Well with new DLC 8 coming in a few months- there will be push for people to play both roles. So will this once and for all put an end to this ninja looter nonsense. I feel in theory ninja looter works but if we just all played the way it was intended- wouldn't there be less drama and fairer since its just up to chance? What do you guys think?
I think Im sicka talkin about it.. But how will DLC 8 bring a push to play both roles? You lost me there..
well they have saved load outs / gear load outs- so you can switch between roles with saved skill/power points.
Notspeaking from mypersonal standpoint but rather very generally, people want what's best for themselves. The couldnt care less about any specific person but just about their gear. Ninja looters dont care about being accused of anything and will continue. Roll on your role is no set in stonerule, just a courtesy that most of us, myself included, try to uphold.
see thats the thing: people who uphold this principle well eventually encounter someone who does not and there where the problems ensue- blank , blank is a ninja looter blasting on the in game chat, cursing/yelling over mic, and multiple threads. and having gear unattenuated- not going to happen- no way the devs are going to give us LESS reasons to play.
I think the exo demand will be interesting, I've never bothered with DPS, always creating role based toons. Once its easy to switch between the two I guess I'll be spending a lot more red exo.......