Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by qECLIPSEp, Dec 27, 2019.

  1. qECLIPSEp Well-Known Player

    Mepps, I know you probably get tired of being asked when are you going to drop another Double Artifact XP weekend and i have and idea that could help everyone in the long run.
    Now we all know someone who saves their XP taking up bank space or even someone who isn't happy with their artifact and wants to change it. I for one can tell you I am one of them, but I always rely on Double Artifact XP weekend to fix it.
    So my idea would not only help people such as myself, but am pretty sure would bring in cash flow for you. I suggest for $9.99 you sell a 2 pack of 15 minute Double Artifact XP tokens! Thus allowing people to fix on the fly when they see fit while you no longer have to worry or schedule it!! Except maybe even as Gifts to Members say for the Anniversary and such!
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  2. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    imo they could just use the xp boosters for the level system, just make them for everything that use xp.
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  3. dresserball Dedicated Player

    That could make them money, but releasing new artifacts without a way to get double xp at first makes them more money.
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  4. qECLIPSEp Well-Known Player

    Not to sure about that. The ones who pay for Perfected XP only buy just a few ti get to a certain level not capping it off
    Unless they don't mind paying hundreds. With this they would still make that money from those rare few plus ones who save their XP. Most people I know in game save what they buy. Like now with the Holiday sale. They buy Perfected XP and it sits in their Bank until Double Artifact XP weekend to use! I truly doubt they would lose any money. In fact I believe it would make them more!
  5. dresserball Dedicated Player

    Almost everyone I know just use up their nth metal. I think you are running with the minority of players. I have seen quite a few players that have multiple 200 level artifacts.
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  6. Hraesvelg Always Right

    I'd buy it. I wouldn't mind switching a few artifacts over but I'm not going to take a bath on half of a 160 level or so to do it.
  7. Trexlight Devoted Player

    So lets put another item behind the paywall that is Artifacts? Not an idea like increase the base XP of each Nth Metal. Or Make the Flawless Nth Metal drop from each Boss through out the game and NOT tie it ONLY to Booster Bundles. Or allow us to make or upgrade Nth Metal similar to Exobytes in the RnD Station. No...lets have an idea submitting more to the paywall.

    Hard no.
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  8. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    If I had to guess... they're holding off on a Double Artifact XP weekend until the glitchers use up as much of their stores of Nth Metal Caches as possible first.
  9. Proxystar #Perception

    Judging by the number of players I've seen with new trans cards and the like at 160 and 200 already, no, dresserball is right, they're milking the whales before they release the double weekend.
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  10. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I'd be down for the item, except that if they make it easy to get double XP I'd guess they'd also do away with the double weekends, so you've removed the 'free' option and made it pay only. Great for those who already expect to pay to get the artifacts up (besides seals), bad for those who prefer to 'grind' their way through them. It would be nice to see the 2x weekends a bit more frequently, but if my only options are to have sporatic 2x weekends or pay to get a 2x token (and I'm betting that would be the case) I'll take the wait.

    The XP related thing I'd like to see is to have the vault ticket they find so valuable (it's in the BBundle after all) do a full reset on the vault, including the weekly 3K piece. It's really the only thing worth resetting for and does not reset. I mean gorilla stompers are great, but I can only use so many.

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  11. Chia Death Well-Known Player

    It's not a paywall- you can grind it out if you want, I know I'm not buying anything other than seals with my monthly membership points.
  12. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Seals of preservation and Seals of Completion are also included in the paywall. The grinding is certainly there but no one wants to spend 3 months or more grinding an Artifact only to have a new set come out with the next Episode and experience more of the headache of a grind. This is the kind of grind that kills player's attitudes towards participating in the game. Even as Members we shouldnt be gated by the breakthroughs or the paywall cause most certainly, Im not going to spend 200+ SMs to try and Breakthrough with a 10% or 5% chance. The developers need to course correct themselves behind monetizing these items so heavily. Anything above Rank 120 you're opening your wallet or having mental strain placed on you.

    I know no one needs to have every Artifact Max'd out or even used but that statement is exactly false, especially to those players who want to be "competitive" in End Game. It's false because we as players want to have everything to allow us the chance to choose. Once we grind out 1 Artifact, we realize it doesnt work so what do you do? Toss it in the bank to work on later and maybe come back to it and start ALL over again. Or you use that Artifact, feed it into another to get a head start in leveling a new one and hopefully not decide to come back to it later. The Artifacts themselves are cool to allow for different playstyles but the grind behind it is purely monetary and thats needs fixing in 2020.
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  13. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    You're kidding yourself if you don't think those people are holding those caches for a double weekend as well
  14. Chia Death Well-Known Player

    You're absolutely right, except in that you're wrong in almost every point you make.
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  15. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    I know a guy who just finished one of the new artis at 200, and he farmed it. He’s been hitting the nth farming hard for a month, but it’s possible. Of course, the seals still have to be bought; but the Black Friday sale helped on that.
  16. dresserball Dedicated Player

    He must of had a bunch stored up before the content started. There was not enough time to farm that much xp already. Maybe someone with the drop rates can chime in. Did they feed other artifacts in it also?
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  17. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    Not to my knowledge. I’m pretty sure he had used up his stores leveling another to 200 before the new episode dropped.
  18. CandySlinger Active Player

    You're making it seem like he's grinding out nearly 1 million xp a month, anything where he could have started half way finished already and then only needed around 500k xp a month is more feasible. If people were grinding out a million xp a month without buying metal or detectors they wouldn't have capped the level progression past 160 at 25k a level.
  19. Brit Loyal Player

    I only use my Nth Metal during the double weekends. I had everything frozen at 120 until the last double weekend, at which point everything jumped to 160 in a single weekend. I've got 7 characters filled with Nth Metal and I feel confident I'm bouncing my stuff up to 200 whenever the next one roles around.

    I do use Seals. I typically get them with my Daybreak currency that comes along with my membership. I'm not too concerned about those though. It has never been Catalysts that are the bottleneck for Artifacts; it's always been about the Nth Metal. So if I fail a breakthrough at some of those lower tiers, I don't even care, because the MoV comes way faster than I need it.

    If there was one major change I want to see, it's just treating Artifacts like Augments so that they no longer would occupy inventory space. We're getting so many Artifacts that it would be great to be able to level some of those extra ones for the feats without having to tie up extra inventory space forever.
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  20. Proxystar #Perception

    farmed 1.6million in what 3-4 weeks, I find that highly unlikely, you're being told fairy tales my friend. Math doesn't lie but your friend will, that would require a farming rate of 3,174 nth metal per hour (playing the game 24/7), the moment your friend starts to sleep, go to the toilet, eat, partake in any activities a normal person would in those three weeks that rate increases.
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