At least I hope this is a bug and not a new feature. Noticed this first in The Hunt against Don Cassamento. He starts his heavy hitting skull attack and when I try to rapidly roll away as I have in the past I instead come out of the roll and into a stuttering block, usually resulting in a lot of damage. Trying to recreate this later I noticed that if I do no wait for the dodge timer (blue bar) to completely disappear before hitting the stick to roll again that I will hear the "stepped on a duck" sound effect and I will come out of the roll midstream and right into a block or standing position. Of course, if I wait for the timer completely I'm basically just left standing there frozen in place and completely vulnerable. Please tell me this is not a feature. It is almost impossible to roll more than once in a fight, sometimes even failing to completely roll/dodge once at all.
Or there's the roll glitch where sometimes after a teammate picks you up, trying to move the character results in a roll, and your weapon won't work.
This happens ALL THE TIME after my leaguemates pick me up in raids...being a healer it is not good for me to come up and start rolling when i need to be healing, but alas i am delayed cause i have to hit start so i can heal properly...sometimes the raid doesnt allow for this extra delay or roll into bosses...please fix this glitch dc devs!
There's already a thread on this... HERE Go Post in there... and be sure to like the original post too so it get attention from the devs... in fact devs are already posting in it.
That's something completely different. In the post you linked the issue is, that you can't move after being revived, just roll. In this thread the issue is, that when you rolled once, you can't keep on rolling, but are stuck in a block or standing still and can't roll another time.
I also experienced the above mentioned effect, that i now can only roll once out of the attack of Don Cassamento then i'm stuck in a block. Seems they bugged something in the last or second to last fix, 2 or 3 days ago. ^^ This bug is something completly different, which is also much longer in the game as the above mentioned effect / bug.
i think i know what you guys are talking bout. something about the roll function has changed. it used to be a smooth move. now if i have to move out of the way of something like the aoe gas canister attack in nexus or general luthor teleporting behind me its very difficult. its almost like a cartoon character thats about to speed off. you run in place for a sec and then shoot off which in a cartoon is cute and funny but in a boss fight it kills you.
ive been tryong to you tube up something as an example. think when fred flintstone jumps into his car to drive off...theres that rev up momet before he speeds off. we need to get rid of that rev up moment.