DLC8 power- Celestrial Confirmed- Holy & Dark powers

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Azrael, Jul 25, 2013.

  1. AIpha New Player

    Dr. Light, John Constantine, even ravens astral powers are celestial in nature.
  2. Remander Steadfast Player

    ce·les·tial (s[IMG]-l[IMG]s[IMG]ch[IMG]l)
    1. Of or relating to the sky or the heavens: Planets are celestial bodies.
    2. Of or relating to heaven; divine: celestial beings.
    3. Supremely good; sublime: celestial happiness.
    4. Celestial Of or relating to the Chinese people or to the former Chinese Empire.
    A heavenly being; a god or angel.
  3. Tikkun Loyal Player

    Thanks for clearing that up. Glad they went that direction. Although nova or moon powers would be cool. Celestial is a rather vague term.
  4. Objeckt Well-Known Player

    It'd be a good choice if Celestial is the new healer power, especially if its split between heroes and villains like that. Mental troll and Dark healer.. sounds like a good team. Way better than water.
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  5. Sivulla Dedicated Player

    I'm hoping heroes would be not stuck with the holy visuals, but would be able to go with dark too.
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  6. Tikkun Loyal Player

    I'm sure they will. Raven is a hero who is of both the light and dark.
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  7. sean04122009 Well-Known Player

    wow holy make its appearance ,,, will they offer a revive ability? This would be awesome for healers.... Can we so no pick up just cast revive
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  8. AIpha New Player

    doubt it will be separate. Unlike light powers the names of the powers would Chang along with more than just visual changes. It will most likely be two trees one holy one dark since raven can use dark powers and she is a hero it still fits.
  9. AlTheButcher New Player

    Well the new one will be all shiny and OP, and the old one will remain broken and continue to get nerfed into oblivion.
  10. Elusian Crowd Control

    Probably one Tree is Light and the other is Dark so you can choose your path.
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  11. Captain Domino Committed Player

    Sounds epic, looking forward to it! :)
  12. Ryder New Player

    id LOVE an insta revive team mate supercharge or something.
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  13. Tskales Well-Known Player

    That's a good point.
  14. Remander Steadfast Player

    I hadn't thought of it that way. I was assuming it would be separate, as with HL. I'd be fine with either, TBH.
  15. Joykiller Dedicated Player

    Lots of comments already, but I'll add I hope they differentiate villain and hero versions via different colors (like HL does), and that I'm really excited to see this power. +1.
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  16. Tre Day New Player

    Well...the power has been confirmed.
    And I guess the people who got it right gets a cookie?
    ...they don't?
    Well, darn...
    I guess the comfort of being right will be enough. =P
    But seriously, Celestial seems interesting, but fitting for a Healer class.
    Although, some will try to DPS with it.
    It's time for the wait-and-see portion of this epic.
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  17. Little Sister New Player

    That's what I'm hoping for and assuming.
  18. crownclownking New Player

    no the game is already easy why make it consequence free. I know you mean well but this idea is horrible imo
  19. OMG Well-Known Player

    Has this been confirmed or could somebody be trolling on us. I was hoping the new power would be Atomic or Water.
  20. Joykiller Dedicated Player

    A better idea would be something like 'Sacrifice', where you could revive someone at the expense of yourself or another teammate. So, if say the Tank goes down, you could kill one of the DPS or something to bring him back. Okay, maybe that's not a great idea...
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