Of course, people don't wanna work there because they have researched their games and read the problems the company and game has. The people they hire know how to work in their position, but not much more beyond that. And as you said, then no money doesn't make it any easier.
The problem is that they don’t have any devs that actually play the game to know about these issues. If they really cared about the game, I’m sure one of these devs and even the community manager would know how to play the game.... I’ve seen their streams, and let me tell you. There have been countless times I’ve seen NOP and Mepps get confused on just working the style tab. You can say Mepps hops on every once in a while, but that guy comes on, in godmode, spawns a boss that lags the entire PS4 then leaves. I’m not saying Fire Mepos or anything because that’s not how I roll, I want to see improvement from these issues, and my only problem with the devs other than how greedy they are is that there’s always an issue that takes way too long to solve because the devs don’t even know the mechanics of the game themselves..... They cater to certain groups of people not saying names and listen to their requests but don’t listen ro the bulk of the community who actually love and want to see the game succeed. The stats revamp in my opinion was a great decision but throwing away the one thing that made DCUO great in the first place (pvp) has caused a huge chunk of what was left of pvp leave the game. DCUO 2 isn’t a bad idea, it’s just that there’s no realistic possibility that it can happen.
IF they do a DCUO 2 (or even just upgrade the engine to UE4), then they need to get it close to ready and then initiate a Flashpoint/Convergence/Infinite Earths/Rebirth scale of event that leads into it going live where after completing the related content, a portal would become available to you that transfers your character to the new server and takes you into an overhauled chargen system and lets you convert/tweak your character using whatever new models/systems are in use. That’d provide continuity and also make for an absolutely EPIC way of handling it, especially considering that it’s pretty much how DC handles resetting the multiverse to keep things fresh and relevant and make it easier for new readers to get a handle on what’s going on.
Never going to happen! If anything I would put my money on dcuo making a cell phone version. That's what a lot of companies are doing now and where money is
yes...it was time 5 years ago when it was obvious how broken this version was...years of patches updates and tearing it down to rebuild it all....just for it to age about as well as room temperature mackerel... just make a better newer game...with the most modern graphics of course...time to look at video card specs and memory again playas'...and get a modern system for it...
Let NetherRealm do it. DCUO 2.0. Take the assets of Injustice 2 and it's combat, add no vertical gear progression, a few open environments with portals into story instances that scale up when more than one player groups up to enter, and maybe some elements learned from when NetherRealm *cough* rrrr, wait, it was Midway that did Mortal Kombat: Deception. Well, Ed Boon was still involved at Midway on that title. Things from MK Deception to consider: combat tutorials, can press button to skip hearing talking NPCs, PvP is not King of the Hill, make it Injustice 2 fighter mode utilizing famous DC characters or your own exobyte enabled character.
*pick up an eleven foot pole to hand to someone* in the OP video the person included, it mentions a 2.0 worked for some other games (he uses Starcraft, Diablo, WoW)... those games had MUCH more users to push 1.0 into 2.0. DCUO had a clumsy launch in 2011 with buy the game and individual named servers, then Hack of Sony Network, then F2P with tiers, megaserver, a few game designers with new visions, meh, it's complicated, and points to many possible reasons for why there are more users or less users at a given time in it's 6 years being online. Dev started conceptualizing the game in 2008. http://www.ign.com/videos/2008/07/1...ion-3-trailer-e3-2008-trailer?objectid=754948 google search, top games of 2008?
LMGTFY... https://batman-news.com/2017/11/29/batman-arkham-origins-developer-new-dc-game/ https://www.cinemablend.com/games/1730259/wb-games-is-hiring-for-a-new-dc-project
I've done videos and made forum topics in the past about old videos - Does not the environment look so rich with colours when they started producing the game? It seemed they were using the full potential of the unreal engine. However, the combat in that video does look bad but damn imagine the open world like the promotions from 2008 onwards? The fact is the game has this capabiltity we will see this?
I have no idea what's the reason but it can be like you say.. or they have too big requirements and pay too little. ;p
Yeah i do.Even know the game is not that popular.Like theres so many glitches and they dont fix them.So yeah they do need to make a secound on.If they do it might bring morre players to it wich would make it great.
Great point. The only thing that I could see though that could be change is something that would chase off those that are playing now, maybe not all but a good chunk. Everything is beaten to quick or people don't want it. They don't want mechanics that requires some type of do this or have this done to them because of a lot of issues, mainly blamed on bugs. If it is to difficult, they then complain about having to add or run in a balanced group. It then becomes an alt issue. I just don't see how a DCUO 2 can or how it would be better or an improvement, they wold continue with the same type of content with possibly having the bubble cities freed, which don't matter cause we only can go into certain buildings anyway. That goes without even saying that we as a community want so many different things it would be just more bickering on what they could have done better. I watched 1 of the videos on here the other day and I started getting tired from watching it, yet people are running it 3 times a day. It looked like one of any raid on the game outside of Lab, throne, and the other 1 with the dog. It was just damage, damage, damage, stop get the adds, OK, back to damage,damage, damage, stop get the adds, and repeat until the boss we K. O. 'd. Nothing different than any of the other raids, yet people are happy with that while others logoff until the next piece of content comes out. Sure there is excitement initially and there should be but with the only thing that really requires time being run off this 100 times or beat that 100 times so that we have something to do between replaying the same few raids over and over again. I just don't know if what is needed I something that can easily be accomplished with the way the community see the game with having so much emphasis on just gear. Even if they released content with 1 hour speed feats or 50 min speed feats that we couldn't just go in throw weapons, powers, and real world currency at it, I doubt it would be met with great enthusiasm but with a hail of I quit, the game is killing alts, and page after page of is the game dying type threads. I know people will disagree with this next part but the game is more when a team try to get group feats, yet even thinks really is unnecessary because of the difficulty factor with the game. And yes I will say it, you do improve your skills when you do get feats or you will struggle through content being carried. And even then they have lowered the standard so that people don't get left out. We all probably want a more perfect game we just strongly disagree on how to get there and it still gets muddled when they try to appease both sides look at elite raids and elite content, look at the Controller role, heck look at the raids. You probably had to be around or have focused on your main character to know what I am saying as well.
Not a DCUO per say but a super hero game not tied to licensing companies like DC Comics. Something like City of Heroes but on a multiplatform.