Doctor Fate's Daily Rewards - September 2021

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Sep 1, 2021.

  1. TRIXTA00001 Well-Known Player

    Seasonal/event/holidays styles would be awesome :D
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  2. golddragon71 Dedicated Player

  3. Multiverse Creator League

    Pretty sure they said you could unlock the style for you other characters.
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  4. DarkAya Dedicated Player

    I hope so, to be honest, I'm purchasing membership this month totally for that Dr Fate style (been begging for years to have it), so Devs please keep these treats coming and you have my money :D
  5. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    You've clearly completely ignored THE THREAD I STARTED ABOUT THE DR. FATE HELMET which I posted on Friday, August 20th, 2021, right after the Livestream where it was announced finished up! So this has been known for almost 2 weeks now.

    The information I posted was all factual and taken from the Livestream itself. The Devs, Mepps included, stated quite clearly that it was a Member Exclusive Item, but that it will also come to the Dr. Fate Vendor in the Hall of Legends later on for people that missed it. The timeframe as to WHEN it will show up there has NOT been decided yet, but it is planned to be shorter than the literally YEARS it takes for Time Capsule items to move into the Boo$ter Gold Vendor.

    So, TL;DR, YES, you WILL be able to get the Dr. Fate Helmet even if you're a Free or Premium Player, BUT you'll have to BE PATIENT! OR you can pay for a single month of Membership within the month of September to be able to get it NOW*! ;)

    *As soon as September 21st, 2021, which would be the earliest possible date on which any player could hit their 21st Logged Day for the month.
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  6. TheSuperPhantomBoy Level 30

    Hello developers, I need to know about whether an option is going to be enabled for the character to have 2 accessories, because we have so many accessories, but we can only currently use 1, Thank you very much.
  7. Corsair X Well-Known Player

    I was watching , he did ask. And its for members. That doesn't mean it wont be available elsewhere later on. Many Vendors have previous exclusive items.
  8. OnlyNomad The One Above All

    Yeah, people are purposely ignoring your threads. It's not like there's a lot of threads and we don't read all of them. :rolleyes:
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  9. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    So let's see the 'Vault+Stabilizer' vs 'Daily grant' comparison. Here's the breakdown of what you get after 21 days. The rest of the days are fate marks only, so +35 for F2P/Premium and another +105 if member. Members obviously get both of these, but I'll use the Premium totals for an example as everyone gets those.

    ........................F2P/Premium ..........Member
    ITEM ...............21 day totals ...........21 day totals
    Gear ................8 .............................8
    Spiffy style....... 0 .............................1
    Dionesium ........5 .............................0
    QFE catalyst ....0 .............................3
    Dox Energy ......0 .............................2
    Fate token ........105 .........................315
    Nth Metal (1K) ..12 ...........................40
    Stabilizer ...........93 ...........................93
    Source ...............12 ..........................36
    Allies Favor .......4000 ......................12000
    SoderColaUlt .....12 ..........................0
    Omega ...............0 ...........................10
    Rare Alliance .....4 ............................0
    Epic Alliance ......0 ............................4
    Flawed Mk 15 ....3 ............................0
    Pristine Mk 15 ....0 ............................9
    Destiny token .....1 ............................3

    So F2P/premiums get 6.2 stabilizers a month...that's a + for F2P, - for Premiums. Members get 12.4, so good there.

    F2P/premiums get 12 Nth metal a month, whereas both got 4 weeks of 3K pieces from the vault per toon, near the same if only 1 toon is used...but each alt would get another 12K just for the weekly run. Also every 3 days Premiums would get more vault runs, so a lot of Nth left out there. Members same thing x 16 potential toons, except they'd also get more Nth in daily runs of vault and stabilizers. So - all around (although Nth drop multiplier on Members might make up some of that). 52K Nth is a drop in the bucket if you are supporting a number of alts.

    Source is hard to say as the catalysts and Epic/Rare Alliance catalysts all equate to source you don't need to spend. Still probably short for members if they ran vault on all toons every day, but probably better off as long as you'd be buying those things.

    Flawed/pristine Mk 15s? Sure...those are there too.

    The Allies currency is decent at 4k and 16K (total) but pretty low for getting your Allies up to full especially as the currency is for all toons on the account. It's good they stack to 999999 though as at some point we'll cap the allies and will want to save for future ones.

    Then there are the 2 new currencies. So F2P or Premium get 105 Dr Fate tokens. With Dr Fate tokens you can buy some styles that were in the vault/PromBoxes or some supplies. What's the value on these? Depends on what you need. 100 fates gets you a Soder cola Ultimate 12 pack...street value $2. You can't pick up most auras at 150 as you only get 105 tokens, auras are also mostly $2 in the MP. You can get 2 repair bots, also value of about $2 or 5 broker/mail bots...again about $2. (pack of 10 is $4 in MP). So let's say the 105 fate is ABOUT $2 worth...except for auras, then it's about $1.60. Many of the things you can get for Fate tokens are not available in the MP, so they are subjective as to value. Movement gear and promethium lockbox styles are as valuable or valueless as the user believes them to be. They don't really have a comparable MP item.

    What about the destiny tokens? "Value $5" is what I believe was said in the livestream. As most things you can buy with Destiny tokens are in the MP, it's pretty easy to estimate.
    -- Source mark cache is 1 token for $5. 2 tokens is $10, so $10 for 70 source in out, although 21 days of signin vs 20 min in FOS3 or doing 5 OW bounties in a group makes this a bad deal.

    -- Flawless Nth metal x35 is 1 token. 2 tokens is $10, so $10 for 75 Nth in the MP....missed by a bit. 37 in the stack would be better to hold that $5 value, but 35 isn't far off the mark if you would be buying Nth anyway.

    -- 150 Quarks for 2 tokens. 2 tokens is $10. Quarks are not for sale in the MP, so hard to gauge, but if you bought $10 worth of stabilizers, you'd likely clear more than 150 quarks...and also get the stabilizer item. Probably not worth the $10 unless you were not spending cash in the MP on anything else you could get for Destiny tokens (like Nth or SOC). Buy those here and spend the cash on the stabilizers and get the 150 quarks for 'free'.

    -- 1 token for 1 SOC. 1 token is $5, 1 SOC is $5 Dead on the money here.

    -- 1 token for 3 SOP, or 2 for 6 SOP. (I'll use 2 as SOP do not sell for $1 or $5 in the MP). 2 tokens is $10. $10 of SOP in the MP would be 20 SOP. If you are a member and spend your 4 fate tokens ($20 value?) you'd get 12 SOP, which you can buy for $6 in the MP. So this is the one they are way off on. That one destiny token is worth $1.50 if spent on SOP.

    Long story short, trading Destiny for SOC or Nth is a good deal. Everything else would be better to grind or still pay cash. SOP is just completely off. So 'Value $5' should be followed with '...if you buy an SOC'.

    Now all that is just my opinion (except the chart at the top...that's what we get). Obviously if you think a month's worth of daily grants are worth 35 source...go for it. I'll be buying the SOCs exclusively.

    EDIT: Sorry for the whack formatting on the chart above, all the spaces fell out.
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  10. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Purchase it on the 29th and get next months stuff too!
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  11. Ice Lynx Dedicated Player

    FTP/Premium players can only get half of Enhanced Fuginaut Counselor style, do I understand it right?

    Will there be another way to obtain it besides subscribing in September?
  12. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    You should get all 8 pieces by day 21(days 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 21 all drop a piece). Members get different pieces on the same days because they get both (vs getting 2 pants, 2 hands, 2 backs...all on the same days). You should have the full set by day 21. Members will have 2 sets by then plus the spiffy Dr Fate helm.
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  13. Ice Lynx Dedicated Player

    Ah I see. I got a bit confused, thanks for clarification! :oops:
  14. Random Mind Dedicated Player

    I wish the "Bonus Days" felt like more of a bonus. I mean if people have logged in for at least 21 days, the next days after shouldn't be a toss away reward, it should continue being the more you login the more you're rewarded. Instead of just adding Fate Tokens, it should be Fate Tokens and Stabilizer Fragments, because since the Stabilizer Duo is gone, I'm guessing there is no longer going to be a Bonus Stabilizer Week.
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  15. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I could see something around day 28 or something for the hardcore grinders. Some Nth or a few more bits of stabilizers. Something you could live without, but something nice for actually coming in all month.
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  16. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    Unfortunately, that hasn't been considered acceptable in many years. Here in 2021, we get our verbally delivered information exclusively through 5-10 second out-of-context soundbites or we don't get it at all. Later clarifications be damned, these days any single statement made while broadcasting live might as well have been unanimously passed by congress, signed in to law by the POTUS and upheld by unanimous supreme court decision to be the most accurate and all-encompassing version of ones viewpoint! :p

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  17. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    The lack of comprehension these days should be a crime.
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  18. Sugr Bear Committed Player

    Wait, this is a thing? I just found out about the helmet (I know my own fault but have been gone) and logged in a few minutes ago happy that I had 21 days exactly left in the month and it's only showing 20 days in that menu. If I'm going to miss it by one day because of a change in reset time that is going to be a huge bummer.
  19. ICON JXL New Player

    One comment, not sure if your already working on this, but I can’t see day 21 items and I have not missed one day of logging in.
  20. The Blurr Level 30

    I dont see the helm of naboo anymore on the daily login rewards, and I thought the set pieces you get (fuginator) was unlockable with replay tokens on each character.. Am I seeing it wrong or ??