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    They can only earn it for you if you're part of their group. You could go into a raid, sit at the spawn point, and still earn Prestige, too.
    I don't think that's a good enough reason not to have Prestige added to open world items.

    Besides, don't knock it. I'll help with a bounty every day, if it'll help me get my daily done quickly!
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  8. Yui Loyal Player

    I agree with this.
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  9. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    Duos, alerts and raids are all completed by doing the objectives with others.

    If you are in a group doing these missions when why should it be any different from doing a duo?

    Even so, I can see how this could be viewed as a problem (a small one in my mind) and so if they turned off group members helping with your solo mission I would be fine with that if I earned prestige for doing the mission.

    I'm not in a solo league, but a duo league. And it is hard to get my teammate to run anything other than the solos/duos at this time. He just isn't in to it. -_- makes me sad.
  10. Dezaras Loyal Player

    My league was never a solo league. There was a time when we had a good amount of players, but they left the game for various reasons. Had a player leave the league, but he came in with a group that are now inactive. He only seemed interested in playing with them. Ah well. His prestige contribution is appreciated.
  11. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    Didn't even think about the bounties! Good one!

    And I hate to be bossy, but those of you who agree please give the OP a thumbs up....

    EDIT: Thanks guys! ^.^
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  12. ChuckLess New Player

    Yeah! Cause they're sooo hard, people will be grouping up for them and gaining wayyy too much Prestige out there! :rolleyes:
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  13. ChuckLess New Player

    How so?
  14. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    Because our community is silly. :p
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  15. ChuckLess New Player

    That's about the best answer you could have given ;)
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  16. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    Thank you, thank you.
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  17. Crimson Mayhem Loyal Player

    There is no reason at all why open world content shouldn't give Prestige, I've been saying this since the system launched. No reason at all. It's still playtime spent and missions completed.
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  18. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    It would be nice for these to earn something... even 50% of a solo instance. Aside from open world dailies, some bonus or special instances also return 0 prestige probably because they're programmed differently (the instances have no scoreboard):

    T4 5-day bonus solos (Ace, Stryker's, Steelworks, Arkham)
    T6 Ferris Aircraft 10-mission bonus)
    T6 Patrol Catastrophe

    These are true solo mission that you can't group for help. They deserve to be 100 prestige each (maybe 200 for Patrol since it award 2 marks)
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  19. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    Off topic, but still...

    I love how your suggested feat went from 25 to 50. And I totally agree, the Devs really should add in that feat.
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  20. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    Shameless bump.