Does DCUO actually take action against gold sellers?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Shark Dental, Dec 14, 2016.

  1. Sapphire Melody Well-Known Player

    As for the seemingly increased gold buying, it's a tough topic. My unpopular opinion is, that this time, it's really on the devs with the droprates of the items from the ATC. The simply made it too hard to obtain the highly popular items that even give SP on top. When you have the options to
    a) gamble, fully knowing you'll be through hundreds of $ before you can complete everything from the TC,
    b) miss out on the SP and styles for a minimum of a full year compeletly
    or c) spend your hard earned ingame cash which may or may not suffice to get everything and leaves you broke with the next TC comming eventually
    while you also have a cheap alternative that brings no downsides? I still disagree with people buying cash but you can kinda see the point. If the carrot is too far away, there is less motivation to get it legally and you turn to canned carrots from the crazy guy next door. The obvious solution short term would be to ban certain word-combinations and increase the droprates in the TCs.
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  2. UltraVillain Committed Player

    tbh I've never really understood why there is a need to take action aside from the spamming in game - itself a product of no proper marketplace platform (ie allow cash to be traded through the market and charge a fee etc). If someone wants to engage in the drudgery of cash farming and someone else doesn't.....isn't it fair and right for them to get together? The vast majority of items that are affected are not game changers (albeit that maxim has unwisely been broken of late and needs to be quashed asap imo)... Let us be clear of the real miscreants in this mix!

    The real solution is a proper marketplace that sells stuff we want (not stuff we need) at a proper market price as opposed to a lottery game that is absurdly rigged against the player and as such fuels ridiculous instances of inflation, repetition, unfairness and frustration.
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  3. Morsy808 Committed Player

    So, your immediate go to response to someone raising a very rational (and legit) concern about something that affects the broker as a whole, "is to accept it and get a job"? Never assume. You know nothing about anyone here to be making such brash, ignorant statements.

    I work, have a mortgage and everything else that comes from being an adult and I agree with the o.p. The endless spam in LFG and trade from these pirates is irritating too.

    There is a simple answer. Restrict broker sale prices and restrict the amount of in game currency that can be traded between accounts with cooldowns and red flagging systems. Accounts should be capped with regards to the \mount of cash they can hold across toons. Because at the moment, the broker is only benefiting a handful of the community in its fullest extent. Greed has taken over fully.

    Despite what you think, this does affect the game in a negative way. Equally as much as the whole RNG boxes and neglect of the marketplace.
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  4. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    Lol I personally feel that the game gets a percentage of what they take and thats why "gold sellers" and their "sites" havent been stomped out of the game. If you think it out if it was really an issue the devs would have made sure they drove them the hell out years ago. Im sure the game has a piece of the action or some deal with them despite the ToS. Personally I have nothing against the selling of in game cash....some players ik find it cheaper then opening costly RNG boxes, I feel the constant money grabs have driven many of them between a rock and a hard place. So the devs are to blame for one else lol
  5. SasquaT Dedicated Player

    Well in game market is broken thx to time capsule so i dont give a damn anymore .
    I never paid real cash for in game curency also never used any type of hacks ,glitch,bugs ect. and i never got problem with money in this game .
    Those who spaming - gold sellers in my opinion are scamers but havent verify this so its just an opinion but like i said i dont give a damn .
    Those who buying money from those spamers/scamers are not smart ( ......) but i also dont give a damn .

    Game masters ,moderators should perm ban those gold sellers but for that daybreak will need army or maybe not.
    Well i have some ideas i shouldnt give it for free but what the hell if that makes this game better why not.
    Bounty for Gold Sellers .
    The most active player who report xx number of those gold sellers get a reword ( it can be daybreak cash free legendary or some MP items its up to devs )
    All Reports should be posted in this forum with Screen Shoots .
    How post should look like :
    1)Server name . ( USPS ,EUPS ,XBOX US, XBO EU )
    2)Person who report in game nick
    3)Screen Shoot.
    So one game master can get all info he need to ban those gold sellers fast .

    Problem for me is when i want to buy reset and i blame devs for it .I have posted few times already how to get rid of scamers who sale resets and want money 1st ( u all know what i mean ?) RB tokens as in game item which u can put it to trade window or in broker.
    Some people said it cant be done becouse servers marriage ( Daybreak need to share money with Sony ) .
    Well it still can be done we can have 2 types of RB tokens one for PS other for PC .

    Thats my 50 cent :)
  6. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    I buy very few items and when I do I don't spend any more than $500K if even that. As for gold spammers, considering there's a different one every day I'd say they do remove them.
  7. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Oh, I don't doubt that they ban the people selling gold, eventually. But that's not really what I was wondering about. I guess I should've worded the title differently. The blatant admission by several people on this thread and lots in game leads me to believe that DCUO doesn't take any action against players who purchase gold from these sources. No bans, no removal of cash, nothing. That really surprises me. Not even a slap on the wrist, lol.

    And that leads to exactly what I described in the original post, loss of income for DCUO (unless they actually recieve a cut from gold-selling companies, which I doubt due to legal issues with Microsoft and other investors), a destabilizing of the economy, and unfair advantages for people who buy cash illegally (well, against the TOS at least) and then use it to purchase broker items at an inflated rate.

    The probable scheme happens like this: the gold selling company purchases thousands of stabilizers during stabilizer sales (thousands of dollars of profit for DCUO). They then sell these items for highly inflated prices, forcing players to buy large amounts of in-game currency for cash (hundreds of dollars per each player, easily taking away tens of thousands of dollars from the game) to buy the same items that they offered in the first place. So they're utilizing the game for their own benefit by creating inflated demand and then supplying the currency for it.

    I totally agree that the abysmal drop rates make the problem worse, but most of the people saying that are just giving an excuse for doing something they know is wrong. I'm not the morality police, of course, that's DCUO's job. Just would be nice for players who don't cheat (the cash exploit in the past was wrong too, but I don't think that everyone playing then is a billionaire today, so can't blame everything on the few that did) to be able to buy nice things too.
  8. Gimpy Loyal Player


    PSN accounts are controlled by PSN. That's most likely the reason we can't ignore the account only a character on the account in-game.

    PC accounts are most likely a product of a random name account maker ( a 3rd party program). The problem with these random name accounts (names like klj5h5h) is they are easily replaced with a new name in less than 2 minutes. Most of those who use these 3rd party programs probably have 1000 or more IDs already made and waiting to login as soon as 1 is banned.

    Funny though, this thread only brings up gold spammers yet doesn't mention anything about those selling PSN cards for in-game cash.
  9. Swiftduck Loyal Player

    If you buy from gold sellers you are scum.

    Also the ones admitting you bought cash, you are challenging the developers, most likely you will be banned
  10. The Anxient Loyal Player

    So your idea is to restrict everyone's money whether earned fairly or not? "Anyone who has more than me must be a cheater!"
  11. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Yeah, I forgot about that. I'm on PC, so doesn't really affect me, but still is a big problem. And one that, again, makes me think that DCUO doesn't really care at all. The reason being that in most other MMOs with credit issues, there are people that do perform these kinds of illegal (TOS) transactions, but they happen in secret. Tells and whispers only (except for credit spammers of course). Here, everybody and their friend is shouting out in trade chat to sell and to purchase psn cards for in-game cash and resets for real money. Sure, some of them are scammers, but many aren't. The fact that everyone feels free to talk about it on trade chat means that the company isn't taking action against players participating. Shocking, from a financial standpoint to say the least.
  12. AbBaNdOn_IGN Committed Player

    Gold sellers ARE the developers. Thats why nothing is done.
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  13. AbBaNdOn_IGN Committed Player

    EVE Online has an in-game item you can buy for real money and turn around and sell it in game for game currency. You use said item to pay for a 1 month sub. Basicly allowing people to buy in-game cash in exchange for paying some elses sub. If you can earn enough game cash you can have a subscription without having to spend real money. Its called a Plex.

    This game(every mmo) should have that. I sure dont want to risk scammers making those kinds of trades.
  14. Butterfly Boy Committed Player

    The Plex from Eve and Krono from EverQuest definitely help reduce gold sellers, but they're still apparent and plenty gets sold.
  15. Backseid Devoted Player

    The game makes money off of Gold Sellers.

    They mainly buy n sell Auras to get in game cash. So I'll bet they buy the Booster Boxes.
  16. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    I disagree....i feel the money grabs that force ppl to find other means of getting them via buying in game cash are really scummy...ive seen ppl selling psn cards in plain sight and the same gold sellers selling hours on end without a single thing being done to sure the game has a deal with them on a percent of their earnings thus why they havent been more vigorously stopped. Why stop something you can profit on? Exactly.
  17. Noble One Committed Player

    yes because sweeping a problem under the rug is far better than dealing with the actual problem. can you get rid of all RMTs? no but a company can take corrective action against them to lower their numbers. the only thing is daybreak may not have the man power/resources to do so.

    by that ideology we should just ignore crimes as its to much of hassle to report and a new criminal will just appear anyway.
  18. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Reading through all of this, I still have no idea whether they're really legit or not. I usually just throw them on ignore, but I've heard people say they were scammed and I heard people say the transaction went through successfully, so which is it?
  19. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    In a game where everything you want is put behind RnG, can you really blame people for turning to gold sellers if they have a hard time making in game cash? If it's truly easy to make 100 mil, a lot more people would have the Phoenix material, so I don't want to hear that either.
  20. Sapphire Melody Well-Known Player

    No, by that ideology we should implement real solutions instead of doing sysyphus work. What we have now is additional work for customer and the devs that doesn't do anything for anyone. Instead of providing wrong analogies and poking the justice system we should rather concentrate on what a better, viable solution for the problem is. From the customer side it's ignoring the bots, because this is what actually works.