Double Arts XP

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by naruto, Oct 25, 2024.

  1. naruto New Player

    Are we ever gonna get Double Arts XP or is that just not a thing anymore ?
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  2. Grip Committed Player

    Fam, 100% get why you ask, and as your fellow player, idk. It seems like the Powers That Be™ have no plans to answer that question. Respectful suggestion: enjoy the game as if those weeks are gone. Not to say spend your stash willy-nilly, but if you're sacrificing fun or proficiency because of 2x dreams, it may be time to wake up.

    Note: Your resources belong to you; do what you want, but a person can waste a lifetime hopin :) Take care, bud.
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  3. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    They want you to think two times artifact XP isn't coming they are hoping that everybody spend their artifact XP and burns themselves from wolfpacking. Only then will you see an art xp week. It's a business after all and tactics must be made in order to make a wheel of fortune
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  4. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    With the introduction of the wolf pack token, it appears that double xp is gone. The token allows you to get the artifact on EVERY CHARACTER on your account.

    Whatever your max character amount is, that's how many artifacts, premade to 200, you can get.
  5. KidKretz Committed Player

    i agree with this. i expect 3 NEW META artifacts to come out to replace those that were already wolfpack'd, in order to potentially get more sales.
  6. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    Possibly. I feel like battle roles is the new meta though. Brand of Hecate for trolls, Red Tornado for tanks, Clarion for precision healing, something might based coming soon for might healers maybe?
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  7. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I'd guess we'll see a 2XP week if and when Wolfpacks stop selling at a velocity that they are happy with. As long as people keep buying wolfpacks, they will keep buying XP. If they keep buying XP, there is no need to get those of us who are sitting on our XP, to drain our supplies...which is the main goal (IMHO) of a 2x week.

    There are those of us who will sit on the XP forever if no 2x week comes, or some 'never going to happen' announcement is made. The fact that they haven't made that announcement means that they WILL someday put one out there. It's just a matter of when...which at this point is maybe not in months...or years.

    Heck, the game might shut down before one comes up. With the amount they are money grabbing (currencies for sale+ less bonus 'current DLC' weeks, near constant 'sales' of one kind or another, and releasing a new arti that is so OP as to make it almost a must for the High end players...even though they will likely need to nerf it sooner than later). Smells like desperation.
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  8. GermanM Committed Player

    Is just me or i´m seeing a Angel Series reference?
  9. TheMikeB Active Player

    Wolfpack is unrelated to 2x art xp.
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  10. thirty six Loyal Player

    10/10 response and amazing usage of willy-nilly
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  11. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Not sure how you see this as not related. Assuming there are no more 2x weeks, it makes wolfpacks appear that much more attractive. Seeing as you WON'T be saving $100 or more on leveling an arti on might be inclined to spend $100 on a wolfie to get that arti on multiple toons.

    ALL artifact decisions are related....don't kid yourself.
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  12. TheMikeB Active Player

    You're trying to group 2 things together that are unrelated. You have to have an artifact at 200 before you can even utilize a Wolfpack. So it actually means more 2x bonuses may actually increase Wolfpack sales. Or use this one example. Man I really want to that Omega art maybe I'll buy a Wolfpack. Whoops. That Wolfpack does nothing to help me. You are also acting like everyone uses 200 arts on their alts or even has alts at all.
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  13. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    You are obviously correct. Not many have 200s....most people don't use arts... That's why this conversation has been one of the most repeat ones we see in the forums and in game 'When is 2x week?' almost never gets mentioned because so many people don't really know about these art-e-facts? You speak of?:rolleyes:

    Both are ways to accelerate or cheapen Artifact growth. One applies directly to alts...sure, but I know personally, 2x weeks are the ONLY reason my alts have any arts...and some DO even have 200s. Wolfpacks are an alternative way (that tacks on another $100 in sales for DBG btw) to get to the same end, which is more toons with more 200s.

    You are correct in one thing though. A 2x week MIGHT actually increase wolfie sales for some. I know personally, for some arts like trans or strat...that I've already gotten to 200 on a few alts, I'd NEVER feed one to a wolfie...IF I bought said wolfie...unless I was getting 2x, there no way I'm pitching 800K+ XP by eating 1/2 on an alt's already leveled 200. Realistically, I'd probably just sit on the extra arti until one comes along later...but again this all supposes I'd even buy a wolfie...which I won't (unless they are available for Destiny tokens, or on 50% sale). So, until then, I'll just hang on to my stock of XP...maybe till the game shuts down.o_O
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  14. GeDDaCK New Player

    No matter what the cost, that 2x art exp will come, it must come...
  15. CassUV Well-Known Player

    Guys, its been a long time since i played DC but im returning and, after read this post, my question is: any devs have ever talked about if double arts will come anyday or will definitely vanish?.
  16. CGEMINI Committed Player

    It’s not coming back because y’all keep asking for it. It was never meant to be a frequent event to begin with. They’ve learned 2x xp isn’t making them money so they will not be doing it again. Ofc they’re not going to speak on it because it’s gonna hurt y’all feelings.
  17. Miranda31 Well-Known Player

    All anyone has is opinions due to the lack of official word. It was Mepps who said that Wolfpacks and 2x bonus weeks were separate things. Mepps is gone. The new team has different ideas, especially about how to monetize the game. So you need your own personal strategy. Some people have decided to go for short-term stuff-it gains. Some are still hoarding.


    I had a cap of $3m and I've brought that down a notch. But I still have a stash and I use detectors from Doctor Fate to build it up.

    I have 2 Wolfpacks (Trans and Mystic). Not buying more until I can trade in the old for better than half-price. Maybe if I can start from the ground up on a new artifact that will work for at least 4 of my characters, because that's my breakpoint. I have high Strat cards on several characters which reduces the desirability of Wolfpacking that one. I have 1 character with a 200 Manacles, and 4 low characters who could benefit, but would I play them enough to justify the spend? It's something you have to decide for yourselves.
  18. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Lol... Daybreak is not your mom - they're not withholding the bonus in order to stop players from nagging. That would be idiotic. Whether people ask about it or not has no impact on 2xXP bonuses coming back, or not. Nobody's asking about 2x augment XP week and yet we haven't had one in over a year.

    Again - Daybreak is not your mom, they don't care about your feelings. They're most likely not saying anything, because they want to have the option to run the bonus again one day, if they deem it profitable again. Which might never happen, but we have no way of knowing.
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  19. CGEMINI Committed Player

    Cope harder. They’ve said it themselves on Twitter with a post that eluded to the event is too obvious so they won’t be doing it. Asking for an event to happen is making it obvious. And clearly they must not be earning much from the event because most of y’all aren’t buying from the marketplace y’all already have a bunch of xp in your inventory. Why do an unprofitable event if nobody is willing to buy from the marketplace? Not very smart. Also, the last time they had this week was before EOG nerf and y’all had 2 weeks when usually it’s 1 week. If you ain’t take advantage then that’s not their problem. I wouldn’t be sitting up here saving xp when you well over enough xp to get an art to 200 just so you can get max proficiency? Just play the game. Next!
  20. Aiden_Warren Committed Player

    Maybe we will buy it if devs add it to market place 2x Artifacts XP for 10 mins for 500MP.
    It might make alot of money.