Doctor Fate's Daily Rewards - July 2024

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Kikumod, Jun 28, 2024.

  1. metro2k Well-Known Player

    Next time put Herry Potter's wand (ironic):(
  2. Ghostknight Well-Known Player

    Thank you, love the accessory. Several of my Knights will use it.

    Peace and DCUO Forever
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  3. Toshknight Loyal Player

    Please developers/DIMENSIONAL INK, this is what you came up with? floating swords, that isn't fun at all.

    where is the New Movement styles,
    like red speed force lightning,
    Light powers ring color options , to orange/blue and Violet,

    That's just two things the community would love, and probably sub just to get. this is lame. its the fourth of july month, our country of America's independence is celebrated this month, give us something we would actually like, something American themed, like a superman chest slimline style, with the open neck, like the black Adam one u gave us.

    the all American super hero, the Kansas boy himself what is more patriotic then superman when it comes to celebrating the 4th

    this below, is amazing. and one of the top 3 things, ill be everyone that is a casual or everyday player would love to have

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  4. Raizen Reaper Active Player

    From the images, can we choose the color of the swords, right?
  5. RunfromDanger Man Dedicated Player

    The light ring color thing is probably never going to happen because of the DC Comics, Inc side of it. DCUO carries the DC label which means DC gets more say than one might think in what is or is not allowed. I would not be surprised if the thing keeping us from even getting new power sets that are the other rings is DC not letting them. Much less changing the color, a common request I see other people make.
  6. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    It looks like the swords from the JLDC "House of Mystery" alert, so I don't think so. There were a few picked colors there, probably used the same ones here. I don't recall accessories from Daily Rewards at least being colorable but I might be wrong on that.
  7. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    I would be surprised. The Mepps and the devs repeatedly explained at length that when they created new powers, only a couple of percent of players ever actually paid for them and adopted them, so it was no longer cost-effective to create new powers given how complicated it was because it required rebalancing more or less every single other power in the game as part of the necessary across-the-board balance.

    This is a perfectly logical explanation and there's no reason to think DC would for no visible reason object to new powers in the game.

    Personally, I'd love to see a Plastic Man/Elastic Man (or Mr. Fantastic/Ms. Marvel, if you prefer) type of body modification/stretch/grow/shrink/roll power in the game.
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  8. Doctor Impossible Level 30

    ".....the all American super hero, the Kansas boy himself what is more patriotic then superman when it comes to celebrating the 4th." You must have missed the memo. It's no longer,"Truth justice and the american way." Times change.It's "“Truth, Tolerance, and Justice” now. America is sorely lacking in all of them.
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  9. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    No but I'm all for providing sarcastic commentary.
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  10. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    The Hand Blast Color is tied to your Power Set, as are the muzzle flashes for guns, and many other visual effects. That's the way the game was designed, that's the way the Devs want it, and really, after 13½ years, if they had any intention of ever changing that, they would have done so by now.
  11. Snowy OwI Devoted Player

    If the swords would be hanging from hip or on the thigh it would be good but floating swords is just not good at all :(
  12. Wiccan028 Well-Known Player

    Not to quibble but if that's the data they used it was always going to be skewed. Too many players didn't buy piece meal (especially when most of the powers would release) back in the beginning when subs had "more value". I know people (and based off conversations I've heard) who bought power tokens to change... others just made a new character if they didn't care about saving a particular name... and oftentimes people would just pop legendary for a month rather than buy a powerset.
  13. pete pultinski New Player

    as a toon that dresses in jeans and the bizzaro tank top with no auras or accessories, i personally have no use for this stuff.
    however i do appreciate the effort to offer exclusives for those who choose to support this game with memberships. As for the choice of floating swords & armour vs more traditional "super hero" type stuff, i think the swords would fit in well with a deathstroke / one or two handed precision type of build.

    it would be nice if we could use some of the accessories to replace our "shield" animations.
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  14. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Personally, I think it was better when new powers were tied to new, PURCHASABLE DLC. I think that gave people more incentive to either buy the content, or to subscribe to have access to it. Because they weren't just getting a new Power Set, they were ALSO getting new content to play through.

    The day they made ALL content FREE for ALL players was the moment any chance of new powers was permanently killed off. There's now no way at all to recoup all the money they would have to sink in via Development Man Hours to make new power sets a reality.

    Search your feelings, you know it to be true. Don't kill the Messenger (me.)
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  15. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    I'm too lazy to go hunt for a direct quotation, so let me apologize for being misleading. They didn't say that it was a matter of monitoring sales. The point was that only 1 to 2 percent of players wound up using new powers over time.

    If you want more about this, I suggesting searching for one of the relevant responses.
  16. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    That is true and I remember that, but the player base then was much larger than it is now and it was basically PS and PC. So, for example if you had a collective player base of 100,000(reasonable number) player base (not including alts) and only 1 or 2% wound up using the new powers over time would be 2000 players. Now I do recall Mepps saying the cost of powers was like $10k to make. Well, thats $20k in revenue a $10k profit if sold at 10 dollars a pop... and I would dare say that would have been made in a short amount of time like upto a month? Then from then on its just added revenue stream. Then factor in Xbox player base and now the switch player base... added over time revenue stream. All they have/had to do was make the new powersets viable, competitive, visually appealing, worthy and fun.

    Also to get Earth and Electric powers back then, you had to buy dlcs Battle for Earth and Lightning Strikes if you werent a member... and HL too. Which imo was worth it either subbed or being a premium player and had to buy the new powers via dlc. Good times back them imo.

    Look at the mediocrity many players are buying into with lackluster TCs, BBs, and Resurge capsules and memberships with its decreasing value on daily log ins. Why, I was so excited and completely overjoyed yesterday on the decorator base item box that, double gosh darn it I deleted what I got. Oh well I pay attention next time. Imagine if something was really, cool, really fun and reasonable priced... it would probably get more people buying things and more money made. Who knows.

    Maybe Al, the new Creative Director, can sale his vision of the game post Brainiac Dlc to the higher ups and put this game in a better state of the game direction. This game has always been handcuffed, held back and so on from licensing, short staffed, lack of vision, lack of direction, cutbacks, always in a dev transition of let go and new hires who need to be brought up to speed on a 15+ year old game engine etc.
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  17. Glitter Character Artist

    The swords are tintable except for the leather handle ^___^
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  18. Equinx New Player

    Are we getting a bonus for the new dlc tomorrow
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  19. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    They moved weekly changes to Tuesdays instead of Thursdays, didn't they?
  20. Equinx New Player

    Take stat clap out of the game or give us an option if we wanna be stat clap or our regular combat or just let us be level 30 but to be honest stat clap made players sorry we need it the way it use to be the game really needs work on it it's a lot of problems we need new powers new abilities for traits new skins new hairstyle and rework on the old hairstyles two more artifacts slots