Does anyone not fall to the FOTM Club?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Supergirly, Mar 5, 2015.

  1. Miserable Dedicated Player

    Great! What are the benefits of being a Premium FOTM member?
  2. Sbel Devoted Player

    My main has never changed powers. It has been, and always will be, a Green Lantern (sometimes it's dressed in Orange or Black, but that's another matter :p )

    I have a lot of alts, in a lot of different powers. The only time I change powers is if a new power comes out that matches a character better than their current one does. So I changed one from Electric to Celestial, and one to Rage. I will be changing one from Nature to Atomic. (Probably.)

    That said, I'm much more likely to play a character if it is FotM. I've had a Celestial dps pretty much since it came out, but I've hardly played it at all since WM came out. Now that it's fun again though... ;)
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  3. Derio 15000 Post Club

    You never get bored of the game and your always the latest power, everything is just simply fabulous:p
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  4. Titans1373 Dedicated Player

    The fact that people get so worry about fotm people really shows their own insecurities with their power or skill. I'm glad you guys found a power you love and want to be for the remainder of dcuo. So why worry about what other people are doing. The reason you worry is because they are going to beat you on the boards. So people call other players FOTM chasers lol. Because you can't be comfortable enough with your power or skill.
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  5. drkhrt1 Well-Known Player

    Been sorcery since day disk was released and dont plan on changing.
  6. Miserable Dedicated Player

    Sounds like a pretty sweet deal. And I get to be at the top of the scoreboard too! Why would anyone not want to be part of the FOTM club?
  7. Echo Blue Committed Player

    Hello everyone,

    FOTM? shouldn't it be called FOTQ, since it's roughly about every 90 days between updates?

    Anyways, who named, and when did updated powers come to be refered to as Flavor of the Month?

    I like when the powers get updated, it helps to keep my gaming experience from getting stagnant. I don't respec my main, but rather, I knock the dust off my character who already has "said" power and learn how to play them again.
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  8. Drake Malice Dedicated Player

    Whatever helps you sleep at night
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  9. drkhrt1 Well-Known Player

    Don't really care what power a person plays or switches to every update or DLC. FOTM powers and weapons mean nothing. I don't chase the scorecard, I'm just happy finishing the content.

    If switching works for you and it helps get things done quicker, cool.
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  10. Forsaken Mentalist Well-Known Player

    I made other toons to try other powers.

    I'll stick with mental. I have more fun with it.
  11. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    I love being mental
  12. Treskar Committed Player

    Since December 12, 2011. FIrst feat recorded. TRESKAR has been GADGETS. Made two gadget treskars one made level 30 used the ring power lantern did not like it started over. New Treskar had his name in all lower cases. Made again.

    I have a lvl 29 RAGE toon that I made just recently.

    Changed only the skills and superpowers constantly of GADGETS.

  13. RavenXxx New Player

    I was celestial since day one and i will never switch
  14. BigDaddyDru New Player

    Mental here for LIFE! All my people know me as the "Competent" Mental Troller and I intend to keep and maintain that reputation forever.

    Often times the best players in the game are those with a solid reputation to be an Authority figure of a certain power/role. If you built a solid reputation for 8 months as being a Competent Ice Tank, but switched to Quantum to chase the scoreboard, now Celestial, then whatever power is supposed to be "OP" at the moment, it would be extremely disappointing to the people who trusted and depended on your Tanking Authority skills to get a Raid done.

    If all you do is switch to the "hot" power everyone is talking about, it does and will impact your reputation of consistency and dependability > Guaranteed!
  15. just an honest dps New Player

    staying with one power isn't anything to be proud of. it's just a game who cares. i'm a FOTM and a RPer so what now huh? I'm RPing as a ditto.
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  16. Crimson Jonni New Player

    I only play powers that interest me and tie in with my character's theme. I.E my main started out as ice when the game first went FTP but i got FFTL when it first dropped because i wanted to be a green lantern. I remember it like it was yesternight. My level 16 lantern speedster all dressed in green. Thems were the days. I switched to rage for 3 days around the time of the first SM so i could get some tank styles (and to stay in tune with my lantern themed character) then came back to green.

    whenever i'm interested in a power i usually make a character with it.

    Billyshazam for electricity
    Rachel Azar (Raven inspired)- Celestial
    ect ect. never been concerned with how well I do on the scoreboard but rather how competently the powerset plays. Which is why I feel like earth strongly needs an update, even more than celestial did, and rage and the other powers do.
  17. JacobFrosst New Player

    My main is currently a Sorcery adept, and holding :p
  18. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    main been sorcery since day 1, if I want to try a power out, I'll create a new toon. I also rp so I build my toons and power base of an idea not fotm!
  19. just an honest dps New Player

    yes exactly and if someone likes FOTM stuff then they should do it! down with elitism down with hatred!
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  20. LanternLove Well-Known Player

    When I make a character it has a fixed backstory relating to his/her power.
    I do not change powers on my toons. EVER.
    If a power or new AM appeals to me I make a new toon. I find you learn more about the powerset by leveling up.
    Everything about FOTM makes me go 'meh'