Dps iconic powers

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Razzbuu, Aug 16, 2017.

  1. Razzbuu Well-Known Player

    Hey guys
    recently i've run t8a34 and t8 raids with a lot of damage dealers with iconic powers
    and they do crazy numbers some of em finish at first if there's no earth dps
    So if anyone run this iconic powers loadouts, help us here with ideas
  2. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    I really hope you're joking because that would suck.
  3. GoldenDodge Dedicated Player

    Nope, I did a test one night and had nothing but Iconic powers on my dps. Ran a51 and war torn village dailies and the t8 duos before I had to log off. I didn't get into an alert or raid before I overwrote it, but some were doing very good damage. I have actually started adding iconic powers to alts when the powers and themes match as a result.
  4. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    Joker Box hits nicely as a 50% SC.
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  5. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Why? The iconic powers have low cost with high damage rewards. Youncannbery easily play a iconic only loadout and do very well. Even some movement mode powers do well.

    I'm actually happy they buffednthe iconics. At least this way, with the refusal to adjust certain powers, iconics can be swapped out for better damage.

    Plus, people enjoy role playing, this makes it much better.
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  6. Emoney Dedicated Player

    Same here.....they fit in nicely with similar powers, like heat vision with fire, or frost breath with ice....etc.
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  7. Kimmern12345 New Player

    I have been waiting forever for them to buff the iconic powers, so glad they did! makes room for more roleplaying and loadout diversity
  8. stärnbock Devoted Player

    my favourite is neo venom boost ^^ fits all villains and antiheroes ^^