DLC8 power- Celestrial Confirmed- Holy & Dark powers

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Azrael, Jul 25, 2013.

  1. Blight KOBRA Commander

    One can hope, since the Blessed tree doesn't exactly mesh with my own character. If the devs are really going to split the powerset between a light and dark themed sets of moves I can see a LOT of players specializing wholly in one tree or another.
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  2. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    It's alright man, totally fair to express your opinion, and i got a strong feeling you'll finally get your wish after trigon. just hang in there ! ;)
  3. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    yeah i hope so too. although i will most likely use both trees since they both look pretty neat. Probably 80% Cursed, 20% light.
    in any case i do like the fact that they didn't split it up like in HL, that way i'm not forced to make a hero just to see the other animations and effects.
  4. Cloud_9 New Player

    A couple dozen in the scope of how many people like Superman, Batman, or Joker? Hell, even Green Lantern?

    There are more Dex-Starr fans than Circe fans. Just to put things in perspective.
  5. Cloud_9 New Player

    With my luck, they'll explore more magic crap. And then Circe will come on the boards and complain that there isn't enough magic.
  6. Hard Night New Player

    I wanted a full power set of space.

    Tough sh...err luck.
  7. SuperiorMouse New Player

    i need to see more of the visuals and the trees. so far i'm still not a fan though. looks like low res Diablo visuals. from those 2 screens. the cursed screen looks really disappointing and uninspired. purple skull projectiles?! le sigh. coming off of Quantum, i'm hoping to see better than this.

    i'm happy they didn't take the Hardlight route and separate heroes and villains, but i hate that they took the Nature route and combined what could have been 2 concepts. now neither will get explored the way they could be, the same as Nature.

    exactly what DCU characters were the inspiration here? that's what I'd like to know.

    lol. you're confusing apathy with being angry. not the same thing. i assure you, i don't care.

    i'm not dropping my sub because of this powerset. i had plans to drop down to freemium months ago. i'm simply waiting on the next powerset. after waiting 3 years, if they don't include a "physical powerset" i'm not interested in supporting the game further. i'll be a freeloader like everyone else. seeing the inclusion of this powerset is not really an issue to me -- i simply take issue with the inspiration/implementation -- the concept is horrible to me. if they did a Darkness/Shadow set (for both heroes and villains) based on raven's powers (as i suspected they would) it would have been true to the IP and made everyone happy. in addition, it would have left a more "holy" powerset as an option later down the road. now, as with Nature, they've painted themselves into a corner and restricted their options.
  8. DXLelouch New Player

    raven will prob be the next troller powerset
    she seems more support then healing
  9. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    I honestly don't think the devs should restrict themselves to balancing whether magic meta or tech get equal representation. I care more about them making compelling stories and using cool characters all over the universe. If they feel they can create a unique story with Captain marvel next , I am all for it. If they want to continue the story with the rouges I want that as well. I just want all loose ends covered.
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  10. Cloud_9 New Player

    In order to progress in the game and gain SP, it's necessary. And just because your preferred magic characters have gotten only the love they earned doesn't mean that disqualifies all of the other magic content.
  11. leapoffaithninja Committed Player

    Your not forced to spec into it its a choice the curse tree reminds of spectre ghost and raven
  12. BomombRook New Player

    You do know that some people that don't sub do support the game as well? Kind of wrong to call non-subs freeloaders....
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  13. amazonianmale Well-Known Player

    Same way us getting a magic dlc does not disqualify the other tech and meta you could play. Dlc 7 was bleeding tech, it's time for something non tech, and that's magic :).
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  14. Mr AFK New Player

    Yessssssssssssssssssss ! :D

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  15. Circe New Player

    I don't get what Cloud_9's problem is.

    This Trigon DLC was going to be released, whether you like it or not. It was time for it to be released. That storyline hadn't been explored in a LONG time.
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  16. SuperMia New Player

    ZOMG! That would be so OP and awesome! And they did say its power mechanics are different from anything seen before... XD

    IMO, I would love if it had a 100% supercharge that allowed a random person or the entire group to instantly revive once from a wipe (without full health and power as usual). Kind of like Electric's Biocapacitor's <35% trigger, but this time it triggers upon death.

    OP? Yes but I don't care! Gimme! XD
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  17. Poetic Play Committed Player

    That would make Celestial be wanted only, in every instance... Hopefully no revive skill.
  18. shaun10656 New Player

    I bet everybody who thought water or atomic and darkness was coming are crying right now hahahaha now accept it! celestial just like champions online
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  19. Poetic Play Committed Player

    All three of those options sound more interesting honestly... I know the Devs said it won't exactly be like Sorcery... Whenever I see the Celestial name though all I think is Sorcery.

    Hopefully you can heal with the Unholy side of Celestial, was really hoping for a Raven-like power.
  20. Spidey Well-Known Player

    Yet I've been seeing content get rehashed over and over and over in this game so forgive me for expecting it to continue to happen.