Doctor Fate's Daily Rewards - December 2023

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Nov 29, 2023.

  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager



    New month; new rewards! Each day you log in this month (before January 1, 2024) unlocks rewards - from new styles to Fate and Destiny currencies.

    This month's member gear features the Riddler style. The non-member gear style is the Nuclear style.

    Log in at least 21 days this month to claim the Devastating Visage style. Members only.


    • Like x 10
  2. Cypharr Committed Player

    Give me all the Destiny Tokens
  3. KidKretz Committed Player

    "This month's member gear features the Riddler style."

    just curious, is this the same Riddler style gear that is half off this week with EPISODE SPOTLIGHT: RIDDLED WITH CRIME!
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  4. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Ooo this mask!
  5. WonderEU Active Player

    This is a big miss for me. The gear is defunct as it’s already on sale right now and the head feels like a missed opportunity, it’s the festive period so we coulda had something festive like a snow cloud accessory or something. Another swing and a miss imo
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  6. kallader Committed Player

    I love it buy why this is not the same material than rest of the style you can clearly see the grey not rendering the same color at all on head and body like if was not made to fit
    Probably the detail quality doing it since they did new upgraded detail for the kind of bone while the rest of the style is more low resolution[IMG]
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  7. Meliziia New Player

    Also ich bin echt enttäuscht muss ich sagen ,wieso bekommen wir immer Ausrüstung die wir schon haben und veraltet sind ? Es ist Weihnachtszeit warum bekommen wir nicht etwas neues weihnachtliches ??? Ich bin am überlegen meine Mitgliedschaft zu kündigen , da der Anreiz sich täglich anzumelden immer mehr verschwindet ! Wir bezahlen viel Geld für die Mitgliedschaft, ich bin echt enttäuscht was wir für unser Geld bekommen
  8. The Fairy Well-Known Player

    Absolutely boring and disgusting, what is wrong with that tongue? Why would you make something so disproportioned? There are older styles that need adjusting as well btw.
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  9. KidKretz Committed Player

    i agree, its kinda like they forgot what time of the year it is.
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  10. SpyderBite Active Player

    Tis The Season... to dress like a leprechaun?
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  11. Day_Blind New Player

    Gotta admit, just bought the full set because of the discount and feels bad. Poor choice guys, really poor.
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  12. >>>KIra<<< Dedicated Player

    Thanks so much, looking forward to December
  13. Ambassador of Krypton Well-Known Player

  14. sebfm Well-Known Player

    Devastator, hell yeah \o/ Finally I'll be able to fullfill my tank Devastator's style . Thx
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  15. Cypharr Committed Player

    Nice! You could also use it for a Doomsday style.

  16. sebfm Well-Known Player

    True, friend ^^. But all my chars have at least one Batman inspired style :p

  17. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    Neat, I love that head.

    EDIT: is the gear style "enchanced" like it is normally?
  18. Pingvinozavr Dedicated Player

    • Like x 2
  19. NerdofGames New Player

    Wow...could have saved this for a New Year release and stuck to something more festive, as someone else previously mentioned.
  20. NerdofGames New Player