Does anyone know what the devs plan to do with PvP?

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by GhostsAndMagic, Jan 14, 2023.

  1. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

  2. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    This was always, from day 1, the biggest problem with PVP. People hacking, glitching and otherwise playing in ways that weren't intended. As the game got older, the hacks and glitches became more elaborate, and no matter how many bans or suspensions took place, 10 new alts were there to take it's place.

    Combine that with a huge discrepancy between the number of people playing PVE and it eventually becomes a cost/benefit problem. The massive amount of resources that would have to be diverted from the main player base to fixing something that probably won't attract a huge number of players simply isn't worth it.

    I loved PVP back in the day, and it's sad to see it in the state it's in now, but I also understand how it came to this point.
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  3. Ross Bay Cultist New Player

    I'm PVE-focused and do PVP times to times when I feel like it. But I wouldn't mind adjustments for PVP players even if it means my PVE being a lil' bit harder, it wouldn't be the end of the world. This game combat system is literally begging for a proper pvp system. It's a pity they left this out and I'm all in support of PVP-focused players getting the fun they deserve! I'm sure we can have the best of both worlds if devs put in some thought into it.

    Back in 2014 (yes, coming back after leaving this out for a long time) even though I've always been more of a PVE player in MMOs, it was the game i was doing the most pvp sessions because it was really fun and interesting. It's the MMO I've played where the actual skill counts the most pvpwise, at least from what I've seen, maybe I'm wrong.

    One thing that could circumvate the problem with all those damn cheaters would be to make players able to host pvp sessions. Maybe through leagues for example?

    That way one could filter the opponents a bit and don't get in a stream of frustrating sessions because they fall on lazy kids who want a quick win without putting any effort into it.

    But maybe it would be technically difficult to do that, I don't know. The only thing is they should make a rule like if the CR difference is too high, then no feats because if not, said lazy kids would abuse this. Maybe it's a stupid idea, not sure.
  4. Offline Well-Known Player

    My opinion as a returning player. Just remove the pvp feats. Just give all the pvp to players and just forget pvp ever existed. For those players who have grinded pvp. Give them something to compensate themselves.
    Make pvp worth doing again.
    Give me a collection i need. Low the feat needed for wins.

    Hopefully something is done.
  5. Offline Well-Known Player

    So I've tried pvp today. Went on trigon. Got loot locked after one game. Like wtf... pvp is dead and here is the devs loot locking pvp. No one is playing and here is a great example. My character is loot locked. Oh wow am I gonna receive 2 marks of legend. Wow!
  6. GhostsAndMagic Dedicated Player

    uhhhh PvP doesn't have loot locks.
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  7. Miserable Dedicated Player


    Yes. Nothing.




  8. BƖack Dedicated Player

    Yh, nothing. -_-
  9. Aiden_Warren Well-Known Player

    Why not do a PvP cr skip? To get gear boxes to get the gear and next gear box for next to complete the styles and cr and get all feats free.
    If they are to make money in PvP. Just sell it away and give all the gear and feats with the cr skip.
    Or sell Marks of Valor in marketplace like 5000 makes of valor.for 5$
    I don't know. But maybe devs should sell it away.
    Not that the feats matter, but it's something new players can grab easily to get a good amount of skill points early on.
    Tho, I really don't know what suggestions to speak. I haven't played this in 3 years and I'm checking on what's new.

    Not even a new ranking system like hearthstone to get rewards monthly. That be too long but maybe daily missions and weekly missions for more marks and PvP gear.
    But it's not encouraging to do pvp due to the disadvantage of very skilled players for arena. But Legends PvP is likely where the daily and weekly missions can be.

    As to win, KO opponents, capture nodes, same as what some of the feats are can used for weekly and daily missions.
    To get more legends marks and PvP gear, 10 legends marks and 1 gear daily and 50 legends marks and 2 gears weekly and can be reset with replay badges.
    Beastboy and Catwoman can give the weeklies and a new kiosk near them can give dailies.
    But that's not what's to improve PvP. I know that's what players been asking for, for years.

    I'll be blunt here, dcuo PvP has not gotten any spotlights for competitive sports companies and other independent gaming arenas for players to be in world rankings, and the devs have tried in FNL.

    And I'll say that it is time that devs can work on PvP little by little at least with no rush to it on their internal servers and eventually it might be worth the wait.