do you think they didn't allow next dlc to be tested to avoid spoilers?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by sicklebx, Jan 24, 2025.

  1. sicklebx New Player

    I think they did it cause game is going in new direction and they want everyone not just to be surprised but also on the same page and not give heads up and spoilers.
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  2. Obviously Active Player

    It's very likely that is part of the reason test center has been less public.

    The other half of the justification could likely be that test center's primary purpose is debugging new content, and the vast majority of people that use test center don't debug, but rather use it as a build-testing playground very rarely related to any new, unreleased content that is actually being tested.
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  3. FaithfulJudgeDC Level 30

    It's a high possibility that they want us to be surprised and not always get a leg up and I'm perfectly fine with that. I just hope it doesn't come back and bite us when things hit live because unfortunately this game when it gets to content if the lag doesn't kill ya the glitchs will heehee.
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  4. Aren Sul Committed Player

    I have beta tested. Usually because of limited time, I mostly beta tested open world and solos and duos. If you check the test feedback you will see that people devoted time to this and changes were made before release. My experience, though is sometimes things don't happen on the test server, but do in production. Probably because of higher volumes of players can uncover bugs that didn't occur during beta.

    That said, if they are looking to surprise players, I would assume they did beta testing possibly with a third party to keep it private. Either that or they plan to increase update patches on release. I think the private testing is more likely.
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  5. CGEMINI Committed Player

    Nah, a good amount of people are telling the devs which parts of content is bugged, they were telling them how omega was bugged and interrupting combo abilities, etc but nothing was getting fixed. There is literally a in-game bug report on the test server which I did use multiple times and none of what I said got fixed so it definitely does not have nothing to do with people not using it for debugging purposes.
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  6. Aiden_Warren Committed Player

    They don't debug.
  7. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    They did it because they pretty much announced that next gen update allows them to use better tools to make content faster. The new next gen tools allow them to overhaul many parts of the game aswell as bring new and exciting systems to use for ganeplay.

    Next Gen update also allowed them to upgrade hardware meaning they can create more systems like artifacts and allies. Our last Hardware had limitations like being able to.only use 3 artifact slots and 2 ally passives.

    It had limitations like not being able to overhaul the loadout bar we use for our powers. Chapters is gonna be retuned so they can give you more then we ever had before going forward.

    The new tools and next gen update and hardware allow them to deliver content with no testing. Which is something I've mentioned before and Angelina pretty much said that wasn't it. But it looks like I was right about no more testing
  8. Great Architect Loyal Player

    So a Dev told you, flat out that what you said wasn't correct... and you still think it's correct? You can't build stuff without testing it, regardless how you frame it. Coding just doesn't work that way. What next gen update? What tools? If you're talking about the transition to the PS5 native client, that brings nothing new to the table for any of the other platforms, and I can't imagine there are any new fast prototyping tools specifically built for the Unreal 3 engine at this point in it's life - on the PS5 or anywhere else - unless they have developed them themselves.

    I think a possible reason there is no more testing is - and this may seem shocking - that they may now actually be carrying out testing inhouse going forward, as opposed to leaving it to the players.
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  9. inferno Loyal Player

    Hopefully it means they're confident of the integrity of the content that outside testing was unnecessary.
  10. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    While I'd agree on the fact that many people are just playing around with builds and figuring the episode out before it launches to gain an advantage when it goes live....for the Harley well as previous episodes...many bugs were reported from test and those items were ignored.

    I'd say the more likely issue is that unless a bug is game breaking, which I'd think the devs can find on their own, they don't really care as much about the content releasing buggy as they do it not releasing by a mandated date. So there is little reason to publicly test if the results will be ignored and just fixed after launch anyway.
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  11. zNot Loyal Player

    Its a good thing. Why do they have internal dev testers that get paid to do so on their team if the public needs to test the content beforehand anway? Whats the point of these devs that paid regardless
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  12. Aiden_Warren Committed Player

    How can they use better tools on unreal engine 3 that's no longer supported since 2016 or so.
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  13. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    Don'cha know they cleaned up and refined the code:eek:
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  14. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    Well since he was all gun-ho on the next gen update which all it was was the PS5 client update...
    Maybe now hes talking about the next gen update for PS6, whichever the newest Xbox will be, Switch 2 or 3 and an exclusive next gen update for gtx 5090 and amd 9070 graphics cards. lol
  15. Drewbolt Greatest Healer of this Generation

    It's because they didn't want someone like Obsidian Chill to tell them what issues they need to fix just to ignore those issues until after going on Live server. I mean, why have testers do something if they won't fix the issues on test? That would be ridiculous. Instead, we can all "test" it on Live and complain here.

    Or, they actually hired professional testers. QA might be doing their job. Isn't that what you want to be true? That professionals worked out the kinks already without relying on regular players to snoop around for their own content?

    And the best news is that now we won't have players who won't get on test server bickering about their opinions on the testing feedback forums. Now go out there and be surprised!
  16. FlyingFingers Well-Known Player

    Hahaha hahaha Your to much.
  17. Aiden_Warren Committed Player

    It's like trying to use newest Facebook and messenger on Samsung Galaxy S2.
    Or trying to play GTA 5 on Windows XP.
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  18. KidKretz Committed Player

    *uses 1970's stoner voice*

    it's because of conspiracy theories man and new tech they got working, you see, they open it up on test, and then ppl like OC have access to it, and then he makes utube videos that are damaging to their brand, so they're like, "no way man we cant have that", so they decided to not only keep it off of test server, but they are developing a new tech, that can transport their message directly into your brain man, and someday you wont even need a computer or a playstation, you just go to sleep one night and boom, you will be dreaming about dcuo and you can watch all the previews while you sleep man! you'll wake up and just give them your money and you wont even know why man. and the only ppl that will survive and be immune will be us stoners because the chemical reaction in our brains will block the signals.
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  19. Aiden_Warren Committed Player

    Maybe they will announce it today. The content and story and the instances and open world mission or just keep it off literally until tomorrow.
    Maybe just a downtown for the content and how long the downtime will be.
  20. appocolyps Committed Player

    I agree with you wholeheartedly, but.........have you seen the skill level of the devs? These guys n gals be making casuals looking like gods!