Double Arts XP

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by naruto, Oct 25, 2024.

  1. ArtemisWonderWoman7 Committed Player

    At this point we are heading to 2 years since the last x2 exp and we don't even have the same dev team. They introduce all of the finisher arts and all the other role damage arts. Pluse introduced wolf arts. People who haven't used their nth metal would be able to make 6 to 8 arts now if they did because I have maxed and wolfpacked 3 since then and still have nth all over my account. At this point it would be a huge waste to do a x2 because no 1 would need to buy nth metal from the mc. I am sitting on 27 fate token as well.
  2. Silvermaine New Player

    Agree. At this point hoping that they will improve the rate at which we get nth seems to be more realistic than seeing this bonus coming back.

    One of the reasons why new player don’t really stick around is because of how punishable the artifact system is. It takes over 3 months to fully level an artifact if you play ~4 hours every single day.
  3. CassUV Well-Known Player

    Im asking cuz would be nice have an official opinion about it. “Yes, will be”, “No, sorry, no plan for it”, just to elucidate. Easy, simple, clear.
  4. Furious Vee Well-Known Player

    Probably not. It’s just been bad decision after bad decision. It seems whoever’s in charge is intent on digging this game into an even deeper hole than it’s already in.
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  5. TheMikeB Active Player

    2x arts did not increase revenue during the bonus weeks. Daybreak is losing nothing by not having 2x bonus weeks
  6. Andreas Denali Level 30

    Our community manager should still be able to tell us if we can expect the event in the future or if it is done permanently so that players have real expectations on how they want to use their saved up nth metal.
  7. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    When the wolfpacks were introduced, I could see the writing on the wall. The last Double Art XP occurred at or around June 2022 timeframe. The issue for many of us is that wolfpack tokens only benefit those running multiple toons with arts leveled, leaving those with only one toon used as primary left out so to speak. I have resorted to just banking my metal until I see an artifact worth leveling while saving Doctor Fate currencies and loyalty points to make up the difference. It's been a full year and a half since the last Double Art XP event. I am not holding my breath for another.

    They have practically removed the ability of changing power sets to different roles. (I.E. Troll power to Tank Power...etc.)
  8. Aiden_Warren Committed Player

    Maybe a Seal of Something that gives the Nth double xp. On the market place for 1000 a piece?
    But don't want to use them when the arts are less than 40% breakthrough.
    I'm messing.
  9. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    Do you remember when they took nth metal cashe out of the broker and you couldn't sell nth metal anymore? This is when they and decided that two times artifact XP was no longer going to happen frequently. They decided as a team that if you wanted two times XP all you needed to do was be more active. They added 2x nth metal drops instead of giving you 2x weeks. If you ever wondered why so much nth metal drops that's where ur 2x xp is.

    So 2x art xp is always active 18 stacks of green nth metal 9x gets u 1 maxed art. 2 stacks of blue nth metal 9x gets you another maxed art. 1600 purple stack gets you another max ranked art. If you think about it you get a maxed art every month just play the game longer its totally free.

    Buy a yearly membership go to fate vendor use ur fate tokens to buy normal seal get ur art to 160 then use seal of complete to go from 180 to 200. All it takes is 1 month and alot of understanding the game.

    The thing about understanding the game is there's a lot to understand which isn't fair to anyone because the game doesn't explain anything to anyone that's where experienced players come into play you should meet a few before spending any money
  10. Pr0tojay Committed Player

    You are not maxing an art in 1 month even if you were to play 5 hours a day and had membership. That is impossible. So no, 2x art xp is not always active. The nth metal drops seems the same as it has always been.
  11. Pr0tojay Committed Player

    I personally haven't spent a dime on this game in a full year now once I realized they refuse to comment on x2 arts. I still have been playing regularly though. It's easy to play without membership or spending a dime at this point for me now. No matter what they do though, I will never spend another penny without any clarification on x2 arts. I find out disrespectful to the fanbase that they ignore it, yet they constantly introduce blatant cash grab sales.
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  12. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    Oh there are ways…
  13. DDice_day New Player

    They could just say something about this. 2x art exp is one of the best event of all, the best to many us for sure.
    Saying no. maybe

    but saying nothing is: NO!
    being greedy and blinded by greed there might be a difference but one worse than the other. all the same.
    i wonder, if they give a bit of 2x art exp that makes them lose money, or more players coming back and those who still are buying more artifact related stuff, and it makes money?
  14. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    Well I guess I'm just seeing things cuz my inventory gets full pretty fast of green nth metal and blue. With my membership I'm able to rank 2 arts from 180 to 200 each month. Maybe I just play too much perhaps 5 hours a day is too much.

    Maybe your doing something wrong or you just don't know whats going on or what the tricks are
  15. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    you literally use console controller hacks. ****
  16. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    ...or you are making things up, as usual. :rolleyes:
  17. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    Not making stuff up did you know when you drop a stack off 999 into an artifact it has alot more chances to crit more xp
  18. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    Not making stuff up at all if ur not able to rank an art up or 2 each month u definitely have more to learn about the game. 999 stacks have a better chance at criting for more xp. Don't put half stacks into an artifact only put 999
  19. FullMetalTitan Committed Player

    NGL I kinda needed to hear this. I just got back from a couple year break and while I’m having fun I really want to switch roles but didn’t want to waste my xp. I just wish it wasn’t a -50% so I can feed maxed ones I don’t use but it doesn’t matter as now I have so much SM I can just level em up. But what’s most important is me having fun… Thanks for posting this
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  20. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Nope. That's just another lie. I'm not sure what you're getting out of this, but at this point everyone on the forum knows, that you are full of it.
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