Outta my 30+ runs (lost count how many tbh) of dc elite, ive gotten 8 chest pieces, 4 waist pieces, 3 legs, and no back pieces. I dont mind a couple duplicates, but 8 of em? It shouldnt continually give you gear that you already have if you still need the other piece. Eight is just ridiculously excessive.
The system is not designed to keep track of what items you've received. The bad luck limiter is just there to prevent you from going long stretches without receiving rare gear. I'm not sure they should or will make a limiter that ensures you get the individual piece(s) you still need.
I know exactly what random is and know what the system is designed to do. Im merely suggesting that they change something about it to prevent something as absurd as this.
Not going to happen. The devs don't want us to get a guaranteed set of the best gear. They've said as much whenever there's been a push on putting the best gear in a vendor, so that we can choose the pieces we want at a rate which is right for us and how we play. In the eyes of the developers, 8 chests, 4 waists and 3 legs have been excellent drops and an incredible run of luck even though you haven't had use of any of them after your second of each item.