For the life of Gaia, these two stats are usless in 1v1s, I propose that we give better function. Vitalization- giving power is not beneficial in 1v1 so suggest it buff every stat for 10s while restoring power to yourself. Dominance- the crowd control from this stat is pretty usless in 1v1, with players fariming imunities I suggest no matter how much they do if your dominance is high you should dominate the battle. With the excessive damage in pvp these two stats are ccompletely useless in PvP for the wielder, the Dominance control effect is hardly noticeable compare to other powers that surpasses the laws of dominance with thier Am rotation, heck the stuns is better than a Controller with naturally high dominance. Also giving power easily surpasses by PvP Am giving power back.
That's what I consider a bigger problem: the controller stuns should be much more powerful than the ones a damage role player throws out. Ditto encasements. What I'd like to see is the damage role version nerfed down to where it's essentially an instant breakout. Seems feasible now that the dominance value of a person in control vs. damage role is very predictable. If that happened the controller version that still worked would seem a lot more viable.
I don't like the idea of stronger CC even if only for a particular role. We had a preview of that when breakouts were bugged, and it was not fun. It would promote a power spammy playstyle as applying a new CC effect before they can breakout of an old one would completely nullify the player's ability to do anything. Formerly Dominance had it's through shields, but the shield nerf sort of killed its usefulness. Maybe adding utility to Debuffs, cleanses, and maybe relooking at shields and other dominance based tank mechanics would be a better path.
Allowing Dominance to affect debuffs would be interesting in PvP and PvE as it could introduce a new breed of Troll "Debuff Troll" which can heavily lower the damage output, defense and healing of a specified enemy for the cost of not being able to put out as much power as a battery troll. Per 200 Dominance 1% debuff increase should suffice. [I can't recall the max number of dominance PvE and PvP gear has so the number might need readjustments]
it will never happen cuz it will make the poor dps very un-happy. and when they become un-happy the game suffers from all there complaints and nerf cries. roles are dead in 1v1s and 2v2s. let the DPS have it their way and roles remain pointless in pvp. if a dps were to go up against a tank that is pure dom and cant be crowd controled but the tank can crowd control stunning/fearing him just by looking/targetting him. my'gawd the forums would run wild with nerf threads. i would freaken love it. that would be the dream of what a tank should be. an un-movable force to be reconed with.
I wasn't suggesting anyone's CC get stronger than it is right now. Right now if a Quantum player hits you with a lifting stun for example, if you're out of breakout power you're stuck there what seems like forever. That's fine when the person is in controller role. That's supposed to be what they can do. If you needed a lot more Dominance to pull off one of these long stuns, it would strongly nerf the ones from damage role players. I'd be happier if people had that style of stun, or Time Bomb, but not both. And that would give people a reason to chase Dominance mods too.
That was the beauty of it, Tanks were once that force - until matched against a Healer. Tank >/= Troller/Dps Troller >/= Healer/Dps Healer >/= Tank/Dps Dps =/< Healer/Tank/Troller That was the balance point at its peak, making the Dps role effective mostly for Dueling and Organized matches. (And open world.. but yeah.. Haha, that never was and never will be a pretty place..) If they bring that back, and give us gear that can handle the onslaught Dps currently is - I believe we'll get a new chance at functioning PvP, even with the Immunity system.