Do Not be afraid to be a Leader

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Ringz, Aug 26, 2021.

  1. BumblingB I got better.

    Wait, players are still asking for SP?

    In a world where Wavedox is back... Funny.

    I prefer 3rd party voice, like Discord. PTT works great. Though we do have a couple PS players that use their phones and it picks up everything sometimes. But then I just go and lower them a little and works fine.

    As for in game, I don't know what's up with it. It seems to over blast mics or make them sound like a mouse squeaking in a hurricane. I am forced to use in game when I'm on switch. Typing in there is a nightmare. I do have a headset that works with it, but it's corded and I have a Switch Lite. lol So I'll type when I need to. I do listen to them though.
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  2. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Again, I believe it was a no heal/tank 'Moar burn!' run, so apparently that few extra SP they would have wanted (had I shared that alts's only 410 ish number) would have outweighed the triple 200s I'm carrying they didn't ask for.

    And yeah....if I cared enough to ask, I'd care enough to look it up quick like. I generally don't ask unless it's a feat run and I know a few extra well placed SP might make the difference, especially if 'no death' feat.
  3. BumblingB I got better.

    Eh, the whole "what's your SP?" thing really hasn't held up well over the years. If the group creator really cared, he just needs to wavedox you. I've had the rejection before, when I said "enough" or "it doesn't matter."

    TBH, I could argue that if you are doing a feat run, a person needing the feat shouldn't matter, because feats grant that SP needed. Sort of a catch 22, they need feats for sp to get enough sp to run feats. But I'm not going to. You are well within your rights on how you want to form your groups. That's the beauty of this game, when it comes to forming groups, the sky is the limit. It's when you blind queue that gets tricky, which I feel this thread is really about.
  4. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Like I said, mainly I'd care for a no death feat. A 100 extra SP in health might make all the difference. Yeah, it sucks that it does mean that guy might not be able to get in right now, but I doubt that .5 or full SP from THAT feat is where the line would be drawn. More likely it's his 250 bottle duos, a dozen different bounty counts or 3 dozen style feats he's missing that makes the real difference. You know, stuff that could be done BEFORE you go for an end game no death feat?

    I'm not that selective though, and honestly don't generally run those feats anymore anyway...not worth the headache....just saying it's where I would most likely be selective if I were going to be....not a stupid reg alert because it might make it go 1 min faster. Big whup.
  5. BumblingB I got better.

    In my experience, SP doesn't make the run go faster, is really how you handle the first area with the boxes. lol Everything after you get past the tunnel is super quick and smooth.
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  6. Controller Devoted Player

    I don't know.....I "Lead" less and less nowadays....

    When the playerbase was "Kinder and Gentler" I tried helping out more. But nowadays not so much..........

    Last time I "Lead" was about two weeks ago once the Stat Clamp happened.

    I blind queued into an Omnibus Alert, Desecrated Cathedral, asked one of the tanks to switch to dps if they could and I promptly got a bunch of characters that looked something like this

    %^#%#$&%@&% lol.

    So I let them dual tank the rest of the thing.....


    At the end of the day all I can control is ME. As long as I am competent in role and toon, a good teammate, and helpful WHEN ASKED I'm retiring from the business of "Leading" Pugs.

    Three Heals in the next alert I do for Omnibus? Hey you do YOU. I'm just here lol.