DLC8 power- Celestrial Confirmed- Holy & Dark powers

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Azrael, Jul 25, 2013.

  1. Alpha vermelho Committed Player

    And manly , how is the power. Picture dont say nothing.
    Look i am a bad player i always lost pvp amd kicked from party them i looking for a power that help me in this my lack of skill.
  2. Solar wing New Player

    If you suck a power change wont help.
  3. Cloud_9 New Player

    You completely skipped 90% of T4, dude. Three magic raids and an alert, with the alert and two raids being different depending on your faction. Seeds, Vengeance, Dawn, Unpaid, Gates, Soul, and Wayward. There was a brief respite from magic with HT, and Prime & the remake of Inner are the only queueable instances in T4 that aren't magic (and magic still rears its ugly head in Prime).

    Magic had an entire year in the spotlight. Tech had a two-part release with HT and OC (though I consider OC to be more story line than actual tech). The game started with magic and tech, then added more tech. Then meta had three raids. Then we had magic, PvP, magic, tech, story.

    Meta. Meta is next. The only meta we've had since FOS3 is Brothers. And kinda sorta Test Subject #1.
  4. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    There's a difference between Spytle posting a seemingly random picture on his Twitter with the line "God rays and rainbows everywhere you look" that is actually a hint toward the next power set (see below) and Celestial literally appearing in the power select menu :p

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  5. Sore Steadfast Player

    Does that mean fluffy bunnies will be the next powerset after that?
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  6. Apostate Rising Dedicated Player

    same happned with electric. multiple mrket place items get release before they should be. it happens a lot.
  7. Curse Bringer Most Wanted

    they could do that and then make the aquaman mission a villain side version, get in there with circe and take controll. then it would make sense for the heroes to save him.
    theres another story line thats un finished, lets hope for water powers for the tank ? aquamn centered with aquaman and blackmanta as legends ?!? ( over speculation i know lol) but yes i agree with you on the mission, the story behind it was joker wanted to steal diamonds form wayne tech and mr freeze beat him to it to save his wife. so joker turns on him. i hated the fact we had to beat up mr freeze hes one of my favorite batman villains, maybe they could switch the aquaman for freeze and vice versa, that would be cool !
  8. Circe New Player

    There's only 1 Magic raid that features the actual Magic mentors, though. Circe and Wonder Woman don't appear in the Hand of Fate missions at all. That's what DLC 8 is going to do. Bring Circe and Wonder Woman back into the forefront because we all know they've been underused as mentors.

    0 alerts feature Wonder Woman and Circe. That's pretty bad. Meanwhile Superman and Lex have Smallville, Batman and Joker have Arkham Asylum. Batman even has Outer Caverns.

    As for raids, Circe and Wonder Woman are also greatly underutilized there. Only 1 raid features them. 1 raid. Superman has 3. Lex and Batman have MANY. That just leaves Circe, Wonder Woman, and Joker.
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  9. Dump Truck New Player

    I think a Joker focused raid (possibly Riddler for the opposing faction's ally) would be awesome. They hint about a Joker/Riddler rift in the Deathstroke level 27 mission.
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  10. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    I am as big of a magic and WW/Circe fan as you'll find in the forums, but that doesn't mean I don't want balance in the game. Tbh, it doesn't really matter what happened before trigon dlc, if we had too much magic or too little magic, trigon changes all that. No reasonable fan of the game would want more magicimmediately after trigon dlc.

    No use arguing if trigon should or shouldn't have been magic, it already is and we can't change that no matter what. I think after trigon, we'd be pretty balanced and since we had a mostly batman/tech dlc in OC, then a magic dlc in trigon, i don't see the harm in getting more meta after that. Supes would be cool, but there are so many other posibiliteis, I'm sure we'll have a good idea of what's next by this next week :)
  11. Whiteroom New Player

    I notice you used the word reasonable there...
  12. Physique Dedicated Player

    I like the concept behind the new power set and it, based on theme, ties in pretty clearly with both WW / Circe + Trigon. I could also see, fundamentally and from a story point, how this story arc could change how magic and possibly nature may be changed, paving the way for the new sorcery and nature re-design. By and large, if the developers have things on the board, sometimes it's a matter of schedule before or even if they get released. For this reason, I generally wait for official announcements or confirmations and try my best not to speculate on what is happening.

    As Spytle and Mepps gave confirmation on the show, I could sense a bit of both annoyance and disappointment in the fact that it leaked because I think they were planning bigger things at SOE Live next weekend. This kind of let's the anticipation of it down a little bit and that is a sad thing. Still, by confirming what the new power set is and giving a little more insight, I am relieved to maybe see a greater amount of the speculative talk on the new power set drop off a bit.

    In regards to the powers themselves, I'll most likely convert one my seldom-used sorcery characters into the power set just to see what it's all about. I like the idea of the light / dark / presence power and hopefully it will be comparative with quantum which is the only other new power which has been introduced.
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  13. Cloud_9 New Player

    And what happens when the alert only features Circe as the HoF missions feature Faust and Fate? Are you going to suggest that we waste MORE time in the crappy section of DC?

    Fact of the matter remains that WW is the least popular of the big three, and no one but you cares about Circe. In fact, I think WW is only a big three competitor because they need a woman to be politically correct. There's a reason they get no love. Cause no one loves them. Except maybe feminists.
  14. Evian Well-Known Player

  15. Helios The Eternal Flame Dedicated Player

    Finally, someone who gets it. Both trees are easily usable by either a hero or a villain. Your observation is on point. Just to prove that point, in one storyline featuring the Presence, the fallen archangel Asmodel invades the Silver City, home of the Presence, with an army to claim the Throne of God, only to be told by Zauriel that the Presence was not, in actuality, truly sitting upon a throne in the highest Heaven—he was part of everything and everyone, part of Heaven and Earth and perhaps even Hell itself, and thus could never be dethroned by any rebel, be they mortal or angel. Asmodel is stripped of his angelic powers and condemned to Hell by the Presence to burn for eternity for his treachery. Thus, these trees will work together as opposed to only be morality specific.
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  16. Circe New Player

    The "Cursed" tree just doesn't fit with my character. Plain and simple.
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  17. Cloud_9 New Player

    I know my whining won't help. It just really irks me that I've been chewing on magic adds and bosses for a year, and just when I thought we had moved onto something else, BAM. More stupid magic.
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  18. Cloud_9 New Player

    Then don't use it.
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  19. Azrael New Player

    hopefully there will be enough good moves in the BLESSED TREE. So players like you that have a certain preference for one tree or another can just specialize in that tree while still being effective. We just have to wait and see.
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  20. Circe New Player

    You are dead wrong on many points you tried to use against me. Many people LOVE Circe after playing this game. Many people are also great fans of Wonder Woman.

    If people don't like her, why do my threads about her have so many likes?

    10 people liked my "Circe's style" thread. That means people want to see her style (and like it):

    My thread on Circe and Wonder Woman got 31 likes. 31. That means many people like and want to see more of Circe and Wonder Woman.
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