I hate them. I am asking as the new valentine seasonal brought it back...It was because it was already done. Now we are at St paddy's day and it has another race. I personally find them mind numbing and lame...I hope we never have another race ever. But I am wondering do people like these? Are we going to see lame races attached to all seasonal's?
Everyone seems to hate them. I actually like all of them. Flight, Acro and even the superspeed ones. Why would I like the dreaded superspeed ones that people have issues with? Because I like the a challenge that isn't a instance all the time. When I do a race it is a self-proposed challenge of mine to get platmium on it. I relish in it. In instances I often end up hoping someone doesn't mess up, or hope something doesn't glitch. Races are one of the very few parts in the game that does not involve you relying on people. When I fail in a race it's my fault, my mistakes, that make races personal for me to beat. And not only beat but get platinum. I enjoy them. I feel like the minority.
I want more things that don't need others, but races are not one of them. However, it seems raids are the future...which is hilarious as they have stated alerts are what everyone plays most...so logically lets create more raids...lol...it is what it is...
I can do them but it's not something I enjoy. Btw you should be immune to attacks when doing those things.
I do, though the St Patrick's one give no reward but an emblem so it's fine if you don't enjoy them, don't need to grind it daily like for Valentine.
Problem with that statement is that alerts reset daily, raids reset weekly, so the results are a little biased.
Heh. They used to be a shortcut for leveling until they reworked the awards for them. I did all the movement mode races for the feats and I was quite sick of them by the end. I've only ever bothered to platinum the Flight races (because I was bored and they were the easiest). Though the group races still elude me.
Much like races in every game ever made in gaming history (including racing games) they bore me to suicide so i avoid them like i avoid the countless nerf "x" power threads
My only issue with races are. Having enough room to fly or run through a small space even when it's marked and getting blocked from going through. Also forgot going through the way points and getting told I missed even after going through the center of those circles. The valentines race was fun at 1st till the villain spawn point got disabled. The heroes loved that part to lol. The emblem is a heart that can be earned without having to go through that race. Races aren't fun anyways. If it wasn't for feat points I would never do them.
I would rather die the death of a thousand cuts then do the races in this game Ive done em all, thank god. Hope the devs NEVER add more races.
Alerts are played the most bcuz almost all of them u can do w/out having to have the right roles and most people can find 3 other people quickly or just queue. Raids usually require a certain group setup and bcuz its twice as many people it takes longer to set the group up. And go ask anyone that just queues for raids at level how their experience is. Those groups are fails 99% of the time. Also, when there have been dlcs with no raids (trigons, AF1) people complained a ton. Alot of players took breaks bcuz running 1 alert everyday for 3 months is very very boring and most times the end game players wont reset alerts bcuz they reset daily. That means less replays being purchased and less revenue for the game.
Those races have been around since the 1st wave of additions and the 1st holiday runs from what I gather. Weren't Valentines and St Patrick the 1st (2) holidays? Since then only those and the Catwoman race were were not part of the original game and I don't think any others were added. (Not sure on the gorilla ones as I never did them.) I think we are safe on the more races being added part.
I found the Mr. Mxyzptlk race to be awkward the first time through because Mxyzptlk would add to the difficulty by throwing obstaces in your path. However, I perceived this as being like the experiences that Superman would have, overcoming his frustrations with Mxyzptlk in order to resolve the situation. After getting familiar with the race, I found that it was easier to complete because I could anticipate the turns and rotations that were needed. It's not meant to be an easy race, though. -Johnny