Discount Fate Token Week

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Apr 26, 2023.

  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager


    Head on over to Doctor Fate this week for a special discount. All items offered for Fate Tokens will be 50% off April 27-May 3, 2023!

    Fate Tokens are gained through the Daily Rewards system and used to unlock special rewards from Doctor Fate in the House of Legends.
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  2. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    New bonus week, nice!!
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  3. Inconforme+ Active Player

    Lol, and what with the important stuff on the destiny tokens, those are the ones that really matter
  4. Limey Committed Player

    Discounts are fundamentally nice, but I'm not sure I like the precident that Fate Tokens should now be horded/stockpiled as a currency that has a finite possible amount obtained every month, and at a 25% accrual rate for non-subbed players. Unless this is going to be a fairly common or consistent event, such as being held the last week of the month, every 3-4 months at most.

    Lol, yes, let's cut that 1 destiny token cost in half, then round up to... 1 token. Unless you're referring to the "Lol, styles" that cost 2 tokens. Aww, you edited out the word styles to make it slightly more difficult to poke holes in your logic.
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  5. >>>KIra<<< Dedicated Player

    Outstanding, Thanks so much, We really appreciate it \o/
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  6. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    Interesting. And nice to see something new.
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  7. Otaku New Player

    Will we have a spring event this year?
  8. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    We will, they confirmed on Twitter but not a specific date yet other than May.
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  9. Gundraasi Well-Known Player

    well...only thing I ever bought are Nth Metal detectors and 1 Stabilizer per that is nice to have them for half the price. Cheers
  10. ArtemisWonderWoman7 Committed Player

    Its say spring event may 4th under events tomorrow is also maga capsule
  11. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Yeah I posted it hours before it was updated. Thanks tho
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  12. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah, I'm all for any bonus week, as all 'bonus' is a good bonus, but this is a weird one. We can't generate more Fate tokens, and while I'm sure many need things out of the vendor, I'd guess most who have a surplus buy Nth detectors and stabilizers(both of which have a cap every week) and have topped off their promethium box styles already. People who don't have a surplus can't really take advantage.

    I guess now that we know this is a thing, I suppose it's another thing to horde and repeatedly ask 'when is the next Fate token sale'?

    I mean +points for a new idea, but not sure how many will need or be able to take advantage of it.
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  13. Achikah All About That Base

    Nice. Finally starting to get low on my Bot supply from pre-Omni. Time to stock back up, haha! And half off the weekly Nth and Stabilizer ain't too bad either.

  14. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    Nice, new bonus week! Question though, would it be possible to add a conversion between Destiny Tokens for Fate Tokens?

    My nephew started playing a while back and he has used up all his Fate Tokens, but he has Destiny Tokens left and he just said I wish we could trade those for the Fate Tokens. So I said I will bring it up and hope for the best! :D
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  15. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah, I know some people who blew their Fate tokens on the old lockbox styles after the first few months as there was nothing else of real value...but now they have a good handful of destiny tokens and low fates....but now you can spend 75 a week easy just on the stabs and Nth detectors.

    In the end you'd think it works out better for DI, as eventually that person will need to spend some cash for seals if he blows his destiny tokens. I can see them NOT converting the other way...fates to Destiny, as Destiny is more 'cash' equivalent value.
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  16. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    Yup, that is what he did as well and now he burly has any leftover.

    I don't know what the ratio should be, maybe around 500 to 1 or something, but I'm sure they can figure out a more accurate ratio.
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  17. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Well if you take a common price of an item. Such as a destiny token would get you 1 SOC, which equals $5, 50 fate tokens will buy you 1 stabilizer which equals $1 so 250 would buy you 5...or $5 worth. So using that, 250 fate tokens would equal 1 destiny token...although as I said, the conversion should only go one way...not the other.

    Again, in the end this should end up in DI's favor as eventually, everyone needs seals, but not everyone needs styles and Nth detectors or stabilizers. If people wanted to burn up their destinies to polish off some styles, it will eventually mean a few $$ towards buying those seals....IMHO.
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  18. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    Yup, I agree. And yeah, I just threw a number out there, but what you showed makes much more sense! :D
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