New year. New you. New rewards! Zoom into the future with a bonus week for Episode 39: Long Live The Legion! BONUS SOLAR CREDITS! Solar Credits rewards will be doubled this week everywhere in Long Live The Legion. Solar Credits are the currency found in Episode 39: Long Live The Legion and are primarily used for obtaining new gear and rewards from the episode vendors. This week – from Thursday, January 21, 2021, through Wednesday, January 27, 2021 – all players will receive DOUBLE Solar Credits when completing instanced and mission content Long Live The Legion. NEW LONG LIVE THE LEGION REWARDS! Six new items have been be added to the Long Live The Legion vendor (for Solar Credits). Magnetic Neon Chroma Pack Titanian Aura Shocking Fade Hair Asymmetrical Tresses Hair Futuristic High Top Hair Henchmen Uplink Device: 31st Century Legionnaires PLUS, seven new Titanian Modular Auras have been added as drops throughout Long Live The Legion. These vendor rewards and boss drops are permanent additions to the game. To the future! Magnetic Neon Chroma Pack, Titanian AuraShocking Fade, Asymmetrical Tresses, and Futuristic High Top HairstylesHenchmen Uplink Device: 31st Century Legionnaires
What's special about the new neon chroma? It looks exactly like the steel one we got in the resurgence capsule
i just knew that something was coming..this downtime maintenance had something coming with it Only thing interesthing me is the Henchman trinket
You can tint the FX channel, like you can with Anti-Matter chroma. The FX has patterns that resembled magnetism, if you squint hard enough, so it was used for Cosmic Boy basically - metal and magnetism.
Nice. There isn't something I want in particular from the new rewards so I'll save up for the second wave.
Idk if I can swear but I can remain calm and say this is freaking awesome lol lol wow amazing amazing.
Lol, BOOOOOOO!!! When I saw "31st Century Legionnaires" I actually thought the 'henchmen' would be Cosmic Boy, Saturn Girl and Lightning Lad themselves, not some random students