DLC8 power- Celestrial Confirmed- Holy & Dark powers

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Azrael, Jul 25, 2013.

  1. Flash New Player

    Holy and dark have been deep in the games coding for MONTHS now so I doubt this would do it . It's out already! I can say that now!
  2. Flash New Player

    Guys u want the truth? Spytle had a list full of teaser tweets about the power and now he has to think of new ones.
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  3. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Haha I said something similar in the Twitch chat during FNL. Somebody said Jens looked pretty pissed and I commented that he was just upset somebody else leaked it before him.

    Also glad to see another person who has known about this power for months :p Sleuthing is a lonely venture sometimes...
  4. Jason Martin Dedicated Player

    hehe :p
  5. Flash New Player

    It's a hard job but someone's gotta wear that trench coat and hat ;)
  6. Spindle New Player

    ROFL! In the video, the look on his face and reaction from Spytle at 00:15:35 made me shoot milk out of my nose... and I'm not even drinking milk. Yup, you Sir... are a true Geek. :D
  7. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    not a bad speculation. fairly reasonable.
    Spytle had been eager to surprise users at SOE Live and surprise has been spoiled. A tension will be potentially noticeable at SOE live as Spytle smiles and stares holes into the heads of everyone with heat vision. Director iz not happy when soldiers don't follow orders and get sloppy. Reflects badly on Director and everyone. /whip! /wary. /hazing..... playful prank retaliation or ...*gulp* or pain?
    Chris Cao has a secret agent..... still in the facility.... doing secret tasks..... including and not limited to, spoiling surprises.
    Tex will be sighted on the forum or in game. :confused: He likes horned beasts and there was talk of Unicorns...:oops:
  8. Green Lantern New Player

    Is this anything like the Power Cosmic?
  9. LL New Player

    Just pair up with Mr Migraine....he is always trying to sleuth...:)
  10. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    That was a funny post.
  11. Alan Scott New Player

    I can't freaking wait for Celestial.

    By the way, people :

    You're finally gonna get your Darkness !!
    • Like x 3
  12. KingMidNightMoon New Player

    What vid is everyone talking about i cant see it, and too tell you the truth i only came to this post hoping to see something about the best might based power. Im a 93 2458 might based gadgets dps. BUT I CANT SEEM TO PUT OUT AS MUCH DAMAGE IN NEXUS AND I CONSUME MORE POWER THAN EVERYONE ELSE. My bad on caps i didnt notice but i think it might be because i only have an 84 one handed to use in their. I cant find some 83 handblasters anywhere anyway.But if iwas to switch my power what should i switch it tooo? o_O
  13. Iaincredible New Player

    After Celestial...next power = AIR/WIND.
    Yes, Ice has storms but so what.
  14. KingMidNightMoon New Player

    Eletric has storms too....
  15. KingMidNightMoon New Player

    I was thinking mental or earth since i know the power interactions for earth so well lol, but im pretty cluless when it comes to mental so im guessing since my membership ran out in the middle of nexus( Some ****** up **** there Evil Tallo) my favorite gm btw talks to me alot,ill lvl an alt with mental and then see how i like it.
  16. Makado New Player

    anger much?? btw the screen shots look different compared to sorcery....but i guess ur still disappointed because the light and dark colors aren't original.....also its still a magic based class and everyone knows theres only one kind of magic....i understand ur anger
    • Like x 3
  17. bjswagg New Player

    yeah mental works real well..... go check out some vids on youtube of ppl mental dpsin n nexus
  18. bjswagg New Player

    wat r trophy points for?
  19. KingMidNightMoon New Player

    MENTAL IT IS THEN:rolleyes::cool:
  20. bjswagg New Player

    lol glad i could help