I had a rather amusing experience yesterday. Well, amusing to me anyway. Most of my weekend game time was spent working on an alt-tank character running T5-T6 content. Did a few ICWs, some SBs, an A&B. Most of this was in league but there were a few pugs thrown into the mix. So, Saturday I joined an A&B. It was primarily a league run, me and one other player were the only ones not in the league that was running it. There was already another tank, but he was very undergeared so I ended up taking on the primary role. There were two pretty obvious problems I saw right off the bat. Most of the team had not run A&B, at least not successfully, and there was only one troller. We worked our way thru to the final encounter, after some fun with the maze, and I spent a little time talking everyone thru the fight so they knew what to expect. But, as I had anticipated, it was just too much for the single troller to handle. Manhunters were tearing us apart. Anyway, we gave it a few good attempts, but I eventually ended up leaving. As I was going one of the more vocal players told me I was the best tank he had ever teamed up with. Well, I’m feeling pretty good at that point, right? I mean, who wouldn’t with such high praise. Next instance: an ICW. Right off the bat I’m concerned because there is an obvious, uhm, how do I put it delicately, an obvious language barrier. On top of that, it is a no healer run. Now I’ve done a no healer run numerous times on SB, but ICW, in my opinion, is a different animal all together and this would be the first time I’ve attempted that in this instance. Anyway, we get to the last encounter in the alert and it is just a fiasco. The two bosses are not an issue but the environmental and aoe attacks are killing the two dps repeatedly. After the third wipe I request that I be excused from the instance. To sum up the last thing I see in chat: “worst tank ever”. Ah well, the highs and lows of pug life eh? Keeps you grounded. The moral of the story , if I can borrow from Harvey Dent with a slight twist: You either play a short time and log out a hero, or play long enough to become the villain.
Normally I agree, and that is where I spend the vast majority of my time. However, this post was not made as a complaint. Just as something I found amusing. I should add that some of the nicest people I've run into in game have been found thru PUGs as well. So, it is not all bad. Just as the initial encounter would indicate.
I don't care how good a tank you are, last time i checked tanks cannot aggro environmental attacks or shield the team from an AoE. Sounds more like worst DPS ever IMO.