Dps to carry me/ Tank to babysit me

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Minecrawler, May 27, 2014.

  1. Minecrawler New Player

    So I was minding my own business, looking for a group for the new alert for my healer, someone invited me to their group, and this guy, started whining that why did the other guy invited me, im not a tank blah blah. Now I dont have a problem with running in any group format; without heal/troll/tank whatever, play your way right? But if you are not the leader and there's someone who's already in your group, how big of a *********/shitass player you have to be to constantly complain about it?

    In my experience there are two kind of people who is willing to run without a certain role. First, there are experienced vets who do it just to save time and/or to have fun with friends who dont play the role needed. Needless to say they can run in any group formats and dont have to depend on any perticular group formats to beat the content.
    Then there are people who are just too ****** of a player that needs to be pampered and carried through the whole instance. These are the people who comes up with this ridiculous notion that you have to have a certain format to beat a content. Again I DONT have any problem with making groups with whatever role in whatever way, its the ignorance and idiocy of this dumbheads that really pisses me off.

    Anyway I switched to my tank, joined the group as a random guy, pulled as many adds as i could to see how "good" he is without a heal and by the time we cleared the 1st boss, the guy was already lagging half a mil damage out than the other dps. Then I left the group, and I guess they had to disband cause he was shouting for a tank, and then a troll and dps for the alert all the while talking crap about me in chat.

    Some may think I am a ********* too. But it was totally worth it.
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  2. Too Many Toons Dedicated Player

    I'm with that other poster..why do you need more than one dps to run it, are you that bad? :p
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  3. Minecrawler New Player

    Dont get me wrong, I also run without heal or tank or whatever other way i feel like, it's just sad that there are still people who after running 3 years worth of contents cannot carry their own weight in an instance making the game less attractive for people playing other roles.