Do not abandon Encricling Throw! please!

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by MAXILIANO, Dec 12, 2016.

  1. MAXILIANO Loyal Player

    Hello DC friends, it is not today that I have been asking about the back of the old roots and good Encircling Throw! This move that when being changed killed dual wield full in the game! Mainly who used it as a weapon to control the crowd of adds as tank. That was always my case!
    I know that for some reason connected to PVP, it was changed to be used only after 9 attacks ?! But who uses 9 attacks ?!
    This killed the purpose of the movement!
    Please return us with this reworking of all the Encircling throw weapons the way it was! And if the problem and PVP, just let it be turned off for the PVP. Or at least your windows! Since this type of attack usually comes with windows showing each level of the attack. Just do not allow these levels or the attack as a whole!
    But release to the PVE! Please!
    I really think about it every day!
    And the thing that makes me sad in this game!

    Thanks for listening...:oops:
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  2. MAXILIANO Loyal Player

    Hello! We are on revamp 1.1, and unfortunately nothing has been changed on encircling throw!
    I know that there is currently a vast area of change that is a priority to worry about but heart, do not forget Encircling Throw!
    It really makes a lot of difference for many players too!
    Not for the swing of the game, but for fun and interactivity of it!
    Please! Do not abandon to us that we are here desperate for years waiting for this movement to be what it once was!
    And of all the glory he had!:oops: