Do we truly want 2,2,2,2 raids?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by LT Schmitt, Jan 2, 2017.

  1. spack2k Steadfast Player

    its easier ( due the tanks coordination task) and faster to run Gomn with 1 tank and also with 1 heal because how OP restoration is at this point in the game and if u ask for a second heal every experienced player can imagine what the group can expect from you as a healer.

    atm everyone whats damagedealers because the whole game is build on that , thats why they are tinkering on roles on test and why so many are against because most are damagedealers.

    once stats revamp hits live servers and roles are played different, the damagedealers will have to adapt and ppl will to finish content...

    PS:Gomn 2nd boss, the tank pulls the 3 other boss away while all dps meleeing phoenix (dmg of phoenix will splitt and dps can mitigate that)
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  2. Tilz Loyal Player

    There is no glitching/exploiting in GoMn with 1 tank. Players don't avoid mechanics of the bosses or anything. The phoenix still heals and does damage and stuff. And yes. In Pugs it's easier because you don't need to coordinate 2 tanks.

    That thing what ppl did in HH was exploiting/glitching.

    Ppl run 5111 or other setups, because it's possible. I think DWF was a great example. Most groups run 2 tanks because it's easier. Even in the first few days of DWF I saw solotanks, just because they (and the group) could handle that.
    Healers have way to much restoration.
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  3. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    The support roles won't allow 2 of each in a group. Shouted for GOM on my tank, got an invite, and when i got in the other tank said we only need one tank. Not in this thread, but i see alot of players blaming dps for 1-1-1-5, when almost always it's the support who want to solo
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  4. Immortal Kyrro Loyal Player

    Let's strive for 4211 set ups. 2 tanks is ridiculous outside of some bosses. But if resto and vit were brought into check you would have more use for support. By dropping those 2 stats you will still have solo healers and the like but solo healing would more than likely require a 2nd troll to keep up with power usage. Or if you get a solo troll you'll probably need a 2nd heal. This brings the usefulness of support back but allows some flexibility in group formation
  5. spack2k Steadfast Player

    thats why they increase the cooldowns on heals with stats revamp , reducing resto just screams for a second troll , reducing cooldown apparently screams for a second heal.

    PS: like ur sig
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  6. stärnbock Devoted Player

  7. stärnbock Devoted Player

    as long as i can hold myself without support roles, i will dps and hope others do aswell because time is precious.
    i am curious if it will easier for dps to do so, aswell as support roles will do more dammage in the time after the revamp.
  8. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    I agree two tanks are easier, but only if they know what they are doing. I sorcery heal using tank pet or a gadget troll using dummy. Either are good alternatives. I always try for two tanks with pug groups though.
  9. stärnbock Devoted Player

    think what he meant was the door glitch in elite, one tank pulls to death, other takes aggro at same time, door stays open, you can pull bosses out to the stairs... once had a group that did this, even though we were not in anyway in the needs if this glitch gremlin...
  10. Caesar's Lion Dedicated Player

    At this point the rest of the Group should have left if they had anything about them, & reformed, assuming they knew what happened.

    I don't persomally care what the Group setup for raids is, as long as it's consistent. Going from predominantly 1 tank raids to then having 2 tank raids makes forming Groups through lfg a pain. The bigger problem to me is the Alert setup which is the cause of the lack of support roles
  11. Dethstryke Well-Known Player

    I primarily run a tank these days, and will pug most content as well as run it with my league. I won't pug GoM though. The raid calls for 2 tanks for it to be done properly. Yes, there are ways to work around it but for the most part, 2 tanks should be standard. Every pug I get into insists that 1 tank is enough and refuses to even attempt to find another.

    My point is, if the devs think this community wants a 2-2-2-2 setup for all content then they are completely out of touch with how majority of the players actually play the game.
  12. UltraVillain Committed Player

    I am sick to death of raids period!

    Instances, raids and alerts are stuff we have coming out of our ears, they are fraught with elitism and greed, totally incompatible with story telling or thematic coherence. The composition is irrelevant as a mix of CR will enable pretty much any variant, the poor 'just at level' player with only his dps gear will always be unfairly abused (or else booted) and the 'massively over geared dps who has run the thing so many times it begins to hurt' will still (understandably) want to run the rest ragged.

    We need new forms of content both solo (solo content that requires you to be in support role would be very worthwhile imo) and group (all dps or maybe..shock horror..all suport required), we need cumulative tasks and mission that create synchronous challenges that let the player make an appropriate contribution so that we engender a genuine sense of worth and fulfilment in content, we need role specific tasks interwoven with dps tasks in multi part stories that branch and offer replay value rather than a tiresome set of minor variations on a theme. Repetition is the bane of all mmo's but DCUO is really guilty of pushing it to the extreme and new content really needs to start making an effort to actually feel new.
  13. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    was having this conversation last night in a raid i was going to heal GOM and didnt really feel like working very hard and asked my league mate to grab another healer seeing as its the one role truly designed to work in pairs.. and as soon as we get in there the other healer asked if he or i can solo heal it and I said sure i can but i would rather take a few mins longer to just have a nice smooth run with no worries and they switched anyway making me solo heal the raid which is fine but just highlights the problem is a community one and would be nice if we could get a little of the old way back.. hell i remember the days when the whole group would kick a DPs for meleeing a boss in a raid and now all we do as a community is try to over burn the content removing all the skill of knowing mechanics and the raid pointless.. i just find it sad
  14. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    hence why I never pug with out majority of group being league or friends
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  15. Menelaos Dedicated Player

    Yes, yes we do want 2-2-2-2

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  16. Dethstryke Well-Known Player

    I agree, 2-2-2-2 would be fun and add a layer of skill to the content that we currently simply just overpower with "leet burnz". Unfortunately "we" (meaning you and I, or even the small percentage of players that use these forums) seem to be the minority in this. Actions speak louder than words and if you ever pug in this game at all, you'll see that most players seem to only want to burn through content as quickly as possible. In this meta dps is king and I really don't think the community in general is going to be happy when that's no longer the case.
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  17. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Remove we and place an I there. We do not want this. You want this. ;)
  18. Menelaos Dedicated Player

    You ever join an instance and someone que'd up as a support role but then refuses to change to that role once inside?
    I'm hoping the change will bring back more support roles who actually gear up and learn their roles.

  19. Menelaos Dedicated Player

    Seeing as there are not only more than 1 in this thread alone who want this and I can safely speak for the majority (if not entire League) on this issue, I'm good with "we".

    We because when there is more than 1, it can't be "I".

    Have a good one ;)

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  20. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Having only 1 tank is not all about burn. There are a TON of bad tanks, just like dps. The tank will stand out a bit more than a crappy dps. Trying to teach every bad tank what a single taunt is for end game is ridiculous.

    Like I've said, GOMr is easier with two tanks. That's how I usually put my groups together. It's hard to find a sorcery healer that knows how to use his tank pet. It's also hard to find a gadget troll that uses the dummy. Keep the 2 2 2 2 groups for leagues or elite content. Normal content is just that.