Not so long ago, DCUO had a studio CEO, a Creative Director and a Senior Producer. All three of these roles have been vacated, only one of them filled, and there has been no communication with players about replacements and the game’s leadership and neither of the previously-occupied posts are currently advertised. Who is taking the big decisions about DCUO? Green lighting new systems, making big financial calls that directly affect players, and leading the team? Taking steps to ensure the game is sustainable whilst attracting and retaining players? Who is deciding what content to make episodes about and driving the creative vision for the game’s future? Who has the final say on gameplay development? Has anyone uncovered any answers to these questions on social media or elsewhere in the gaming press? I feel that these are important questions whether you agree or disagree with the state of the game. For example, in my view the story writing has gone steeply downhill since Birds of Prey/Wonderverse, which was around the time NerdOfPrey left. Where is this game heading? 2 DLCs a year each with one raid and nonsense storylines, accompanied by a regular and reliable cycle of cynical cash grabs is what the development update for 2022 suggested. What a boring year this is turning out to be. I’d like to think the game is in better hands than that and I believe that players deserve a better game and more transparency.
They absorbed the now cancelled mmos team so there’s the fix for staffing. Will that just mean more of the same? We’ll have to wait and see. I just wants Jens back, he’d fix this.
I think content this year has been particularly light. Im not sure knowing names behind any positions, as a player meaningfully changes any of that nor does it give me confidence it'll move in a different direction in terms of better quality content. No matter who's name I see on the screen as being responsible I'll believe improvements exist when I see improvements exist.
I'd like to make a couple of observations: The first has to do with product development. There have been some difficult blows life has dealt to all companies recently, not just Daybreak. Daybreak is going thru a transition of new hires by their own admission so this will take time to ramp up to full capacity. I know as customer / players we can be impatient, I'm impatient, but I want them to make the best product (the next DLC) that they can hopefully topping Wonderverse (my personal fav). Delayed product delivery is the best option. I know it's disappointing but it really will be for the best, probably. The second observation I'd like to make is usually internal company personnel issues/problems are generally not discussed, sometimes not even discussed within the company except for a certain tier of management. I am basing this on how it works at my company. Everything is soooo secretive to the point of being annoying, so I'm sure you will find the answers you seek. I'm currently satisfied with the information provided to us today (05/31/2022). Greater community/customer engagement is always welcomed and my company encourages its clients to do so (Fortune 500 & 100 companies). It keeps a company and its product in front of the customer in hopes of delivering greater sales. In doing so, companies have to be careful how they word there messaging so as not the build up expectations that are either A) unreasonable or B) end up having an adverse affect on the perception of the product. I guess in summary, all I can say is we are going to have to have patience, patience with Daybreak to deliver a hopefully fantastic DLC, and patience the Daybreak in their delivery of messaging to us.
and things are probably going to change again, because just yesterday I heard that Ji Ham (the boss of Daybreak) ended up taking over the EG7 group by buying up the shares, to the point of removing the founder Robin Flodin from EG7. I imagine that this will lead to further changes at Daybreak.
I don’t care what direction DC goes in as long as we can get some QA going. I’ve found enough bugs in Death Metal Washington alone to fill an essay. Look forward to that soon, if anyone even cares.
EG7 wasn't satisfied with Robin Flodin so they removed him and promoted Ji Ham to acting CEO until they find a permanent replacement. Ji Ham isn't "taking over" EG7 it's a temporary CEO position.
There is no accountability (good or bad) without names, and without accountability there will likely be very low quality.
Nonsense. Everybody knows Mepps runs the show at Daybreak, and always has. On a more serious note, I think some folks are just tired of Metal. A while ago (like 2 years now!) the Devs decided to go all in on Metal. 7 of our last 8 episodes have centered around the source wall and Perpetua story line. I know some players who can't get enough of this stuff... but as for me I've been ready to move on since metal 2. With this story (finally) ending, the creative time will have a lot more freedom as far as what content to write.
i miss the Larger DLC platform releases on dcuo , WOL 1 and 2 were the start of something very big, rich with lantern lore, shortly during developement of the finaly WOL3, SOE switched to a episode platform which yes in theory we got more content faster, i don't believe this decision was made by the devs , it was right after fortnite was blowing up, the top brass trying again to emulate another games monetary spectrum, while at the same time most of the fans, and die hard supporters of the game, were happy with the full dlc experience, releasing a update with a duo and a raid, may have made some casual content crushers that just like to level gear and grind the highest level, everything else is meaningless to an extent if it doesn't help them have the highest dps or stats, "there is nothing wrong with that type of player" it is just un needed when there was a healthy release schedule specially when the ps4 became the prime console along side the pc, due to more was able to be done with what they had. i believe soon with the ps5 update , they have more again to do with what they have. daybreak just stated they plan on putting 50 million , that was for the marvel mmo, "canceled now" officially, deciding to put money into the titles they currently are running, including dcuo, everquest, lord of the rings, a 2007 mmo is even getting a big polish, your concerns with content may not have a immediate address but in scale they just talked about an overall calender in a sense, not detailed but we know What is happening in the immediate to future with daybreak games1. Marvel Daybreak mmo, Canceled,2. DCUO, EverQuest 1, 2, Lord of the rings online, and other 1st party soe titles, along with the 3rd party games currently live will gain money to do more things, add content, dlcs, such, possibly sequels, "everquest" 3. 50 mil to develop a marvel mmo is not alot, some mmos like new world, final fantasy 14, from bad to good mmos got over 200 million in budget, so it's good they are reverting the 50 mil to inhouse already games. so... being that updates. dlcs/episodes, content pushes are seemingly on the same schedule pretty much, events all that as well, new loot, is it the type of content or... do you just want to know the names of the people that are or have taken over these rolls, how are you certain there isn't someone or some others doing these jobs, in the last 7 years, social media has influenced many jobs, including tech jobs, video game development jobs is a very top rated topic. On any subject, be movies, tv shows, games, if something comes out, and its not perfect, which nothing ever can be, twitter and Facebook are flooded with people tagging these people, causing the companies to defer many resources into combatting these social media outbursts, to presumably un liked content or something offensive, who is thrown under the bus , and scolded? the CEOs, executives, go back to the same company, i bring this mmo up a lot cause it is by the same parent company that is Daybreak, which was soe, sony online entertainment, Smedley, john, was in charge of SWG star wars galaxies, the producer Julio Torres , were in the limelight of all the updates and bad choices these two actually made which caused the game to shut down, i know the circumstances are different cause, things were drastically altered when they didn't need to be, to compete with a different type of mmo that was popping at the time WOW, so every mmo trying to be like wow, didn't work, these guys got sooo much crap, it was right when twitter and Facebook were popping, Soon, many other instances to unrelated projects , like Warner brothers Ent. Walter hamada is getting dragged for all his bad/good choices depending on what you believe, i will say, i do agree there needs to be these rolls but, why do we have to know exactly who they are? that's all I'm saying, they have to be very careful now, that "cancel culture" is in it's downslope years IMO, but still why throw chum into the water when you can have representatives like it should be, be professional and not engage and take petty arguments from 3 people on a social media platform while being called a "STORM OF HATE" "EVERYONE IS UPSET WITH THIS PERSON" "BACKLASH FROM THE FANBASE" with a single digit amount of "fans" or just people that like to stir stuff up, could cause them a job. they can't just publish all that stuff out in the open , even though yes why hide it, but, staying off social media is the smart thing to do, and i know this doesn't really answer your want for these particular positions to be filled and portraits , interviews with, and articles with quotes and questions to them answering, i would say, if DC wasn't getting content, and was in a dormant state i would maybe ask and be wondering but. this hasn't really crossed my mind, after being a SOE/daybreak account holder since 2005, im fine with the way things are headed, as a dedicated daybreak customer, i love star wars, DC , probably more then alot of ips, i think it's going to be fine, after witnessing everything in the past 17 years.p.s if you made it, CHEERS, big topic, have a good day.
What is happening in the immediate to future with daybreak games1. Marvel Daybreak mmo, Canceled,2. DCUO, EverQuest 1, 2, Lord of the rings online, and other 1st party soe titles, along with the 3rd party games currently live will gain money to do more things, add content, dlcs, such, possibly sequels, "everquest" 3. 50 mil to develop a marvel mmo is not alot, some mmos like new world, final fantasy 14, from bad to good mmos got over 200 million in budget, so it's good they are reverting the 50 mil to inhouse already games. before you say where is it said that marvel mmo is canceled got ya covered.
There really is no point in worrying about something we have no control over. We can give feedback about the decisions being made that are publically available, but unless you're a shareholder, your opinion isn't going to hold a LOT of weight. I hope the game flourishes. I don't think paying attention to the minutiae of who sits in a corporate office suite does a bit of good, unless I plan on actually investing.
There is accountability within the Company between Management and their direct reports just as it is the company I work for or the company you work for; we are each held accountable to correctly doing our jobs. With the exception of a very few highly important customers of ours, none of my company’s customers know who I am, they just know their account rep and / or the Sales Manager. Like I said before with the exception of a very few highly important customers, no one outside of my company knows who I am, just that their marketing projects get done by my company. I say “my company” because I work there not that I actually own it lol. So the same is true for Daybreak, if they want us to know who works on this or that, it is up to them but in no way are the obligated to disclose such information outside of their business. We are just the consumers of their product. It’s our job to determine on an individual basis if their product is worthy of our consumption. It is Daybreaks goal to produce a product worthy of our consumption so they can make a profit.
A sub studio doesn't need a CEO to function and I'm sure they will have an interim CEO soon enough, but from what I understood, DInk was mostly self governed, I doubt that will change a whole lot if they got a new CEO. EG7 wants the money, not the management. As far as Creative Director goes, I am on the fence with this one. Spytle had good stories, but his ideas on what to have in the game were killing the game. When he was promoted (then later let go from there.) and replaced by SJ Miller/NerdOfPrey, I didn't like the stories it was going towards. We got a lot of Magic, Wonder Woman, and Metal. There really hasn't been a story that I really enjoyed since BFE and OC (I didn't like the DLC, but it did have a good story to it.) After SJ left, they did not fill the void and I'm sure the rest of the Metal story was already written out. So I think the next DLC will be when we start to see what the new creative team will be like. (I'm assuming Black Adam to go with the Rock movie.)
Unless I'm mistaken, Metal is a part of DC that is very much disliked by everyone, probably the most disliked part of DC and I thought I heard that it's even the least sold part of DC comics.
Honestly, to me, it seems like trying to find new help is gonna be quite difficult. Just from the perspective of a college graduate, excited to work on a new game, with unreal 5.... To taking a job with an eleven year old game running on unreal 3.5. Not much of a incentive. Even with rumors of DCUO getting upgraded to unreal still doesnt seem like an easy position to fill. We will see.
Oh it's disliked, but it's liked just as much. Otherwise they would not have spent 5 years dedicated to it and it's aftermath in the comics. I HATE IT, but I do know some people liked it. I'm glad they are mostly done with it in the comics too. Though I'm not a big fan of the Future State and so on right now. I can blame Didiot for all of this, but at least he's gone now.