Do Not be afraid to be a Leader

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Ringz, Aug 26, 2021.

  1. Ntwydimela Active Player

    Hope is one thing, Action or rather Inaction is another. the Toxicity is symbiotic to the gameplay, the interactions between players in any given location within the game, toons that have names which are offensive, r a s c i s m, m y s o g i n y, h o m o p h o b i a, b i g o t r y, are all rampant in the community. This has been a part of the community for years and has been enabled by complacency or incompetency. This game has always had a built-in kid fan base, so the real question should be why was this allowed to grow legs in the 1st place?
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  2. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    Then you have adults with a child like thought process.
  3. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Thats not a stat clamping problem, thats a player skill problem
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  4. The Doctor Time Lord Committed Player

    Very true. That sort of toxic behavior has existed since launch. BUT my experience is that, for the most part, people are civil.

    The exceptions stand out because they are so vile. I put those people on ignore
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  5. Ntwydimela Active Player

    Care to flesh that statement out?
  6. iceman 11 New Player

    I don’t like the fact that you literally stole my friends entire style, look even her name and made it your own. That’s beyond foul.
  7. iceman 11 New Player

    Impassioned Jaelia. How did you come up with that name? Sounds very familiar
  8. Jaelia Committed Player

    Because “impassioned” is name from the war of light DLC when the iconics got under mist example : Impassioned Harley Quinn from the violet lanterns and Jaelia is my actual name :)
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  9. Jaelia Committed Player

    Haha you mean the other way around :)
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  10. Napoleon Well-Known Player

    Times have changed.
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  11. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    The way old content works as far as how hard it my be for right now will get much easier. Here's how it works your gear stats are clamped but other things like the skill point tree are not clamped. Here's what this means the cap right now is sitting at 295 in the sp tree. That cap will start to increase big time. because the new plans for dcuo is to pump out way more content faster and bigger then ever. Also another plan is to keep pumping progression systems that are not tide to clamping. These are all ways the game can work around stats matter and make it much easier on the small team they have. Trying to make gear matter with 10 years of it would be way too much work. Another gear system would have to be made in order for that. It wouldnt pass my mind if that is already in the works. And what they are giving us right now is just to shut us up. I strongly believe that gear is not giving us the feeling of progressing that it should be giving us. And I strongly believe that it is wrong and a total inventory mess and cluster for nothing
  12. iceman 11 New Player

    I doubt that. Don't trip. You changed up once you seen her. And her league knows it
  13. iceman 11 New Player

    Yea I'm familiar with the War of the Light DLC. It's been out for years. I know your name "was" Jaelia. You changed it once you seen the other Impassioned in the Watchtower.
  14. Jaelia Committed Player

    Oh great you stated the obvious :) . God forbid someone uses impassioned for there name other then that person haha you’re a joke and you’re making yourself look extremely stupid.
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  15. Jaelia Committed Player

    Ok so you’re mad over me adding impassioned in front of my name please get help and get a life
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  16. Steamboat2302 Well-Known Player

    Seriously? a thing people will complain about? The title a person chooses. Even if it was imitation...isn't that the most sincere form of flattery. "Oh, that's a good idea.... I'll do that too!" is somehow bad? FGS
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  17. Toshknight Loyal Player

    i agree with everything you are saying, when a pug alert is started, and i try and ask people , ergo the other 3 people that joined, if they have done the alert before, no one talks, the one time that was really bad, two tanks, a healer, and myself, a troll/dps, but i troll more then dps, but when i am by myself, honestly i dont put on my dps gear, i just switch to dps stance, and you get that base boost in precision and might, for more damage, even in the control gear so, i dont have a problem, when it comes to solo combat, and even duos i can do it in, "depending on which ones obviously,",

    but, there were 2 tanks, 1 healer, and me, the healer and one of the tanks, were even in the same guild aka League/clan , and i asked, cause we were in the phantom zone, i asked if anyone had done this in a while? , no one answered, then one of the tanks answered, finally, communicating a little bit, you try and run the alert, with a controller , switching into dps, cause the two tanks, and healer, are not talking at all except one of them from the league members 2, he told the other tank to go dps, finally, and they just weren't doing damage, and would not listen or even say if they had completed it before.

    basically i am just giving a good example of what goes on, people play this game like its a single player online game alot, with the option to group up, and i blame it being on Console halfway, but its ok, i am a console ,ps5 player, but i play all my MMOs on PC, just something weird about playing a MMO, yes there are some joysticks heads that are really really good, probably the best at this game, in some ways, but, i personally, just can get into a mmo more, that is like DCUO on keyboard and mouse, specially for chat, and more optimization options

    anyway. as i said, i agree with everything you said, about not being afraid to be a leader, and speak up, some people i imagine have trouble using the controller to use chat, some don't even see the chat, cause i don't think, don't quote me, but do you see all the main chat default starting a new character? i have played dcuo since 2012 and i know most of this game is server side saves, but i think the chat settings and other options are server side saved for pc at least, so you have to join the chat channels. in some cases, that is a small portion of players. but i feel like fortnite style gaming has plagued alot of online game types and MMOS has been hit by the siege of the Style / loot box type monetization that tons of other Genres have as well. like Assassins' creed, Far cry, COD, battlefront, from fps titles, 3rdperson adventure titles. even RTS games have been effected by it. and i think that is a big part of it. i really do.

    thx for reading, LOVE TO GROUP UP, IT"S FUN
  18. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    Most of us won't even talk to people on the phone anymore and prefer to txt instead; and people here struggle to understand why people don't want to go on voice chat?

    I mean I'm not saying voice chat isn't needed bc it is, but this is an obstacle a game built around a need for voice chat has to overcome. The culture has changed and the game hasn't and the culture ingame isn't moving towards changing either.
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  19. iceman 11 New Player

    No it's not flattery. Especially when the copier portrays as if she's the original. I'll give you an example. Would you be flattered if someone took your invention and sold it for millions. And you not get a dime? But this isn't about money it's about someone trying to take credit for someone else's talent
  20. iceman 11 New Player

    Also it's not just the name. She took the entire character design