Do people like races?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Krypton, Mar 15, 2015.

  1. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    In general, I don't like the races:

    Regular Races - I earned the feats on my main toons. For any new toons I create, I'll just get a few of the easy ones or run them for certain emblems, but will buy the majority with replays.

    Valentine's - This was the only one I ever spammed because we got rewarded each time and it was easy, guaranteed money (...well, after the rally point fix). OK length too.

    St. Patrick's - Just did it once per toon for the feat.

    Gorilla Races - These are actually fun in groups. If they add new races, it should be something like this... maybe work in some reward system for the winners.

  2. BigAl Devoted Player

  3. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    I love races and wish that they would add new ones to each DLC area with new emblems.
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  4. toddsmack New Player

    They're ok, but I suck at them. The main thing I hate about them is if I'm in super speed flight or whatever, I seem to stop randomly. I don't know what's up with that.
  5. Xanoth Dedicated Player

    I don't mind some of them, some I like, yet there are many issues which leave me just hating some races... character randomly stops if you clip a beam when flying through a narrow opening, even if your character doesn't touch it, just the over sized collision box that all characters have. Some go past enemy NPCs which attack you and put you in combat. Some are just irritatingly tight turns for the control system and responsiveness leaving it very easy to oversteer and miss a hoop, or sometimes just the lack of a reference point making it hard to tell where the hoop is in relation to your character.

    Most of the races just have way too many tight corners over and over again.

    Mostly I dislike them, they highlight every fault and issue the game has with every movement mode. If they were designed and set up better they could have been fun and the issues avoided.

    Current race is easy enough to get platinum, yet how the leprechauns make it fun is beyond me. Annoying players isn't how to make them enjoy the game more, unless the idea is to intentionally make some aspects of gameplay unpleasant to make everything else better by comparison... it doesn't help. It just makes me turn to alcohol to see me through.
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  6. Lleksu New Player

    I hates them...
  7. Infinite Onefunk Active Player

    No I hate them.
  8. GJGBlackDragon Dedicated Player

    Not all seasonal events have races and that's the same race of the last year. Complete it and you don't have to do it next year.

    Races in this game are quite limited, the developers haven't add a race in quite long time and you can complete them pretty easily.

    My 2 cents.
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  9. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    So we're the rare species of liking races :D I asked before to have the race time of toons (best time is saved) added to the census app so Sore and Bytecode could add them to leaderboards!

    About the last part: I could imagine that is huge part of the reason why so many people don't like races - no one else to blame, no lowlife DPS to kick for the fail, no way to get carried ;)

    Personally, I do the lower level races every time when starting a new toon; since they cut off on the XP, however, they don't help that much on character progression any more and at some point the toon is 30 and I just pick the ones with the emblem styles I want for that toon. If races were back to former XP and resetting with the weekly update (like the side missions ;) ) I prolly would have tried to get a toon to 30 by just doing races :D

    Seriously, leaderboards: if there is a way, please add the best race times to the census data. I'd love to see those leaderboards. (I'd really like to see how good 1:22.6 in the current seasonal - acrobatic - race is :D)
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  10. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    Besides that, the heuristics that were applied to the races seems to help players (at least me) discover "new" ways to fly, jump and dash around DCUO. I imagine most people that are masterful with their movement mode have done a series of races for them (probably platinum them as well).

    Side Note: How often does a team wipe out in DCUO because one or more persons were not proficient enough at their Kata (Art of Movement).
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  11. ChibiMechaX78 New Player

    I can't answer your side note question but I know it has helped me as a celestial player to learn how I could use my flight to make my toon always moving forward while still using my celestial powers. i know I may be quicker as super speed but I stay flight for RP reasons and the fact I've used it so long.
  12. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    OOOO I freaking love the idea of adding these to the scoreboards even though I am not a huge fan of them in the first place. Not that I think I'll be topping any of them, but it would be nice to see if I land anywhere near the top...
  13. XxRudgerxX Well-Known Player

    Thank you for correcting me straight and not being sarcastic along the way. I had never seen this quote before.
  14. Gr33n Static Well-Known Player

    Hate them...feats i will never claim I guess.
  15. Johnny Strong New Player

    That's the thing, though. The races can be more interesting with a group of players, but there isn't a system for queue'ing players that want to participate in a particular race.

    If the game had race queue'ing, then it would also make sense to have a "Race" channel. Whenever a new race began, it would be declared in the Race channel, and the winner of that race would subsequently be declared.

    In lotro, there used to be informal horse races that were quite popular, with kinships organizing events and handing out prizes. However, with horses of increased speed being sold on the store, and mounted travel boosts, this undermined the activity.

  16. Darkerusaelp Devoted Player

    I like races. The Catwoman one not so much.

    I have beat every single flight race with a platinum except that one.
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  17. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    Catwoman race took me about a year and a half to get platinum. Still remember the day I got it. Took a picture on my phone and texted it to my husband...he was jelly. ^.^
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  18. Zeo Committed Player

    I like them all and I do them in all my alts, I know many players of CR110 + that ever finished the race Catwoman because they think that it is very difficult >_>
  19. Marine Death Committed Player

    When I'm bored I see if I can beat my fastest time on the races. So yeah I do like them.
  20. HersheyKiss New Player

    I find it hard to believe spytle says the locks dont matter. But also imo most wont raid bcuz they are scared of raids or bcuz the player isnt very good. We all know raids are usually harder then alerts and ive seen an awful lot of players say they never raid. They give all kinds of reasons but if u read between the lines u can see its mostly bcuz they arent up to par playing their role and dont want to be kicked for performance.