Disable PvE gear in PvP phase open world

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Nitrac, Jan 30, 2016.

  1. Nitrac Well-Known Player

    Healers are mixing PvP gear and PvE gear so that they have extremely large power pools and restoration and DPS are going full PvE to 1 shot people.

    Hometurf trinkets also need disabled in PvP phase.
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  2. Grand Shaw Loyal Player

    I don't open world but I know that's messed up.
  3. Z0PY New Player

    and allow us to use the infinite pvp soder cola in pvp phase
    pvp phase would be just like a big arena environment
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  4. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    I think the devs should fix pvp arenas before fixing open world
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  5. Gods Disciple New Player

    I know what you mean but I think it would be a pretty hard thing to manage. You got to think about the new players to the game as well who want to level up but also attack other Heroes or Villains. They can't get the stat boosting in arenas because it will just make the levelling content too easy.

    Would completely support the idea though if they had a way of managing the above :)
  6. Superpatriot Dedicated Player

    Not saying this isn't an issue, but what about the people that like to do PVE content in PvP Phase?
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  7. Immortal Kyrro Loyal Player

    I miss when this was possible. I mean when it was dangerous and people were there to hinder your progress

  8. FuryFireTank Well-Known Player

    You sir just got the words right out of my mouth. *slow claps*
  9. Nitrac Well-Known Player

    They can do both without hindering the fixing of arena PvP.
  10. Nitrac Well-Known Player

    They should go to PvE phase or it should automatically put you in PvE phase for the open world parts of raids. I was under the impression it did this already.

    I don't know anyone who likes wiping because a troll or group of them is in PvP camping PvE raid mobs.
  11. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    So about the people that actually level up in pvp phase, I know there's not many but disabling pve gear would either A) render their gear totally useless or B) if arena rules apply and their stats scale up to lvl 96 pvp stats, they would have to rework the NPC stats otherwise leveling would be WAY too easy.
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  12. Nitrac Well-Known Player

    New players are automatically put into PvE phase.
  13. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Why when someone say stuff about weapon damage vs tank and healers it's be patient, but on something you want it's not?
  14. Nitrac Well-Known Player

    Because what I and 90% of people who do open world want isn't going to change core aspects of the game. Disable PvE gear and Hometurf trinkets in PvP phase. Not very hard to do at all.
  15. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Why hasn't it been done yet? You think you're the first player to complain about pve gear in pvp? How about the players who are completeing missions in pvp? Those guys are just going to be sol in your book i guess
  16. Nitrac Well-Known Player

    How many people are actually completing missions in PvP? New players wont even know there's a PvP phase because it doesn't give you a choice between the two and players creating characters will stay in PvE phase so they aren't killed by high levels camping quest zones. I'm 99% sure 99% of players do missions in PvE phase.

    "Oh no! I can't do missions in PvP phase anymore! Game unplayable!" vs "Everyone is 1 shotting with PvE gear. Actually unplayable."
  17. Lights Derp Loyal Player


    I level alts in the PVP phase, and I prefer running OPS in the PVP phase. If PVE gear wasn't allowed then these things would no longer be an option.
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  18. Nitrac Well-Known Player

    Your preference for god knows what reason to run PvE content in PvP phase doesn't change the fact that PvE gear is many times superior to PvP gear atm and is RUINING open world PvP.

    A couple people will be disappointed that they can't run PvE content in PvP phase but if PvE gear is disabled in PvP phase many many people will be happy and open world will grow to it's previous state.

    Does anyone remember these?
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  19. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    So players shouldn't level in pvp phase at all? Lol wow. How players one shotting players in pve gear unplayable, but players are still playing? And the one shot is an exaggeration. I doubt players are one shotting players with the new weapon damage
  20. Nitrac Well-Known Player

    It's not like many people level in PvP anyways now that they don't give the option to go to PvP phase til like level 10.

    1 shots